Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013 A Very Wet June

Fawn tracks along our road.
So tiny!

Pink Yarrow

Wednesday, 6/26.  A quick early shower and then it stopped.  We have had lots of rain but we haven't had to water the garden, and there are already two potato plant sprouting.

We were going to drive MAX down to our rope gate to check out the shape of the road and post a sign I bought in Maryland, but MAX had a problem with one of the front wheels (chain came off?), so we walked down instead.  On the way back up I pulled a LOT of knap weed.  There is probably less than 1/4 what we had the first year Up Here, but we have been attacking it each summer.  Unfortunately if you miss just one plant, the following year there will be a patch of them there.  And that's what we have right now, several patches along our road. 

It started sprinkling as we came up the driveway, but it wasn't until we were all settled on the porch that it really started raining, but just for 15 minutes or so.  From the looks of it, that may be the last of it for a while.

JB called the tractor shop and asked if it could be delivered tomorrow morning.  When they are done teaching us how to use it, we'll follow them back down in both cars.  JB will pick up some diesel gas and I'll take the dogs to the vet for their annual shots.

I made fried chicken and gravy for dinner.  Mmm, mmm, mmm!  After eating I went out to do some weeding.  The dogs were with me and JB was on the porch.  He watched as a 2x2 buck in velvet, along with a doe, walked along the south ridge to the solar panels.  The buck took a few steps down the road, at which point JB stood up to get a better look.  They eyed on another for a few moments, then the buck turned and went down the other side of the ridge with the doe following.  The dogs were none the wiser.

Thursday, 6/27.  So much for making plans.  I'm sure God is laughing this morning.  It started raining about 3:30 am and as of 9:00 am, it is still coming down.  So, once again, JB called the tractor shop to cancel the delivery.  When the hot weather does finally arrive, NOAA predicts the temperatures will be into the triple digits.

Meanwhile we will start getting ready for our July 4th event.  It is looking like we may have up to eleven guests, including three under four years old.

I had put a tarp over the hole that RJ dug down the the water pipe.  Yesterday we dumped the water that had accumulated in it and discovered a kangaroo rat that had drowned in it.  So sad.  Years ago, before our son was born, I had a pet kangaroo rat.  Until he escaped from his cage.

It stopped raining round 10:00 am and as soon as the sun came out after lunch, so did we!  We cleaned out the south side of the outhouse that we were using for storage.  I put the bags of pine needles in the wood shed and JB put the boxes of bottles in his shop.  He has been saving them for glass cutting projects.  Then I weeded around and in the gravel where we park the cars and on the other side of the fence.  A big project!  Between pulling weeds yesterday and today, my hands are shot.  Definitely an ibuprofen night.

Since it did not rain for the rest of the day, JB called to have the tractor delivered tomorrow morning, and I have a 2:00 pm appointment to take the dogs to the vet.  On Sunday, I plan to go to the laundromat after church, and maybe pick up some non-perishables for the 4th.  There we go, making plans again. . .

Friday, 6/28.  Sunshine and blue sky!!  Ding Dong, the Rain is Gone!  JB is like a kid at Christmas with the tractor finally being delivered this morning.  But we are in for several days of heat.  Supposed to be 90 Down There today and tomorrow, and then it rises into the triple digits through Wednesday.

Thought for the day:  Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.  Robert

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013 More Rain

Clouds coming in from the southwest.

Monday, 6/24.  It had rained off and on all night and was still overcast with a temperature of 44 when we got up.  Put a fire in after doing the dishes and drove Down There in a light shower.  We drove back up in pouring rain.  But I had actually survived getting my tooth pulled!  Surprise!  Surprise!

I have discovered the ultimate smoothie - peanut butter and banana!  Milk, yogurt, one large banana and a generous tablespoon of peanut butter = heaven.  A close second is banana and blueberry.  I enjoyed the pb and banana one for lunch (it was even better in my drug-induced state), then took a nice, long nap.

Rain fell most of the afternoon and our high for the day was only 52.  Temperatures have been 12 - 15 degrees below average lately, but by the end of the week we should be having a heat wave.  I hope it lasts through next week, as we sent out our 4th-of-July invitations and so far we have five guests coming.

Tuesday, 6/25.  It was overcast again and 42 this morning with a 70% chance of rain for the day.  JB called the tractor shop and advised them that it would be at least Wednesday, and more likely Thursday, before they could deliver our tractor.  The road is just too sloppy for a truck and trailer.

It rained sporadically all morning.  The fog crept in and out.  About noon the sun broke through, so I went outside to do some weeding.  That only lasted about 15 minutes.  Then it started sprinkling again and increased to rain for the rest of the afternoon until it was time for our walk.  The sun peeked out again and off we went.  Got back just as it disappeared.

Wednesday, 6/26.  It is 6:00 am and here I sit.  Wide awake.  Jesse's been out for about 45 minutes, but Dinga is back in.  The last I saw, he was chasing two deer up to the peak.  I put in a fire to take out the chill.  It is still overcast and 43.  Supposed to start clearing and warming up today.  The dogs have to get their rattlesnake boosters this week so I may take them down today and check out the status of the road.  I doubt they'll make it up with the tractor until at least tomorrow.

Thought for the day:  The Patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree.  Thomas Campbell  (Thank you, Sandy)

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013 Firewood

One. . .

two. . .

 Friday, 6/21.  We dropped the other four trees today.  Once again, I limbed them and JB cut them in half and dragged them with his Jeep up near the splitter.  We plan to cut them into rounds tomorrow.  A good day's work done in a few hours.

About 9:00 pm I could see the moon low over the south ridge, so I put my boots back on.  Grabbed my gun and camera.  Called the dogs and walked up to the ridge.  But by the time I got there it had slipped behind the cloud cover.  I could hear coyotes in the canyon and the dogs down there barking at them.

It was mostly overcast all day, but kept promising to clear up.  Never did.

Saturday, 6/22.  I slept in til 8:00 am after Jesse stayed out chasing coyotes or whatever from 5:00 til 6:40!  We had partial overcast and 56.  Took our coffee on the porch.

I think this will be our last year for a garden.  We simply do not have enough water.  I will just be more diligent about buying and canning fresh fruits and vegetables from the abundant Wenatchee valley orchards.  Am also going to try oven canning of dry foods.  We may just do pots of herbs and such.

Improvise is the name of the game Up Here.  With everything possible available Down There, it can dull the imagination.

After lunch we cut the 6-1/2 logs into 16" rounds.  The one smaller tree and the top half of another went into the cradle to be cut later.  Then we stacked all the rounds.  It took two hours from getting the tools out; cutting and stacking the wood; taking a break; and putting all the tools away.  Felt like four or more hours. . .

After dinner the dogs and I went for a nice, leisurely walk down the road a ways while JB prepared his lasagne for Sunday's dinner.  It sits in the refrigerator for 24 hours or so before being baked.

Sunday, 6/23.  There was a full Strawberry Moon at 4:32 this morning.  The dogs went out at 5:00 but it was too cloudy to see.  There was a wonderful red sunrise though, and Jesse stayed out 40 minutes to enjoy it. 

It was overcast again and 50 with rain in the forecast starting tomorrow.  I had decided that today I am going to church.  Haven't been in more than 15 years and even then it was sporadic.  But I feel it is time to go again.  Time to be a part of a group that is doing things for the community, the country and the world, and who believe, at least in part, the way I do.

It was a very good experience and I will probably go as often as possible.  I picked up the mail and a few groceries and drove home in the midst of a light shower.  It rained harder for a while while I was napping.

JB baked his lasagne for dinner and it was so delicious!

Monday, 6/24.  This morning I get to go to the dentist and have a tooth pulled.  Fortunately it is a back molar on the bottom, but my stomach is churning.  I really must learn that some fears acquired in childhood are no longer relevant.  Like fear of going to the dentist.  I may not be writing much about the rest of this day on my next posting.  What we do have to look forward is the tractor being delivered on Tuesday or Wednesday.  I will  post a photo of it, and I'm sure it won't be the last. 

Thanks for the comment.  Yes, at our age it is definitely better to use our heads instead of our backs! 

Thought for the day: I define nothing.  Not beauty, not patriotism.  I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be.  Bob Dylan

Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21, 2013 A Tractor!

Wild roses along our road where
their fragrance is so heavy.

Wednesday, 6/19.  Our washing machine was fixed by 10:00 am and JB was on his way Down There.  No wash today but I did run the well pump.  The cistern is only about half full, so I am going to do several loads of wash at the laundromat til we can get it full again.

While JB was gone I trimmed a tree on the east slope that had some branches hanging down low.  The tree really needs to be cut down.  Worked on clearing grass and other growth from my "rose garden" to the south of the house, through which our path to the garden runs.  Took a full wheel barrow load of cuttings to a compost pile, not the garden compost pile as there are too many seeds in the grass I cut.  Am also starting to pull up balsam root leaves now that the blooms are all gone.  They will be good for the garden compost.

A pair of wrens has somehow successfully built a nest in one of the nooks under the eaves on the south side.  The way they are flying back and forth, there must be hatchlings in it.

JB was home by 1:30.  The overcast broke up into clouds and by mid-afternoon the sun managed to shine for a while.  But it soon became all grey again and our high was 58.  I put a fire in after dinner.

The current issue of "Countryside" is, in my opinion, their best ever!  Very informative and exceptionally entertaining, with a couple of hilarious articles about living in the country.

Thursday, 6/20.  A nasty, overcast morning; windy and 39.  And that's not taking into account the wind-chill factor.  Definitely a morning for a fire.

Yesterday, while JB was Down There, he stopped in at his favorite tractor shop for some information in order to convince me that we could actually afford to buy one.  And it seemed we could, now that we have medicare and don't have to pay through the nose for health insurance.  So today, after our morning chores and lunch, we dug our our heavy coats again and drove back Down There to get all the details.  We ended up buying a Yanmar 2400 with a bucket and a mower.  With a financing deal of 72 months and no interest, we could hardly turn it down!  It will be delivered next week.

Mother Nature is helping us water the garden again this evening.  It was warm enough in town so we didn't need our coats, but we had to put them on again as we made our way back up the canyon.  Our high for the day was only 46.

Friday, 6/21. Mostly cloudy and 41 this morning, but it is the Summer Solstace!  Long light to start our way back to winter.  At least it will be a warmer journey than getting to this point of the year.

Thought for the day:  Instant gratification takes too long.  Carrie Fisher

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19, 2013 Double Rainbow & A Moose

My blooming iris.

The double rainbow!

Monday, 6/17.  There was a light rain sometime last night.  Everything smelled so fresh.  Before breakfast the dogs and I took a leisurely walk up to the peak and around the south ridge.  The way they were sniffing and darting this way and that, some critter(s) was certainly up there during the night.  These walks are a great way to start to day.  I just need the impetus to do it.  Because there is always so much to be done, I can get very lazy Up Here for anything not completely necessary.

JB mowed a large patch near the splitter where we are going to cut logs from now on.  We really need to get a riding mower.  Hopefully next year.

We cut down four of eight trees just to the west of the grove.  We'll do the other four tomorrow.  This gives us about a 30' wide, treeless swath which will help if a fire should come from that direction.  Once downed, JB cut the trees in half and I limbed them.  Then he used his Jeep to drag them up near the splitter.

After dinner I spent almost an hour pulling devil's claw from the slope created by the earth moved last summer to fix our drainage problem.  The trees we cut are just at the bottom of it.

Fluffy white clouds floated over all day long and our high was 68.  As the back edge of a large, dark cloud moved over us about 8:00 pm, the wind picked up and the rain begain to fall.  There was a brilliant double rainbow to the east that was simply stunning.  The sun was low enough to shine through the rain from the clear sky to the west.  It was phenomenal!  Simply amazing!  How does one find the words to describe such a site?  I restrained myself and took only 18 pictures of it. . .

My friend in Idaho sent an email describing an incredible experience she just had with a young bull moose in velvet.  She was inside the house and watched as "he slowly walked up to the house, checking out my flowers and rhubarb.  Then he came on over to the stone walkway (that goes to her house).  Jake (her dog) was on the porch.  He got up and watched through  the screen door.  The moose slowly walked up within 3 feet of Jake.  Jake turned his head and looked up at me.  I told him it was alright.  The moose walked over and drank from Jake's water then very slowly walked down below the house."  Of course her camera was in the car!

Tuesday, 6/18.  There was a light overcast and 49 this morning.  No walk, just sat on the porch and enjoyed.  It would be hard to imagine mornings without the wren's song.  It's the icing on our Spring and Summer days.  While sitting there, we decided on a less strenuous plan of action for today.  Want to give our muscles a rest.

We sliced and vacuum sealed a ham, then also vacuum sealed a package of chicken strips.  I bought them frozen from Costco, but I always seal them in serving sizes.  Otherwise they get freezer burn if I keep them all in the large bag.

JB changed the oil in the generator, did a few other outside chores and got ready to go Down There tomorrow.  The repairman will be up around 9:00 am to fix our washer.  When JB drives him back down to the gate, he'll go on into town to get his car and the gas cans filled.  Will also pick up the mail, a few groceries, and a "happy" pill for me to take 1/2 hour prior to my dentist appointment on Monday.

I broke branchwood for a small wheelbarrow load and stacked it in the shed.  Moved good pieces of bark from near the splitter to my stack for use in making paths through the mud.  Then used larger pieces to add to the little wall along the top of the gravel on the south side of the house.  Also worked a little on the rock wall.  Washed out the bird bath and refilled it.  We got done with all that just as it started raining about 2:15 pm.  The shower lasted about an hour.

A second bud is blooming on my iris!  Sooo pretty!  I just hope the deer do not like irises.

Another shower moved in half-way through our walk, so we cut it short.  Always glad to have Mother Nature's help in watering the garden though.  When the rain stopped, the fog moved in for a couple hours and our high for the day was only 54.  I put in a fire before dinner to get rid of the damp chill.

As far as politicians go, past and present, I think I have moved past angry into simply sad and disappointed.  It just seems that the large majority of them are much more concerned with getting re-elected than doing what is right and what is best for the country and its citizens.  Nothing new, but it just seems that with each election we get our hopes up when voting in new candidates, only to be disappointed again.

Wednesday, 6/19.  Overcast and 39 with a little drizzle.  Supposed to be like this for the next few days. 

Our prayers are with you Baby Smith.

Thought for the day: In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is Congress.  John Adams

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013 To Sweat or Not to Sweat

Guarding the feeder!

Striking a pose.

Friday, 6/14.  I left for Down There about 9:30 am and was back by 2:00.  While I was gone JB tilled the whole garden twice, going down as far as the tiller would allow.  When I got home, I put the groceries away then raked the garden dirt smooth, taking out the few rocks that had been dug up.

My Aunt Nene responded to my comment about having to get a tooth pulled and said that my Grandfather used to pull his own teeth!  Ouch!

A long day for both of us.  We relaxed after dinner and watched "Bernie" with Jack Black and Shirley McLaine.  Excellent!

Saturday, 6/15.  No popping out of bed and going for a hike or Down There.  This was a morning to sleep in, then take my coffee out on the porch and sit in the sun.  It was 49.  My attitude this morning is: Don't want to.  Don't have to.  Can't make me.  I'm retired! 

While we were all sitting out there, the dogs spotted our little herd of deer coming up the east slope and chased them off.  We watched the humming bird wars.  You can actually hear their beaks click against one another as they spar, fighting for feeding rights.

A light overcast was moving in by 10:30 am, and had covered the sky by late afternoon.  Our high for the day was 62.

In addition to our daily chores, we planted five rows of potatoes, two of Yukon gold and 3 of red Pontiacs.  JB also planted the two tomato plants, heirloom Pink Brandywine.

After dinner we watched "Flight" with Denzel Washington.  It's a good thing we didn't watch it before our trip to Maryland.  I may not have gone!

Sunday, 6/16.  It was Father's Day, so no hiking again.  We just sat out on the porch together.  In the sun.  With our coffee.  So nice. . .

I thoroughly vacuumed while JB took the dogs on a run with MAX and picked up the game cam card.  There were a few good photos of the dogs and me hiking, RJ's and our Jeeps going up and down, and a couple of deer.

JB spent most of the rest of the day working on an old laptop he wants to get working.  I cut down two small trees on the south ridge.  One was standing dead and the other was crowding a little taller tree.  I tried to cut/break a load of branch wood, but it was just too hot.  By noon it was already 72 and that was our high for the day.  But it was very muggy and clouded over by late afternoon.  I puttered around outside, in any shade I could find, trimming branches off a log, gathering more rocks for the short wall in the gravel, and other such chores.  I waited til the area was shaded, then finished a wheel barrow load of branch wood and stacked it.

As muggy as it was, it was certainly a good day for butterflies.  I saw them everywhere.

I have decided to stop using anti-perspirant and go with just deoderant.  I probably should have started in the winter instead of warm weather, but here I go.  Except for days when I go Down There.  Don't want to have big, wet circles under my arms.  Since menopause, I don't perspire, I sweat like a wrestler!

Monday, 6/17.  The sky is mostly clear, with just a few clouds, and it is 49.  I am dressed and ready for a morning walk.

Thought for the day:  I learned in that horrible place, that hate is killing.  Hate is a prison.  If I would have hate in my heart, I would not be free.  I would be the prisoner of my own hate.  I don't want to be a prisoner any more.  I want to be free and I am free.  Noemi Bon, retired schoolteacher and Holocaust survivor.

Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14, 2013 Thunderstorm

One of the four deer on east slope
 Tuesday evening.

Stacked rounds

Iris beginning to bloom

Wednesday, 6/12.  We had leftover fritata with sour cream for breakfast.  Yummm!  After we ate, but before doing the dishes, I took the dogs for a walk down the driveway and up to Erno's.  As much as I like sitting on the porch with my coffee when I get up, I discovered that I really like an early morning walk, even if one way is a steep uphill climb.  Will try to start doing that every morning.  Well, almost every morning. . . don't want to get too gung ho about this.

Clouds moved in by early afternoon and we had a few short sprinkles.  Our high for the day was only 57, but the clouds had moved on by early evening.

JB finished cutting the logs and also cut all the branch wood in the cradle.  I took four wheel barrow loads to the woodshed and stacked them.  Then stacked all the rounds by the splitter.  A good day's work.

The house was a bit chilly by the time we were ready for bed, so I put a fire in the wood stove.

Thursday, 6/13.  I was up at 7:45 am and off for a walk down past the game cam.  A sunny morning, but a chilly 42.

It has now been one week since Jesse was bitten by the rattlesnake and he seems to be completely back to normal, even his appetite.  No wetting accident last night.  His swelling and bruising is gone, and he is his old frisky self.  Now he just has to grow back his hair where he was shaved.

I am going Down There tomorrow as I forgot to mail a birthday card.  I will do about 27 other errands too, so I got organized for that trip.  Going to town from Up Here is never as simple as grabbing my purse and leaving.  I have to be sure I know everything we need and need to do, food and otherwise.  This time I have paper recycle to take.  Will pick up onion and potato starts, and two heirloom tomato plants, and buy groceries.  I also have to drop of chain saw chains to be sharpened (although we really do need to learn how to do that ourselves.)  And, of course, pick up and send mail.

Did a load of laundry today instead of tomorrow.  JB gave the garden its initial tilling, than scattered the compost on it.  Tomorrow he will till it deeper and get the compost mixed in.

I hung out the wash.  Cut/broke a wheelbarrow load of branch wood and stacked it in the shed, which finished the first row.  Then I worked on fixing and finishing the short wall in the gravelled area on the south side of the house, which included gathering some big rocks to use.  I watered my outdoor plants, including the one iris that looks like it wants to open up any moment.

Clouds had moved in again by early afternoon and a few claps of thunder rolled down the canyon to the south of us.  By late afternoon the sky to the north was very dark and soon dark clouds were directly above us.  We could hear ominous, not-so-distant thunder.  But the storm was short-lived with no rain, and had passed over us by the time we finished dinner.  Was another cool day with a high of 58.

The house never really warmed up during the day so I put in a fire right after dinner.  Then I went for another walk with the dogs while JB worked on organizing his Magic cards.

Friday, 6/14.  Another sunny morning, but it is only 36!  There is rain in the forecast for all of next week.  Thank goodness I'm going Down There today.

Thought for the day:  Go Blackhawks!!  (The Chicago Blackhawks are playing for the Stanley Cup against the Boston Bruins.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013 Back to Work

Lupine and roses

Another member of the sunflower
family now blooming

Monday, 6/10.  After breakfast RJ dug the hole down to the water pipe that we need to fix.  It does indeed look a bit squished, so I am fairly certain that is where our problem lies.

Another beautiful day, sunny with a high of 64. 

Sunday evening at dinner I broke the tooth that had lost the filling a few days before.  This morning I called and was able to get in to see the dentist so he could tell me if it could be saved or not.  I drove down early to run some errands, including dropping off two large bags of recycle and buying a new Mr. Coffee.  It seems that my tooth needs to be pulled, but the dentist did grind off the sharp edge for me.  I have an appointment with the "tooth puller" on the 24th.  Can hardly wait. . .

JB baked cranberry scones while I was gone and then grilled some chicken breasts for dinner.

There is twice as much lupine blooming now as there was before we left on our trip.  The balsam root is going to seed, but another member of the sunflower family is blooming, although in much smaller numbers.  The blue Douglas triteria is still in abundance, but I do not see it anywhere except at Rose Camp.  Not even along our road.  The paintbrush is also popping up, scattering its red amongst all the purple.

Tuesday, 6/11.  RJ came up for breakfast again and JB made a fritata with sweet peppers, kilbasa and cheese.  RJ leaves tomorrow and may not be back up until the end of July.

Another sunny day, but with a very cool, light wind and a high of only 56.  But perfect weather in which to work outside.  JB cut up about 2/3 of the logs that we had left over from last Fall into lengths for the splitter.  I stacked them.  Also sorted out the pieces of bark from last Fall that could be used for pathways and stacked them by the wood shed.  Then defrosted the fridge and freezer.

I took Jesse on a couple long walks on the leash, then about 2:30 let him out on his own.  He wouldn't go off the porch except to pee.  When we went on our afternoon walk, I had to coax him to come with us.  He stayed close by me and was very skittish.  Every little shadow and stick startled him.  I think he feels much safer when he is on the leash.  It may take him a while to feel comfortable out on his own again.

The cool wind became a very cold wind by early evening and I actually put a fire in the wood stove.  Then we watched as four deer walked along the trail from the south ridge through the east slope, nibbling on bushes as they went.  The two younger ones were very frisky, taking so much delight in the moment. 

As Spring quickens its pace towards Summer, I love the lingering light.  Even by 10:00 pm the darkness has not completely over taken it.

Wednesday, 6/12.  It was clear and 38 when I let the dogs out at 5:45 this morning.  Jesse must be over his initial trepidation at being out on his own.  He ran down the driveway just like he always did.  However, when I sat down on the couch I discovered that he had literally wet his bed.  Fortunately there were enough layers so it didn't go all the way through.  He has been drinking and peeing a lot since he came home.  I hope it is just his meds and not permanent damage to his urinary tract.

Lots to do today.  Hopefully we can finish cutting the logs, and maybe I can start tilling the garden.

Thought for the day:  Behold the turtle.  He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013 Recouperating

Bluebird at the bird bath

Blooming rose bush

Friday, 6/7.  A beautiful day, clear with a high of 68.  JB was very pleased with the doctor, but not so much with the prognosis.  He was given a shot of cortizone in his shoulder and hopefully that will help enough.  However, he is going to have an operation on his back in early August, a decompression to allow spinal fluid to get down to the bottom of his spine.  Will be a six to eight week recouperation.

I ended up going Down There to pick up Jesse as he had a setback this morning and the vet thought she would want to keep him until Saturday.  Then later in the day she called and said it might be better for him to come home today since he wasn't eating.  JB had taken his Jeep which was not conducive to picking him up.  I drove down to arrive at 5:00 pm.  The initial shock of seeing him almost did me in, especially since it was right after paying the bill.  The inside of his front legs were shaved along with his chest and stomach.  Everything shaved was swollen and purple with bruising, and his front left leg, which was where he was bitten, was oozing a bloody gunk.  I'm sure I looked like a deer in the headlights while she explained everything to me and went over all his medications.  There is no doubt that we would have lost him if he had not been vaccinated.

Just a note to re-assess what it would cost to save a dog who had not been vaccinated.  It would be at least $4000 to $5000 and a week's stay. . .

I had planned to keep him in the bathroom on the linoleum, but he wouldn't have it.  He was sure I wanted to give him a bath.  So we brought in the dog pen we had for the greyhounds and made it into the small version in which to keep him in the livingroom, so he wouldn't drip all over the floor.  I slept on the couch to be close to him.  He has to wear a plastic collar to keep him from licking his leg when we can't be watching him.  I did get him to eat some dinner by hand feeding it to him.

The one bright spot in the day was when I discovered that one of my iris is going to bloom!  After three years - Hurray!

Saturday, 6/8.  Another beautiful day, clear with a high of 69.  My day was filled with hanging out the laundry and taking care of Jesse.  I took a two hour nap in the morning to try and catch up on the sleep I missed overnight.

JB finished mowing a very large swath around the house.  So now we have a better chance of seeing any snakes in the area.

Jesse's leg stopped oozing in the morning, but would bleed whenever he put weight on it to walk.  He still won't eat unless I hand feed him and then only about half the normal amount.  I really think he is beginning to milk it.  But at least he is eating and by the end of the day the swelling had gone down a little, especially on his leg.  I was still feeling pretty much like he looked.

Larry and Elsie came up to visit, bringing a dozen fresh eggs.  We caught up on everything, our trip and their son's wedding.  Turns out it was a great time for all of us.

Being in the Baltimore area for four days and five nights really drove home how completely different our life is Up Here.  I don't think I could survive more than a week in or close to a large city any more.  And the clothes that women are wearing!  What happened to class?!  Maybe the current look is just "trashy".  Even my Up Here clothes look better than most of what I saw Down There.

Sunday, 6/9.  There is nothing like a brisk walk at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning to start the day off.  But both Jesse and I were feeling much perkier.

My brother, RJ, is up for a few days and came to breakfast and dinner too.  It is good to see him again.

Jesse's leg stopped bleeding, so he was able to be out of the pen inside the house.  We took the pen outside and made it into the large version so he could enjoy the day.

Dinga caught two chipmunks before lunch!  The second one was actually chased down a tree by one of the wrens.  As soon as it hit the ground, Dinga was after it.

Feeling so much better, I pulled all that was growing in the garden, most of which was devil's claw.  JB took the day off to do his things inside.

The bird bath certainly is popular.  The pair of bluebirds is back.  I don't think we saw them last year.  They really love to splash around in the bath along with the grosebeaks.  And watching them is much better than even our favorite TV programs.  Well, maybe not better than Downton Abbey.

While we were gone the roses began blooming along our road and on a few bushes Up Here.  What a fragrance!

Monday, 6/10.  Clear and 48 this morning, with cooling predicted later in the week.  It has been 10 degrees above normal Down There.  RJ is up for breakfast and is going to help us dig the hole down to the water pipe.

Thought for the day:  Fear says we can't.  Faith says we can.

Friday, June 7, 2013

June 7, 2013 Jesse & the Rattlesnake

Grosebeaks in the bird bath.

Wednesday, 6/5.  A day to recouperate.  JB ended up doing a lot of mowing.  I did a load of laundry, unpacked and took a nice long nap in hopes of getting rid of a sore throat.  Was a nice day with a high of 72.

Thursday, 6/6. Another day of light overcast and a high of 72.  JB did some more mowing.  I did another load of wash and took another long nap. Still coming down from the high of our trip.  Woke up feeling much better and went outside to pull some weeds.  About 1/2 hour into that Jesse came limping up to me.  He was holding up his front left leg and was obviously in pain.  It took me about ten minutes to decide to take him to the vet.  I got him there at 3:45 pm and it didn't take them long to determine that he had come out on the wrong end of a tangle with a rattlesnake.  By that time his leg was swelling and turning black and blue.  Thank goodness we have both the dogs vaccinated annually against such bites.  He has to stay overnight so they can watch and re-hydrate him.  He should be able to come home tomorrow afternoon.  If he had not been vaccinated, he would have been screaming in pain.  It would have meant at least a week's stay at the vet and a minimum charge of $1000.

I picked up a few groceries and was home by 6:00.  It was very hot Down There.  At least the mid-80's.

Coming home on Tuesday we saw a very large pile of what we thought was bear scat on the road about 1/2 mile from home.  Our neighbor to the south of us dropped by this evening, having driven up our road, and he says it is wolf scat.  He has seen the wolves on his land and they are huge, 150 to 200 lbs.  Oh goodie. . .

Friday, 6/7.  Happy Birthday, Sandy!!! 

It is mostly clear this morning with a breeze and 52.  JB has a consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon today about his back and shoulder, so he will pick up Jesse.

Thought for the day:  Our life is frittered away by detail. . . simplify, simplify.  Thoreau

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5, 2013 Back Home Again

Mt. Rainier from the plane

Wednesday, 6/5.  We had an incredible visit and it was very difficult to leave, however it is good to be back on the mountain.  The trip was definately a bit of a culture shock.  Our flight was late yesterday but we were able to pick up the dogs before the kennel closed.  By the time we arrived home at 6:00 pm, it had been 14 hours since we left our hotel for the airport.  A long day.  But there was no wild life awaiting us in the yard, although the way the dogs were sniffing around we must have had a lot of visitors while we were gone.

This morning was 52 with a light overcast when I let the dogs out at 4:45.  Looks to be a warm but dry day.  I think all the grass and bushes grew several inches while we were gone.  Lot of mowing to be done but I don't know that we'll start today.

Thought for the day:  May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view.  May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.  Edward Abbey