Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.
Stacking firewood is an art form that must be learned quickly and not taken lightly. (Re-stacking wood takes much longer than the original stacking.)
The most foolproof way to keep from hitting your thumb with a hammer is to keep your thumb out of the way. (Courtesy of our building contractor)
Even if you just THINK it might be a rattle snake, act like it IS.
Rattle snakes are proof that white men really can jump. (Courtesy of Larry)
2-3 year old bears are like teenagers - they don't listen; they can be moody & rebellious; they are not easily frightened.
Listen to the advice given by those in the know. It is much easier to learn by someone else's mistakes, especially when your life may depend on it.
Shield your face when looking up to the sound of beating wings.
If it needs doing, do it now.
Never turn down an offer of help.
101 uses of duct tape.
Deer can be very noisy walking through the woods, while bears can make no noise at all.
Car engines and glove compartments are wonderful places for mice and pack rats to build nests.
Always use plastic lidded bins for storage - NOT cardboard - especially food, unless it is your intent to feed and shelter mice.