Friday, March 29, 2013

Mar 29, 2013 Loose Nut(s) & Pizza

Bark path over the mud

Wednesday, 3/27.  A very lazy morning, reading papers and magazines.  Was another beautiful day with a high of 41.

I figure I save at least two quarts of water a day that I am pouring into the rain barrels.  If I average that for the 200 days of late Fall, Winter and early Spring, I will have 100 gallons for outside plants in the summer!  And that is one of the things I have learned while living Up Here, how fragile our natural resources are and how easy it is to treat them tenderly.

Since Easter is on Sunday, I opened the Peeps I bought so they can get nice and stale by then.  The only way to eat them.

JB used the step-down socket joiner that he bought for his impact wrench on MAX's nut and off it came!!  I am sure that and all the WD-40 helped too.  I'm sure there is more than one loose nut up here. . .

Clouds moved in and we had a couple short sprinkles after 3:00 pm, but that was it for precipitation.

Watched the last two episodes of season one of Downton Abbey after dinner.  Can hardly wait to get season two.  Even JB is hooked.  Then we stepped out on the porch to listen to an owl.  The dogs came out too and were off in a flash.  Dinga was soon back, but we could hear Jesse barking way off the south ridge.  He still wasn't back by the time we were ready for bed, so I put on my snow pants, boots and coat.  Grabbed the gun and flashlight, and went out looking for him.  The full moon had just risen over the peak and was HUGE!  Like a pale harvest moon.  I could hear Jesse barking in the distance and he obviously was ignoring my calls, so I just went back to the house.  I was going to read my book til he came back, but barely got started before he scratched on the door.

We had just read an article in the Wenatchee paper about the local wolf pack in the area, so having Jesse go off like that was a bit unnerving.  It has been officially named the Wentachee Pack.  Oh, well.  That's part of life on the mountain.  And, yes, we would be devistated if something happened to our dogs, but we moved into bears, cougars, coyotes and wolves territory, not the other way around.  We knew that from the very beginning. 

Thursday, 3/28.  Was 30 with dark, heavy clouds about, but they must have dropped all their moisture to the south and west of us.  We ended up with a lot of blue sky and a high of 43.

JB bought his fishing and hunting licenses while he was Down There on Tuesday.  Now that he is 70, they are much less expensive.  His fishing license was only $7.  He also bought a pass to all state lands and parks, which was only $30 for us as seniors.  And he got a punch card for salmon, and a tag for a cougar, just in case. . .

I brought down some wood from the south slope.  Then moved some of the firewood that was outside the wood shed to the empty space inside.  The snow has begun to melt over the stack of bark, so I made a short path with some of the pieces to the woodshed enclosure.  It is impossible to skirt the mud when walking from there to the house.

JB worked on MAX and was finally able to get the broken axle out, but had to saw the end of to do so, as it had become a little flared.  Tomorrow we will attack getting out the rod that runs between the two middle axles.  That ought to be fun.

After that he worked on finishing our taxes and will take all that info to town next time he goes, so he can use it to get our senior property tax discount.

I have always been fascinated with the concept of other dimensions and realities, and was thrilled when books on such ideas came out in the 1970's that the average person could understand, instead of just physicists.  In looking back on things that have happened in my past compared to our life right now, I am beginning to think that our future can influence our past, and not simply the other way around.  And, why not, if it is all happening at once.  If there is only "now" and it's just our experience on earth that needs "time", then why not.  Makes sense to me.  My bond with wolves is just one of these things.  One only needs to look at the art on our walls and the large tattoo on my calf.

Friday, 3/29.  It is clear and 30 this morning with a beautiful Easter weekend in the forecast.  Supposed to be our warmest weather so far this year, so we may get up into the 50's.

A footnote to you Illinoians, while living there we ate at Uno's, Due's and several other notable Chicago pizzarias and absolutely loved their pizza.  However, I gained 17 pounds in my five years there on Midwest carbs.  Fortunately I dropped them all in my first five months living at Rose Camp.  I rest my case.

Thought for the day:  The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be filled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.  People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance.  Cicero, 55 BC  (So, evidently we have learned nothing in the past 2068 years.)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mar 27, 2013

JB leaving for Down There Tuesday morning

Monday, 3/25.  We hear turkeys gobbling about now every day, so I am sure that is what the dogs have been barking at.  I think they are smart enough not to go chasing after a wolf, like they usually do not go after bears.  Coyotes I think are a different matter.

JB ordered parts for MAX to the tune of $350 as we needed a new sprocket assembly also.  They will be here by next Monday, so now we have a week to get that nut off the bolt.

Meanwhile, we did another load of laundry and the dishes.  There's a light overcast, but the sun is shining through.

On their morning walk, JB actually saw several turkeys down the south slope.  The dogs saw them too, and ran down and flushed them into the trees.

Something upset my stomach, so I spent the afternoon on the couch napping and drinking peppermint/chamomile tea.  Then it was chicken broth for dinner, with a piece of fresh dilly bread that JB had baked after lunch.  He spent some time trying to loosen the nut on MAX, but with no success.

Altogether, it was a beautiful Spring day with a high of 34.

Tuesday, 3/26.  The day began partly cloudy and 26.  JB left at 10:15, pulling the sled with the large empty cooler on it and a shovel.  We figured it would take him about an hour to get to his Jeep.  His doctor's appointment isn't until 3:15, so he should have plenty of time to grocery shop and pick up the mail.  He will only buy groceries if he thinks he can drive the Jeep all the way back up to Rose Camp.  It was already 30 when he left and the clouds had dissolved.  Looked to be another nice day.  And it was, with a high of 41.

On Monday I had started ready one of the books that JB gets free every Friday on his Nook from Barnes and Noble, The Taken, by Vicki Pettersson.  It is about an angel of sorts and is very entertaining.

After lunch the dogs and I went outside for most of the afternoon.  First a walk along the south ridge.  I pulled down some of the large branches we had trimmed from the trees up there to the cutting pile, and brought in firewood.  Then I went down to my bench on the north ridge and sat for a while.  There was a cool breeze with an occasional warm burst coming up from the canyon floor.  So nice that I decided to get my book and read outside, which I did on a stump just below our garden on the west slope.  Didn't even need my coat by then.  Was going to go in after awhile, but decided to see what I could get done in the wood shed to prepare it for stacking the wood in the opposite direction.  We still have a double row of wood about seven feet long, but there is plenty of room to work.  I layed short pieces of scrap dimensional wood across the small frames we had built on which to lay the firewood, so that should do it.  Won't have to completely re-do the "flooring."

Standing on the south ridge is like standing on the border of two different worlds.  The southern slope has been bare of snow for more than a week and was bare before the last 4" we received, so small shoots are very obvious, however the northern slope still has some snow and the ground that is showing is just recently bared, with no green at all.  They touch at the top of the ridge, but are a month apart.

Had a nice chat with our son, and then Aunt Nene.  Her daughter convinced her that she should go see the movie, "Return to Oz", which she did this afternoon.  She said she hadn't been to a movie in years and was appalled that she had to pay more for her small popcorn than her ticket!  She said she gets out every day.  What a gal! 

We are halfway through our last bag of pine needles that we use for starting the fire, so I will have to be sure and gather more bags for next winter.  Now that the walls are finished, the fires often dies down before we need to build another one instead of just adding wood to an ongoing fire.

JB didn't arrive back home until 6:00 pm, but he was able to drive his Jeep all the way up.  In addition to groceries and mail, he had picked up a couple tool attachments that should be able to help him get that bolt off of MAX.

Wednesday, 3/27.  This morning is overcast and 31, with rain predicted for later in the week.  With the way the sky looks, it may not wait until then.

As far as the comment posted on Monday's blog about our pizza, what can I say, I'm from Washington.  JB actually had onions instead of pineapple on his pieces. . .

Thought for the day: Choices are the hinges of destiny.  Edwin Markham 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mar 25, 2013 Snits & MAX

Sunset on Friday

Friday, 3/22.  Did a thorough vacuuming after lunch.  It was sunny when I started and just beginning to snow as I finished, not that it took me that long.  Then we had flurries off and on for the rest of the day and a high of 26.

Aunt Nene e-mailed me that in all her 87 years, she had never heard of snow mold, so when friends came over for dinner they looked it up.  It seems that there are two kinds - grey and pink.  Pink is the worst.  I have only seen grey Up Here, thank goodness.

JB looked at MAX again and it seems as though there may be a broken axel on the middle wheel that is causing the chain tensioner to slip down.  If so, it looks like a big job just to get to the axle.  Oh well, it will keep us busy and out of trouble.  The good news is that we will probably be able to travel our road with the Jeep now.

Having read five Robert B. Parker books in a row, I started a new (to me) Harry Bosch novel, Angels Flight, by Michael Connelly.  I am a big Harry Bosch fan.

Pizza night - ham and pineapple - after which we watched "Heat" with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro.  Haven't seen it for years and it is just as good as ever.

Saturday, 3/23.  Began with a light overcast and 16 degrees.  The sun shone on us most of the day, while snow flurries drifted by to the south, occasionally send a few flakes our way.

We got an early start on MAX and found that the problem was indeed a broken axle.  The middle one.  The hardest one to get to.  We got MAX jacked up off the ground and took two tires and the track off, then it was time for lunch.  Before going in, I sat on my bench on the north ridge for my daily dose of awe.

Back to MAX after lunch, but we simply could not get the nut off the one bolt that would let us pull the axle out.  I tried, then stood around watching JB try, while getting frustrated and trying to work myself into a snit.  I used to be a world-class snit thrower, but find myself less and less able to do so the more I live Up Here.  When frustrated while living Down There, I could work myself into some pretty amazing snits.  Not any more.  Not Up Here.  So much awe makes for very little snits.

After admitting defeat for the day, we came in and I made baked chicken for dinner.  Larry and Elsie came up to visit, bringing fresh eggs.  Lots of talk of wolves and weddings.  Their son is getting married this spring, and there have been deer and elk carcasses found in the surrounding area that are obvious wolf kills.  After they left, we watched the last two episodes of "Game of Thrones."  OMG!  So very well done!

Sunday, 3/24.  Partly cloudy and 16.  Let the dogs out at 7:30 am and they went nuts, running from the west ridge and up the east slope, both barking.  Coyotes?  Turkeys?  Wolves?

This was not a day of rest.  JB fixed a big breakfast of eggs with ham, onions and parmesan along with bacon and toast, after which we did laundry and dishes.  Then JB and the dogs hiked down to the game cam for the card, but there were no interesting photos.

After lunch JB worked on MAX, but was unable to budge the nut.  It has probably been there for 20 years.  I baked cinnamon rolls, cleaned house a bit and hung the rest of the towels to dry.

The sun shone for most of the day and we had a high of 32.  The house got too warm and I had to open some windows.  We all walked down to the game cam to put the card back in.  The ice is finally starting to melt along most of the driveway, thank goodness.  Jesse took off after something along the west slope and got back a little late for dinner, which is unusual for him.

We had lasagne for dinner that JB had prepped Saturday evening.  His recipe calls for everything to be put together in the pan, then sit for 24 hours.  So all he had to do today was bake it.  

A week ago when JB when Down There on a friday, we had more than 100 wasps in the loft.  Not all at once, but there were at least 20 on the windows every time I went up.  Fortunately they are very sleepy and slow, so easy to kill.  At one point, I just opened the door and shooed some out.  Since then we have only had a few a day.

After watching the sun's yearly journey from Up Here for almost five years, I know the exact points where it will be setting on the winter and summer solstice, and the fall and spring equinox.  It doesn't seem to make this journey at the same speed, but seems to speed up and slow down at times.  Probably caused by the curvature of the earth.

Monday, 3/25.  It is 18 and clear this morning.  The mountains are brilliant in their snowy garments.  JB is going Down There tomorrow.  He will have to walk the 1-3/4 miles to his Jeep, and then hopefully be able to drive it all the back on his way home.

Thought for the day:  Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.  Rabindranath Tagore  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Mar 22, 2013

4" new snow on the first day of Spring

Clouds and snow to the north and west of us
on Thursday

Wednesday, 3/20.  The snow stopped falling from the sky and began to drip off the trees.  The fog drifted in and out all day.  The clouds let loose with something again, but couldn't make up its mind if it was snow or rain.  Then the sun peeked out, and shortly the sky was blue and the wind picked up.  March. . .  I am fascinated with the weather Up Here,  probably because I have never been so intimately involved with it.

After lunch I made more Easter cards and then went out to help JB with MAX.  We opened him up and JB was able to determine that the tensioner had slipped down from the rear left chain and the chain had come off the sprocket.  While he was doing that, I brought in firewood and then walked up to the south ridge.  The dogs spotted two deer, which I saw soon after they gave chase.

We needed to jack up MAX in order to turn the wheels and get the chain back on, but by then the clouds had blown back in, bringing more snow.  Much of the 4" we received overnight had indeed melted and this new precipitation did not stick.  So we went back inside and I defrosted the fridge before dinner.

Watched "The Vampire Diaries" and enjoyed it immensely.  The wind was howling when we went to bed.  Guess I am getting used to it because it didn't keep me awake long.

Thursday, 3/21.  Woke up at 3:00 am with an idea for Mike's Easter card.  At 14, I can't sent him the same kind I make for the two- to six-year olds.  The front will read, "We didn't think you would want a card with flowers and a bunny. . .", and inside will read, "So here is just plain Happy Easter! and some money."

At 7:30 am it was mostly cloudy and 18 with only a slight breeze as a remnant of of last night's wind.  Today's precipitation began falling about 11:30 am in the form of tiny hail pellets.  Didn't last too long and then the sun came out.  The rest of the day's snow and clouds stayed to the west and north of us until dinner time when we got some flurries.  Our high was 32.

After an early lunch, I made more Easter cards and JB was working on his computer.  About 1:00 we went out to work on MAX.  Got him jacked up and opened up.  Since my hands are the smallest, I got to work on the chain.  I managed to get it back on the sprocket and the tensioner back in place.  Having never done this before, I wasn't sure if that was too easy or not.  We closed him back up and JB started driving, only to have the chain come off again about 20 feet later.  Guess it was too easy.  Will try again tomorrow.

Made a couple more cards, along with Mike's, while JB read a book that Larry and Elsie had given him for Christmas, "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly.  By then the wind had picked back up and the snow started moving our way.  More fickle March snow, I am sure.

Friday, 3/22.  Partly cloudy and 14 outside this morning.  Brrrrr.  Seems like winter has no intention of letting go.

Thought for the day:  All I can say about life is, oh God, enjoy it!  Bob Newhart

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mar 20, 2013 Spring?!

Before trimming. . .

. . .and after trimming.

Monday, 3/18.  A very long day.  Nice sun, but nasty wind.  Our road was 1/3 bare ground and 2/3 ice/snow.  The main canyon road was 2/3 bare ground and 1/3 ice.  JB's doctor's appointment was at 9:10 and mine was 10:15, so he dropped me off at Jack-In-The-Box where I had breakfast and read my book until it was time to walk a block to the Foot and Ankle Clinic.  My problem was easily and quickly taken care of, then I walked two blocks to where JB was having blood drawn for his yearly labs.  We picked up a prescription, got our mail, went to the post office to send our mail and headed for home.  Finally made it back at 2:00 pm.  The dogs must have slept the whole time we were gone, as nothing was amiss.  The wind was still howling, and each time I thought it might die down, it would revive.

After a very late lunch (we both had energy bars on the drive home), we napped for an hour.  Then JB took the dogs for a walk without me.  I had been out in the wind enough for the day.  I even took firewood off the porch so I wouldn't have to go out any further.

I made a big pot of chili and some cornbread for dinner, after which we watched the next two episodes of "True Blood".  I really do not care for it.  Just too. . . too. . .

Tuesday, 3/19.  Light overcast and 18.  The sun was just barely able to peek out from the clouds a few times during the day, and our high was 29.

Had to face Sunday's and yesterday's dishes in the morning, but there was just no way we were going to do them after getting home on Monday.  We always wash the dishes in the morning so we don't have to use the generator.

After lunch we spent a few hours trimming branches and cutting some small  trees that were crowding on the west end of the south ridge.  JB used MAX to pull a large tree that was already down to the splitter.  Then he dragged a large pile of branches down, but on the third trip it sounded like a chain came loose inside MAX.  So we untied the branches and JB coaxed MAX slowly back to the house.  We will have to check out the problem tomorrow.  I think poor MAX just needed a complete overhaul, and we're finding his issues one by one.

After that workout, I sat on my bench on the north ridge for a while.  The perfect place to unwind and relax.

Yesterday I asked the foot doctor if there was anything I could do about my sweaty feet.  We're talking about constantly walking around in puddles.  He said to do the same thing you do for sweaty under arms - use anti-perspirant!  Seems logical but certainly I not something I would have thought of.  He said to use the dry kind and just be sure to mark it "for feet only"!  Well, I tried it today and, lo and behold, it works!  (And why would I think it wouldn't?)

Snow began falling around 5:30 pm.  We are supposed to get a couple of inches, but I am fairly certain it will be fickle like most March snow.  Arriving like it's going to stay, but leaving within a day or two.  Dinga sat out in it, celebrating, while Jesse slept on our bed.

Wednesday, 3/20.  It is 23 and all is white again.  We have 4" along with fog, and it is still lightly snowing.  JB is out cleaning off the panels as I write.

Thought for the day:  Freedom does not always win.  This is one of the bitterest lessons of history.  A.J.P. Taylor

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mar 18, 2013 March Mud & Snow & Mud

Sunrise on the Cascades
Friday morning

Friday, 3/15.  It is very odd to glance out the window and see so little snow, or none at all, when most of the ground was still covered a week or so ago.  Completely forgot to record that Thursday's high was 47!  Our warmest day so far this year.  While JB was fixing dinner, I sat out on the deck in the sun. No coat.  Slight breeze.  Lots of vitamin D and ahhhh.

Since JB had gone Down There for the day, I took the dogs on their morning walk, which I am really not motivated to do when JB is home, because he is.  Motivated, that is.  Funny how that word keeps popping up.  I used to be a morning person, but now that I am retired, I really don't get started til after lunch.  Except for morning chores, and reading.  Just not motivated.  I didn't wear a mask on our walk and my eyes and nose did not bother me.  Maybe the wind overnight dried out the snow mold sufficiently.  There is still alot of it around.

I find myself looking forward to Spring this year more than any other since we have lived Up Here.  It really has been a hard winter, not weatherwise, but just life-wise, especially with Uncle Jack's passing and all.  Spring is always so full of promise and possibilities, regardless. . .  It also means mud, and wiping off the dogs' paws every time they come in the house.  Jesse doesn't mind.  Dinga, on the other hand. . .

I organized and cleaned my bathroom drawers.  Found my bag of razors, which is a good thing, since I will have to start thinking about shaving my legs and armpits in the next couple months, even though there's not much hair left on my legs.  It has all migrated to my chin, my upper lip and my eyebrows.

Today was so wonderfully sunny.  Jesse was laying in the grove, on the dirt, in the sun.  A one-dog welcoming committee for Spring.  Dinga was laying on the cool dirt under the porch, pining for the melted snow.  The juncos are back.  They seem to know when the ground has started to reappear in our yard, even though it's early this year.

JB had a good ride down and back in MAX, arriving home around 3:00 pm.  I put the groceries away, while he read the newspapers.  After dinner we watched the second of three parts of "The Hatfields & McCoys".  The previous time JB was Down There, he found it on special for $7 ($30 off).  Excellent price, excellent movie.

Saturday, 3/16.  The day began and stayed overcast, with a high of 32 and a strong breeze.  I made myself a smoothie for breakfast: milk, Greek yogurt, blueberries, banana and agave.  Nutritious.  Delicious.  And not too filling.

Got our first mouse since last Fall, in a trap in the bathroom.  We will have to put some poison under the house.

There are a couple of little sink holes in the front yard where we stepped on newly exposed ground.  Since this is the first snowmelt on our resculpted yard, it is obviously still settling and adjusting to the new drainfield.  Where the holes are might also be where the water was running down for the past couple years from the broken pipes at the cistern.

After dishes, laundry and lunch, JB cut some big, low branches from two trees on the west end of the south ridge.  Always feels good to get out and do this kind of work for the first time of the year.  Got caught in a short hail storm blowing over.

The projected snow arrived as we were getting dressed to go on our afternoon walk.  Along with the snow, it was 37 with a cold wind.  Five minutes after we got back home, it was sunny but still snowing on Mission Ridge, and the wind had really picked up.  Not steady, but very gusty.

We finished watching "The Hatfields & McCoys".  Costner is really the epitomy of the cowboy, only matched by John Wayne and Robert Duvall.

Sunday, 3/17.  Got our second mouse at 1:30 am.  Just caught by its leg and flopping around.  JB got up and let it go outside, where it was snowing.  The wind had abated and the ground was white.  Back to bed.  Then I awoke with a start at 4:30.  The wind was howling again and my bladder was pressing, so not sure which one woke me up.  Since I was up, I added some wood to the fire.

Had forgotten to set my alarm, but we both woke up (again) at 7:40 am.  Hard to tell how much snow fell with all the wind, but I'm sure we got at least 1/2".  It was clear, 20 and windy.  COLD!  But by noon all the new snow had disappeared and the wind had backed off a little.

JB fixed our weekly big breakfast, so I made my smoothie for lunch.  After which, JB and the dogs hiked down to the game cam to get the card.  I don't like being out in the wind, and besides, I had more Robert B. Parker books that needed reading.  And letters to write for Monday mailing.

My exercise for the day was to hike down with JB and the dogs to put the card back in the game cam.  No interesting photos for the week, except for us and the dogs.  We are thinking of moving the cam down to the hair pin corner where there are usually more interesting tracks.

We put a couple chunks of poison under the house, so hopefully that will take care of the mice problem.

We plan to leave tomorrow morning by 7:45 am, which means we should be up by 6:00.  That hurts just typing it.

Monday, 3/18.  So, here I am, posting my blog at 6:30 am.  The sky has only begun to show signs of waking.  At least I can get a latte. . .

Thought for the day:  Government exists to protect us from each other.  Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.  Ronald Reagan

Friday, March 15, 2013

Mar 15, 2013 Snow Mold

Digging the trench for the
drain pipe

Wednesday, 3/13.  Same weather, overcast in the morning and sunny in the afternoon.  A little warmer though with a high of 43.  Jesse loves the fact that there is so much less snow now.  First thing in the morning, he is hot on the trail of whatever creatures have strolled across the property overnight.

Talked to Nene.  She is getting out for breakfast often, knowing that she simply cannot sit at home.  Sounds like she is keeping busy.  Certainly not one to sit around and mope, she is meeting this situation head on.  She is amazing .

After 9+ days, the Iditarod is over.  Love the photos of the dogs in the winning team with their leis of yellow roses.  This has to be one of those competitions where just being part of it is the adventure.  JB would love to be able to attend it some year and be a volunteer.  I think it's the last item left on his bucket list.

I finished my Easter cards for the kids, and then went outside after lunch to help JB dig a trench for a drain pipe from the north side of the house to the grove.  Got it installed and it works great.

There is lots of snow mold outside because the snow is melting so fast.  It is all over the exposed ground where the snow has melted in the past day or two.  Didn't think much of it until just after dinner when my eyes got to burning so badly that I couldn't keep them open.  Had to mostly listen to "Warehouse 13" instead of watch it.  Fortunately we have started from the beginning again, so it's not completely new.

Thursday, 3/14.  It was overcast and 40 when we got up, full of the threat of rain, although often Up Here, that is an empty threat, with all the moisture landing on the nearby mountains and ridges. 

I cleaned out my side of our bedroom closet finally.  I tend to just toss things in there, and can hardly get to my clothes.  Also finished Melancholy Baby, my second Robert B. Parker book in three days.  JB made a run with MAX down the road to his Jeep without the dogs.  He plans to go Down There tomorrow for groceries and mail.  We both have doctor's appointments on Monday, but there will be no time to shop then.  The road is very slushy and he had a hard time making it up from the hair pin.

I have learned in the past five years that being retired takes a lot of self discipline if you are going to get the most out of it.  I never did have much of that, especially when it comes to chocolate.  However, if you are doing what you like to do and living the life you want to, it doesn't seem like self discipline should be an issue.  But it is.  There are always things involved that you do not particularly want to do but need getting done.  And therein lies the tale.  Motivation becomes the factor.  Up Here I am easily motivated to do what I must, but I just don't think I would be Down There where everything seems so easy and available.  There are so many things that need to be done when you are working and raising a family, but when you retire, suddenly there aren't.  It becomes strictly up to you.  Not as easy as it sounds.

I didn't go outside today until I brought in wood just before our afternoon walk and, within less than a minute, my eyes were stinging and my nose was running.  Not an enjoyable feeling . . . or a pretty sight.  The only things that seems to make my eyes feel better is to keep them closed for at least a half an hour.  Great excuse for a nap.

Am taking stick wood from the porch beginning today, but I won't be getting any regular firewood there as I want to use as much wood in the woodshed as possible, since we will be redoing the way it is stacked.  Front to back instead of side to side.

Friday, 3/15.  It is clear and 32 outside this morning.  The road should be much firmer for JB this morning going down.  The challenge will to get back up.  I am going to try wearing a mask, like we did for the smoke last Fall, when I go outside.  Hopefully that will help with the snow mold.

Thought for the day:  When they come for your guns, give them your ammo first. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mar 13, 2013 Eau de Coconut

Looking north to our house

Monday, 3/11. The day started out fairly clear but the few clouds soon turned into a complete overcast, so I did another load of wash.  Of course as soon as I hung it up, the clouds parted and the sun shone for most of the day, warming it up to 39. 

The woods are echoing with bird sounds on most sunny days.  Woodpeckers, nuthatches, and the one with a very distinctive call that I have yet to identify.  Seems to me that it has been a short winter this year, even though we got our first heavy snowfall in mid October, but it's been a rough one for JB with all of MAX's problems.  Plus he does not like the fog, which we had for most of December.  But for 70, his doctor says JB is in better shape than many 50-year-olds he sees.

After lunch we rode MAX to JB's Jeep and he was able to drive it out with no digging required.  We had a nice ride, and the dogs had a good run.

Buster came up to visit while Dinga and Jesse were eating dinner.  Jesse won't let him come up to the house anymore, so Buster just stands in the driveway across from the tipi and barks until we hear him.  Dinga came back in to finish her dinner within just a few minutes, leaving the boys to do their thing.

I started reading my blog from the beginning again and realized that our life was much more exciting and fun to read about during the first year or so.  But then, boring to read, is not necessarily boring to live.  Our life Up Here is still an adventure to us, but if you are reading my blog and you have not started from the beginning, I highly recommend it.

I know I have stated before that I really hate to waste any water, but during the winter I end up throwing out the left over dog water each day except for one, when I keep it for my indoor plants.  A few days ago I realized that I can put it in the rain barrels we bought, along with the water that runs in the shower while waiting for it to get warm.  Doesn't matter if it freezes.  I won't be using it til the weather is warm and I need water for outside plants.  I'll just mark that one barrel "for plant use only."  Can't believe I didn't think of that in October.

After dinner we watched the first two episodes and the special feature of "Downton Abbey."  How delicious!!  I have always loved most things English, being exposed to them through my Mother and her parents.  My Mother grew up in London and my Grandfather was the typical English gentleman.  So I will probably watch this series over and over.

Tuesday, 3/12.  The day began cloudy, breezy and 32.  Lots of wind and rain/snow in the forecast.  Breezy soon turned into windy, the sun came out, and we managed to pull in a lot of power, but the paths are mushy, muddy, slushy and slick.  JB worked on chipping out some of the ice near the porch and forcing the run-off towards the driveway.  I finished getting all my booth items gathered up, and cleaned up the storage end of the loft after I had to dig into it.  Started on my Easter cards, but my printer is acting up so I will try again tomorrow.

I have been using coconut oil for cooking since last Fall when Elsie told me about it, but I read in "Redbook" magazine that it is also a great moisturizer.  I took some out of the big jug and put it in a small canning jar to use as such.  I though it might be greasy, but it melts right into my skin and is better than any lotion I have ever used!  No chemicals, nothing synthetic, all natural.  Works great on my lips, too.  Eau de coconut - my new perfume!

Wednesday, 3/13.  It's warm out there this morning, 35 with some wispy clouds.  Still breezy and I can see as much ground as snow now.  Looks like an early Spring.  As Larry would say, every year is different.

Thought for the day: The United States was founded by the brightest people in the country - and we haven't seen them since.  Gore Vidal

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mar 11, 2013 Another Political Rant

JB leaving for Down There
Friday morning

Mt Baker on Saturday

Friday, 3/8. JB finally got on the road at 8:45 am.  The snow was sparkling in its light coat of frost, and big, fluffy clouds surrounded us atop the mountains.  I was up at 7:00 so I could blog before he left and felt much better than yesterday.  The walkie-talkies needed new batteries, but when we put them in (correctly), we couldn't get them to work again.  Will have to deal with that later.

I may get dissed by some of my Seattlite friends, but when I tried the McDonald's mocha latte while I was in Port Orchard, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste and the price.  May have to get one when I am Down There next time.  It will make my Starbuck's gift card last longer.

Took the dogs for their morning walk after doing the dishes.  Some of the fluffy clouds had broken off and were floating over.  JB has often seen deer down in the south canyon on his morning walk, but no such luck for me.

After lunch I made gingerbread coffee cake from a rather complicated recipe and it was way too runny when I put it in the oven.  It turned out a bit flat in the middle but was delicious.  Am sure there is a misprint, so will cut back on the water next time.

Then another walk with the dogs.  Just too nice to be inside.  Spring is definitely in the air.

JB was home by 3:00 and said it was the best ride in MAX he has had in ages.  Unloaded and put everything away.  Read the mail and one newspaper, saving the other one to read with breakfast.  Pizza for dinner and then watched "The Banger Sisters."  Excellent!

Saturday, 3/9.  Another clear, cold morning.  20 degrees and sunny.  Was such a great day that we spent lots of time outside.  I picked up most of the small branches blown down in the grove.  Too muddy to get all of them.  Then sat on my bench on the north ridge for a while.  JB drove MAX around the paths Up Here to tamp them down.  Temperature got up to 40 again and mud season has arrived.

Larry pointed us to an interesting web site - Bill O'Reilly's message board.  Yeah, I know, where have I been?!  Seems now the numbers are proving voter fraud in the presidential election.  In some cities there was a 120% to 240% voter turnout!  Obama won every state that did NOT require a photo ID.  He lost in every state that did.  Hmmm. . .

Regarding gun control, several gun manufacturers "will no longer provide any product or services to any state government imposing legislation that infringes on the second amendment rights of its law abiding citizens."  Yes!  And Colorado Democrats want to ban hunting rifles.  Are they nuts??  Well, yes, as a matter of fact, they are.

Watched two episodes of Game of Thrones.  Am trying to get JB to read the second book before we get the DVD.  The series is very well done, but one misses the depth of the books by just watching.

Sunday, 3/10.  Began overcast and 29, but got up to 42.  The sun peeked out and we had some blue sky in the afternoon.  Because there was no sun in the morning, I decided to do a wash.  Decided to let the weather determine laundry days, so we use the generator on as few sunny days as possible.

Haven't been feeling well for the past week, achy with a sour stomach.  Have been drinking copious amounts of peppermint/chamomile tea (1 bag of each in a large mug) which is my go-to for all things intestinal.  Am happily back to coffee this morning.  Wasn't sure if it was a bug or because I have gradually stopped taking probiotics.  Since I feel so much better today, it must have been a bug of some sort.

This is my least favorite day of the year.  We may have more light than the winter solstice, but today is actually the shortest day of the year.  Only 23 hours, by government decree.

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I came to the realization that I would not be selling crafts from a booth again.  I really enjoyed doing it in Illinois for those few years, but it just isn't practical Up Here with our road.  Would have to leave way too early and would get back way too late.  I'll just concentrate on making my own cards and gifts.  The web site, etsy, is a possibility I might consider.  JB will be thrilled as now I can get rid of all my display items, which will be several boxes worth.  So I spent most of the day sorting our my craft end of the loft.  JB was outside alot and on a long walk with the dogs.  I only went out for our afternoon walk which was down to the game cam to put the card back in.  The road is still slick, with ice under the snow, especially in the shaded areas.

Seems that Senator Rand Paul's filibuster worked, as the Attorney General has recanted his statement about the government having the authority to use drones to shoot American citizens.  (See thought for the day.)

Watched the first two episodes of "True Blood".  At this point I still prefer "The Vampire Diaries."

Monday, 3/11.  This morning is mostly clear and 29.  We plan to drive MAX down to JB's Jeep to see if we can get it unstuck.  If so, we'll park it near the intersection of our road and the main canyon road.

Thought for the day:  Nearly all men can withstand adversity; if you want to test a man's character, give him power.  Abraham Lincoln

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mar 8, 2013 Less Than One Minute!

The grove on Wednesday
(as compared to Tuesday's photo)

JB hiking home after his Jeep
got stuck

Wednesday, 3/6. Rose Camp is white again, the ground, the trees, the roofs.  Covered with 3-1/2" of powder when JB measured it at 6:45 am on his way to clear off the solar panels.  He still planned to leave for Down There in his Jeep by 8:00 am, but actually drove out at 8:20.  Things were going just fine and he made it almost to the canyon road till he made a wide turn at mushroom corner and got stuck.  He tried for a while to dig out but called to say it wasn't working and he was going to walk back.  I had just finished the dishes, so the dogs and I walked down to meet him.  JB called Larry and told him that we would take him up on his offer to pick up MAX's belt for us. . .

After lunch I gave JB a break and went up to clean off the panels.  I measured the snow and we now had 5-/12".  Brought in firewood and then cleaned off the deck.  By then a nap sounded good, so the dogs joined us on the bed for more than an hour.  We ended up with a total of 6+ inches of snow.  It had been falling for 48 hours straight.  I believe it's the first time that's happened since we moved Up Here.

Larry arrived at 7:00 pm with MAX's belt.  We had told him to just leave it in JB's Jeep or MAX, but he was having no problems driving, so he came all the way up.  Once again, Larry's Delivery Service comes through.  He stayed for an hour's visit and the major topic of discussion was Posse Comitadus.  That is the act of 1878 that prevents the government from using the military against its citizens.  The concept of this act goes back to the Magna Carta and then our Articles of Confederation.  In August 2012, a Congressional research organization made a study of Posse Comitadus for Congress and some of their committees.  Couldn't find who requested this, but I could make a good guess.  Unfortunately, thanks to Bush, Homeland Security is not military and can do anything it damned well pleases to any citizen without a warrant or trial.  Senator Rand Paul questioned Attorney General Holder about using drones to shoot American citizens and Holder said he had the authority to do just that under Homeland Security.  (See, archives)  When will the American public wake up?!  Too late to do anything, I'm afraid.  This was never meant to be a political blog, but there are such blatantly wrong doings by such arrogant power mongers that I would certainly be writing about them in a personal journal, and this blog is a diary afterall.

Thursday, 3/7.  JB was up with the dogs for an hour at 5:30 am, so he slept in til 8:15 when he got back to bed.  Unfortunately, so did I and I felt like sh*t when I got up.  Am going to set the alarm from now on so I am always up by 7:30. 

It was overcast and 25 but at least it has stopped snowing. . . for now.  A good day to work on MAX.  Wasn't long before the sun popped out and the snow started disappearing, along with the clouds.  Dripping off the trees like rain, sliding down the tipi, and slipping off the shed roofs en masse, while the temperature soared into the mid 30's.

I had promised myself that I would clean off my desk this morning and I really did do it.  Found several items I had been missing and was able to throw away a large pile of papers.  Would love to be able to actually sit at my desk and write, instead of always at the dining table.

After lunch we headed down to MAX with the new belt.  In talking to Larry Wednesday evening, we realized that we were not doing exactly what he did when he changed the belt.  But first we tried the way that Recreative Industries told us to do it, and we had the new belt on in less than a minute!  We just stood back, stunned.  Almost afraid to celebrate, because there just must be something wrong.  But we closed MAX up, and decided to drive to JB's Jeep to see if we could get it unstuck.  MAX did great, and away we went.  Worked an hour digging around the Jeep, but it still sits where it was.

By the time we arrived home at 2:30 pm, the next front had moved in, eating up all the sunshine, and it was already snowing in the canyon.  By 3:00 pm, the snow had reached Rose Camp, but we were on the edge of the storm so snowfall and hail were on again, off again until sunset, when it stopped altogether.

Friday, 3/8.  A cloudless sky and 20 degrees.  A perfect day for JB to go Down There for grocery shopping.  His doctor's appointment has been cancelled once again and will be rescheduled for April or May.

Thought for the day: Remember, democracy never lasts long.  It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.  There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.  John Adams

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mar 6, 2013 The Adventure Continues

Bare ground in and around
the grove Tuesday Morning

Monday, 3/4.  JB left at 8:00 am in his Jeep and my stomach was churning, but he called less than 15 minutes later to say he was at our sign on the main canyon road.  Yes!  The Jeep Jamborees that he attended before he retired were not just for fun.  JB is putting everything he learned to use Up Here.  Unfortunately once he got to town, the stores he just knew would have the belt we needed for MAX, did not.  He had to order one and it will be here tomorrow.

Water was gushing into the cistern when I turned on the well pump after the dishes and laundry, so I ran it for 45 minutes.  I washed towels today which means I have to hang up laundry three times because there is only room for less than 1/2 of the load on the inside line.  That's a good thing.  Means less but larger loads.

Sande called this morning.  She attended the big model train show at the San Mateo Expo this past weekend.  She has been a model train fan for years, decades actually, and has decided to finally make a permanent layout for her N-gauge.  I told her that I can send, literally, boxes of all the tree moss she needs for trees and bushes.  Was actually able to collect some on my morning walk with the dogs.  JB called from Larry and Elsie's at 11:00 and was on his way back Up.

After lunch we hiked down to MAX with the new battery and a couple of used belts.  We installed the battery, then after several attempts, learned that neither of us, nor both of us together, are as strong as Larry is when it comes to putting the belt on MAX.  We thought that if we could get a belt on, it would hold at least til we drove the short distance home.  Don't know exactly how far MAX is parked from the house.  It keeps changing.  1/4 mile down.  1/2 mile back up.  JB is going to call Recreative Industries on Tuesday to see if there is a certain trick to putting on the belt.

I brought in firewood when we arrived back home.  Even with all the melting, the paths to and from the wood shed remain icy, and my sled, like an untrained puppy on a leash, constantly tries to pull ahead of me.  And if I let it go, it often runs away.

Tuesday, 3/5.  The day broke overcast and 19.  Supposed to get snow by tonight, in fact it sounds like most of the country will be turning white soon.  Very fine, small flakes started falling as JB and the dogs were on their morning walk about 11:00 a.m.

After dishes and laundry, I stayed inside reading the last of the papers, mail and magazines.  Then just puttered around.  Did go outside for wood and our afternoon walk.  JB finished reading, then started a pot of pulled pork.  Still trying to get all the grease out from under my fingernails from yesterday.

JB made the call to Recreative Industries and was given a good tip on putting the drive belt on that sounds like it just might work.  He is going to leave for Down There early Wednesday morning to pick up the belt and run some errands.  Maybe even do some grocery shopping, depending on the weather.  It is supposed to be cold all week which means the road should be good for the Jeep.

The snow kept falling all day but by our afternoon walk it barely showed on the bare spots.  It melted upon landing on the roof and deck, although a little stuck on the edge of the porch.  The dogs and I went for our walk while JB stayed inside to finish his book and keep an eye on the pulled pork.  The snow was just a thin veil, allowing me to see a couple of canyons over and even down to the Columbia River.  I think we are right at the level where it starts to stick, even with a high of only 24.  The panels needed cleaning, so after our walk JB fed the dogs, and I went back up to do just that.  I scraped 1/4" off, so we'll go with that measure for the day.  By dinner time, it finally started sticking everywhere seriously.

Wednesday, 3/6.  Rose Camp is white again, the ground, the trees, the roofs.  Covered with 3-1/2" of powder.  JB measured it when he cleared off the panels at 6:45.  He still plans to go Down There this morning by 8:00, and it is still snowing.

Thought for the day:  It's easy enough to be pleasant, when life flows along like a song, but the man worthwhile is the man with a smile, when everything goes dead wrong.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mar 4, 2013 MAX Is . . . Was Fixed

"Oh, look!  Here's your problem."

Friday, 3/1. Turned out to be a day of sun and wind with a high of 42.  Well, maybe just a strong breeze.  But a perfect day to work on MAX.  Opened him up after lunch.  Took the air filter off.  Checked the oil and everything we did the other day, and it was all okay.  Discovered that the choke cable was not secured correctly and was pulling out when the ride got bumpy, so the carborator was not getting enough air.  Now, does that sound like I know what I'm talking about or what!  Secured the cable, rode around the south ridge to test it and all was well.  Woo Hoo!  MAX is basically such a simple machine that I just knew it couldn't be too complicated.

Hastings had a great on-line sale, so I was able to get a couple $2 movies we had wanted, and three TV series on sale - the second season of "Vampire Diaries", the first season of "True Blood" and the first season of "Downton Abbey".  Can't wait!

Pizza night and we used our last bag of mozzarella.  JB will go Down There next friday, so we should be good.  Also used our new pizza pan and the crust came out perfectly crisp.  Then watched "Dark Shadows" and laughed all the way through it.  When it comes to acting, Johnny Depp can do no wrong.

It was still 36 out at bedtime, but supposedly we are in for another cold spell.  There is still a good foot of snow in most places on our northern slope but lots of bare spots under the trees and most of the southern slopes are completely bare of snow now.

Saturday, 3/2.  Dogs got me up at 4:45 am.  I think they are getting ready for Daylight Savings Time.  Was still pleasantly warm in the house but I put in a small fire anyway.  Back to bed til 7:30, at which time it was overcast and 32.

I baked almost all day.  Started a large pot of dog broth before lunch, only this time I am adding rice and lots of carrots.  After lunch I baked an apple-gingerbread cobbler that I haven't made in more than ten years.  Used to be one of our favorites.  Served warm with whipped cream, there's just nothing better (as good maybe, but not better).  Then, since Saturday is my day to cook dinner, I made meat gravy with ground turkey served over rice.  Lots of garlic and onions.  My Mom used to make this alot when I was growing up only with hamburger and over boiled potatoes.  Rice works well when you are out of potatoes. . .

The Last Great Race starts tomorrow, the Iditarod.  1049 miles from Anchorage to Nome by dog sled.  JB always follows it, so we watched the ceremonial start on his computer.  Love those dogs!

At least I didn't have to bring in firewood, as we hadn't used that much.  Was 42 outside again today.  So I ended up going no further outside than the porch and deck.  JB was outside with the dogs alot.  The wind started whistling in the late afternoon and was really howling by the time darkness settled in.

Sunday, 3/3.  JB was up with the dogs at 5:30 and built a fire.  The wind had ushered in a cold front and it was 20 outside.  Jesse stayed out for almost an hour so when JB finally got back to bed he slept in til 8:00.  So did I.

After we washed all the dishes I dirtied yesterday, JB and the dogs went on their Sunday hike down to the game cam.  Twenty minutes later here comes JB back up in his Jeep.  Since there had been a lot of melting and then freezing, he was able to drive it up with no problem.  Hooray!  Then he got on his computer and watched the end of the Chicago-Detroit hockey game, after which the Black Hawks remained undefeated.

We have a new member of the family - a grand-neice named Remi.  What a great name!  Names are so important, and I have always disliked mine.  Not "Rose", my real name.  I like Rose.  But mine always made me sound more prim and proper than I felt.  If I had been born 1/2 hour later (the next day), my name would have been Josephine, after my Dad's best friend, Joe.  Now that would have been a very cool name shortened to Joey.  JB's take on it is that we probably would have never met.  I would have become a different enough person to change my life just a little.  Butterfly wings and all. . .

After a late lunch, we bundled up to take MAX out for a long test ride.  We had almost reached the main canyon road when MAX developed a loud, knocking sound.  The drive belt had come partially apart and a flap was hitting the side.  So we turned around and tried to get as close to home as possble before it broke completely.  That happened about 40 feet before the corner where our rope gate is.  We put MAX in neutral and pushed him to the corner out of the way so other vehicles could get by.  JB will try driving his Jeep down early Monday morning to my Jeep, so he can go into town and buy a new belt.  Actually three belts, so we can have two extras on hand.  He'll leave early while the road is still frozen and firm.  This was my fault really, as I should have thought to buy new belts on my way back from Seattle.  I knew the belt we were using was a little frayed, but I just didn't think about it.  On the other hand, MAX's engine is running perfectly. . .

It was a beautiful day for a walk, sunny with a high of 30.  Was only a 1/2 mile or so from home, but mostly uphill.

Monday, 3/4.  The sky is mostly clear and it is 17 outside.  JB plans to leave at 8:00 am and only stop for mail and belts so he can get back up the road before it gets sloppy.

Thought for the day:  "This year will go down in history.  For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration.  Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead in the future."  Adolph Hitler 1935 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mar 1, 2013 More Snow, More Melt

Putting chains on JB's Jeep
on Wednesday

A foggy walk on Thursday

Wednesday. Stayed sunny all day with a high of 30. Perfect for putting the chains on JB’s Jeep. Neither of us have ever had to put chains on before this winter. This set went on much more easily than the previous ones. Easy being a relative term. Since I am the more agile half of this team, and much younger, I did most of the down-on-the-ground work. JB was able to drive it down to RJ’s turnoff but couldn’t get it back up, so he parked the Jeep there. From the turnoff up to Rose Camp is the steepest part of our road, so he thinks he could probably drive out with the Jeep. As we walked back up the driveway, I knew it would be an ibuprofen night. Actually, I didn’t wait for night, I took some as soon as we got back to the house.

Getting up at 7:30 has made so much more of a difference than I would have ever thought. If Ben Franklin was right about it, when does the "wealthy" kick in? Hopefully before "wise", ‘cause that may take a while.

Thursday. Was snowing and 25 when I got up with the dogs at 5:15 am. I put in a fire and the dogs only stayed out about five minutes, so back to bed it was til 7:30. My shoulders were a little sore from yesterday, but that was pretty much it.

Since I figured there was no chance of any sun today, I did another load of laundry instead of turning on the generator for just the dishes. JB trudged up to clean off the panels right after breakfast. The second time he went up on his walk with the dogs, the snow was just sliding off. By then we had almost two inches and it continued falling til mid afternoon when the fog moved in. But it was so wet that it was hard to measure. I’m sure we got at least three inches though. Was supposed to be raining Down There today as they have been having warmer than average temperatures.  It got up to 32 today and most of the snow dripped off the trees.

JB cancelled his Friday doctor’s appointment as we decided to work on MAX a bit more before resorting to the Jeep. This appointment was only to get a referral to see his heart specialist. The one he’s been seeing for four years. New insurance, so now he needs a referral. Go figure.

Ran the well pump after the laundry was done but got no water. I had done laundry and run the pump on Wednesday just fine. We probably have to wait a day or two between pumping, so will try again on Friday.

Elsie e-mailed some suggestions that Larry made for MAX. We’ll open MAX back up tomorrow if it’s not snowing and see what we can find.

I e-mailed a letter to the editor of "Back Home" magazine in response to the interview they had with Wendy Brown in their Mar/Apr issue.  Will be interesting to see if they print it.

With all my sleeping in and hibernation attitude this winter, I’m thinking that the threat of the forest fires and our evacuation may have affected me more than I realized. This trip to my Aunt’s pulled me right out of what ever slump I was in. I went over there for her, but I am sure I benefitted from my visit even more than she did.

Friday.  The wind is back this morning and it is 35 out there.  Yesterday's snow has already disappeared from the deck and under the trees.  Elsie said that freezing level is moving all the way up to 7000 ft.  An interesting start to March.  Early Spring, or just a tease?

Thought for the day: Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed. Storm Jameson