Yuck! We don't want to go out in that! |
Fog & drizzle in the canyon |
I am beginning to feel like the subject of a Country song. Along with the water situation under the house, a large nest of yellow jackets somewhere in the roof is waking up and buzzing around in the loft four or five at a time. Wednesday we had a problem flushing the toilet and it still doesn't seem to be working quite right. All we need now. . . Nope. Not going there. No need to tempt the fates.
The past two days have been Seattle days, and it seems our weather patterns have been reversed with them getting snow and us getting their rain. We have had continuous snowy rain. Or is it rainy snow? There has to be a more interesting term than snow mixed with rain. Anyway, we are sitting under the March lion. As in going out as. And we're down from 80% to about 50% snow cover on the ground.
Spent the last two nights taking turns getting up every two hours to pump from the pond. During which we completely missed the water rising up the well to fill the cistern and refill the swimming pool under the house Tuesday night. Fortunately the house is built on very hard clay which does not absorb the water more than an inch or so down. Unfortunately, we have mold starting to grow on the wood. This situation will be completely taken care of this summer, but until the ground dries and thaws out around the house and cistern, we just have to deal with it the best we can. I am looking at it as a job. Each afternoon I get to crawl under the house and play in the mud. With all the channels and dams I am building under there, I think I have missed my calling. I should have got degrees in geology and engineering so I could work for the U.S. Corps of Engineers.
JB was planning go Down There today to look for a small sump pump, but it is now obvious that the water is coming in somewhere else also. I just can't figure out where. So we will just continue pumping, although it certainly is eating into our reading time. . .
Thought for the day: Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed, but chocolate makes it worthwhile.