Monday, December 30, 2013

Dec 30, 2013 End of a Good Year

Bird's nest I found that is lined
with our dogs' hair.
Dinga checking out her domain to the northwest.

Friday 12/27.  JB left for Down There at 9:30 am.  Shortly afterwards my Aunt Nene called to wish us Happy Anniversary.  With the holidays so close, we usually don't do anything different Up Here.  Down There we would often go out to dinner.  I did the usual things - washed the dishes; did the monthly cleaning of the wood stove, trying not to get too grimy.  Also started another book that JB gave me for Christmas, Lady Catherine, the Earl & the Real Downton Abbey, which is written by the current Countess of Carnarvon who lives at Highclere Castle.  Fascinating and very well written!  

It is so much fun to watch Dinga in the snow (what little we have left).  To her the mountain is just one big snow cone and playground.  And Jesse is clearly enjoying the winter weather more than his first few years Up Here.

JB arrived back home about 2:30 pm.  Turns out there was nothing wrong with the tire.  Seems some dirt had got jammed in between the rim and tire allowing air to leak out.  Dirt?  Up Here??!!  

He brought up the mail, a few groceries and a beautiful bouquet of flowers to me for our anniversary.  We had sausage and onion pizza for dinner and watched Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters.  A fun and lively movie.

Saturday 12/28.  It was 24 with valley fog this morning.  Did laundry, but we are taking the weekend off of work.  On Monday we plan to dig out the access to the pipe, which is in the southeast corner of the shop, so we can snake the pipe and hopefully clear whatever is blocking it.  Depending on how that goes, we may be back to work on MAX Tuesday or Wednesday.  Oh wait!  Those are holidays!  Okay, maybe Thursday.  Don't want to rush these things. . .

I finished cleaning and re-organizing my craft corner in the loft.  I want to be able to get a few of the last boxes still stored in our bedroom up to the loft and cleaning up my craft area makes more room for storage.  I really am getting rid of things we haven't used. . .

I made a big pot of turkey burger/sausage soup for dinner and we watched the last two episodes of the first season of Homeland.  Great series!  So many twists and turns.

Sunday 12/29.  It was 26 and overcast with valley fog this morning.  The fog kept creeping up the canyons most of the day til late afternoon when it crept back down again.  The funny thing about the fog is that it does not go all the way down to the ground in Wenatchee.  It is just like a very low cloud.  Our high for the day was 33, causing the ground to be a bit muddy in places.

I used the last of the eggnog in my coffee this morning.  Normally I would have asked JB to buy more when he was down there on Friday, but I really am trying to cut back on rich foods and sugar.  Not going to get drastic and make a New Year's resolution to do that, but I will give it a try.

JB had brought up the game cam card on Friday.  There was a great video of a rabbit and one of a beautiful 4x4 buck.  So after lunch today, we all hiked down to put the card back.  Because the road is so icy, we walked the north ridge down to the end of our driveway.  Not bad going down, but it is a lot steeper than the road, so coming back up was a chore.  There were so many rabbit tracks everywhere!  Got our cardio workout for the day.  That's another thing I am going to have to do - get outside more.  I have been inside more than usual these past couple months.

Santa brought us an interesting book on the history of Wenatchee that I am reading.  I certainly hope we do not experience the kind of winters they had in the last half of the 19th century.  During three different winters chinooks came in after a big snowfall, causing a thaw.  Then extremely cold weather set in and caused a layer of ice more than a foot thick.  One of those years, more than 3/4 of all the cattle in central Washington froze to death.  That was a lot of cattle and many ranchers went out of business.  Brrrrr!

Monday 12/30.  Another overcast morning, with a temperature of 29 and valley fog.  We are going to get started on snaking the pipe right after breakfast.  I can hardly wait. . .

Thought for the day: I believe humans get a lot done, not because we're smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.  Flash Rosenberg

Friday, December 27, 2013

Dec 27, 2013 Back to MAX

Rose working on MAX.
Distant valley fog this morning.

Wednesday 12/25.  A bright and sunny, if brisk, Christmas Day.  First some coffee, then the gifts.  Boy, did we get spoiled this year!  I gave JB a list of "suggestions" and he bought me everything on it!  I have enough books to read until my birthday in May, or at least til Easter.  And speaking of Easter, we have enough candy to last until then. . . or at least January.  I did not know that Peeps came in Santa Clauses and gingerbread men. . .

We were going to have our Christmas dinner at about 2:00 pm, but after nibbling all morning, we decided to wait until our regular time of 5:30 pm.  Other than making gravy, it was basically just warming up leftovers from Thanksgiving.  But still soooo good.

I started reading one of the books JB gave to me, Brimstone by Robert B. Parker.  One of my favorite authors.

All the rabbits around our home must have come out to celebrate Christmas.  JB saw tracks when he took the dogs on their morning walk, and then we all saw even more tracks when we went for our afternoon walk.  They were everywhere!  Even right outside the bathroom window and all around the outhouse.  I wish I could actually see one of the rabbits making the tracks.  Some of those tracks are pretty good size.

This evening we watched Silver Linings Playbook.  What a great movie!.

Thursday 12/26.  It is 27 and clear this morning.  Enough playing, it's time to get back to work.  Did laundry and defrosted the fridge in the morning, then it was outside to get back to working on MAX.

Our high for the day was 35, so it a nice day to be working outside, but nothing seemed to go right.  We finally got the center rod out and inserted in the opposite axle.  Got the rod and cotter pin back in.  But it was a struggle, and then just couldn't get the chain back on.  Enough already!  By 3:00 pm I was just too frustrated to continue.  And my arthritic hands needed a rest.

I brought in fire wood and we went on a nice, slow afternoon walk.  Then, I settled in with my book and just relaxed.

Friday 12/27.  It is 27 and mostly overcast with valley fog.  A very light overcast.  And it is our 44th wedding anniversary.  JB is going Down There to have a tire on my Jeep fixed, as it keeps going flat.

Thought for the day:  Happiness is to see the world in a grain of sand, and Heaven in a wild flower, to hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in a single hour.  William Blake

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dec 25, 2013 Merry Christmas!

Monday 12/23.  It is amazing how warm 32 degrees seems first thing in the morning!  The wind arose and it was very gusty all day.  Our high was 34 and everything was melting until about 2:45 pm.

I baked oatmeal-raisin cookies instead of really sugary Christmas cookies.  Oh, dear.  I must be getting old. . .

It was partly cloudy all day but the sun managed to shine on us most of the time.  Then about 2:45 the sky darkened.  It was 34 and I was sure that the white wall that the wind was quickly blowing towards us from the west was rain.  I went out to get the wood in, and by the time the wall of wet arrived 15 minutes later, the temperature had dropped to 32 and it was snow, not rain.  Hurray!!  A snowing, blowing blizzard that lasted about 40 minutes!

JB called at 3:05 pm.  He was at the turn-off to our road and also in the blizzard.  So glad he was in his Jeep and not MAX!  Within minutes the ground went from brown with a few white spots to all white again, and we had to unload the Jeep in the midst of blowing snow.  Looks like we will have a white Christmas after all.

Tuesday 12/24.  It was 22 and clear this morning.  We are taking these two days of Christmas off to just relax and enjoy all our blessings.  This sun is shining on the new-fallen snow.  The Christmas carols are playing.

Wednesday 12/25.  It is 18 with a clear sky.  Merry Christmas to All!

Thought for the day:  This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone.  Taylor Caldwell

Monday, December 23, 2013

Dec 23, 2013 Prayers Needed

'Nuff said.

The new rod and the old, after
 18 years of wear and tear.
Wild Rose working on MAX!

Friday 12/20.  I get snuggled down in my cozy, winter bed and simply do not want to get up in the morning.  Then I remember when I first began to blog and got up at 5:00 am to post.  What was I thinking??!

Light snow began falling again at about 10:45 am and swung back and forth between heavy and light til about 3:00 pm when it stopped.  We were on the very southern edge of the clouds and the sun was often shining on the south ridge while it was snowing at the house.  The wind picked up when the snowfall ceased and so did the valley fog.  It was a very brisk afternoon walk.  We only received 1/2" of snow, just enough to make everything white again and hide the icy spots.

I made cheeseburger biscuits for our dogs, and some to give to Larry and Elsie's dogs for Christmas.  Oops - nothing for their kitties.

Jesse has really been out and about for the last few weeks, being gone for more than an hour at a time, even when the temperatures are down in the low teens.  He has had some rather odoriferous emissions lately, so he may have come upon a carcass of some sort that he is snacking on.

Saturday 12/21.  And the light is on its way back to us. . .  It was 24 and clear with valley fog that didn't clear out til after sunset.  Our high for the day was 30.

Did the dishes, vacuumed and cleaned the house a bit.  Even actually dusted.  Then after lunch we went out to tackle the MAX job.  It took us 1-1/2 hours just to get the cotter pin out of the center rod!  Then another 1/2 hour to pull the rod out and coax the new one in.  I did not do a victory dance until that was all completed.  Then there was wild celebration!

Larry and Elsie drove up for their Christmas visit this evening.  Hadn't seen them in a while.  We exchanged gifts and enjoyed each other's company.

Sunday 12/22.  It was 26 and mostly clear with low valley fog this morning.  The sky soon clouded over some, and the fog cleared out by mid afternoon to just a light mist.

We were out to work on MAX right after breakfast and got everything put back in, we thought.  Found out that we did not check the opposite middle axle when we put the rod in, so instead of going into the axle, the new rod actually went to the side of it.  I got very discouraged.  Next time I will save the victory dance until we are completely done and have test driven MAX.  Then maybe I will just give a quiet but joyful "Woo Hoo!"  I am sure that "moderation in all things" applies to celebrating also.  However, the French have revised this adage a bit to "moderation in all things, including moderation."  Maybe I'll go with that one.

So after lunch, we put chains on all four tires of JB's Jeep.  With our lack of snow, he will now be able to drive his Jeep down to my Jeep.  MAX would not make it all the way down with the tracks on.  The Universe knew this and we have a game plan for completing the work on MAX. . . after Christmas.  It seems that the original forecast for a wet winter has reversed itself.  Those darn butterflies in China. . .

Prayers would be greatly appreciated for Baby Wes who is just six months old and needs more heart surgery a day or two after Christmas.  He is quite the smiley, giggly little champ who has already been through a lot.

Monday 12/23.  It is mostly overcast and 32 this morning, with a light breeze.  JB will be leaving for Down There by 9:00 am and I plan to bake cookies.  Loving the Christmas season. . .

Thought for the day:  It is not simply that we share with each other a common humanity, but that individually we have no humanity without each other.  Sara Maitland, A Big Enough God 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Dec 20, 2014 Political Correctness BS

Our icy front yard

Wednesday 12/18.  Partly cloudy soon gave way to overcast, but we had some blue sky in the afternoon.

JB drove MAX down to put the game cam card back in, and then a bit further to give the dogs a run.  By the time he got home, the middle axle had worked itself loose again.  Guess we have no choice but to take it apart. . . tomorrow.

Our early morning temperature of 26 turned out to be our high for the day.  It was 24 when we left for our afternoon walk.  Nothing melted today and the snow was crunchy again.  It was down to 17 by 9:00 pm.

Thursday 12/19.  I checked the temperature when I let the dogs out at 6:00 am and it was 16.  When we actually got up for the day at 8:00 am, the temperature had fallen to 12.  The sky was clear and the ground was icy.  However, it was overcast by noon and our high for the day was 18.

We knew the job on MAX would take two days, so we did the basics today.  Jacked MAX up on blocks.  Took off the middle wheel on the loose axle side.  Took off the necessary chain to access the bolt to loosen the sprocket from the axle - a very greasy, messy job.  Tomorrow we should be able to take the cotter pin out of the opposite axle that is holding in the center rod.  Put the new rod in and reverse everything.  Ten years ago we could probably have done it all in one day.

Now for my rant:  In a free country where there is free speech, there should be no such catch phrase as "politically correct."  Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if they are always politically correct, then they have no opinion of their own.  Have we come to the point where people can no longer be on TV if their opinions differ from the "mainstream"??!!  If one of the men on Duck Dynasty believes that being gay is a sin, it is his right to believe so and he should not be vilified for it.  I disagree with him, but I certainly don't believe he should be punished for it.  There are many people in this country that feel the way he does.  That is their right.  Doesn't anyone remember, "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I am sure the TV channel is just worried about ratings and losing income, so it all comes down to the bottom line, as usual.  But it is a sad commentary on the American public if they are concerned.

But this is scary because it can so easily lead to worse scenarios.  If you don't believe the government is doing the right thing, you may have to answer to the men in one of those Homeland Security vehicles that are beginning to appear in our cities.  There is as least one such vehicle in Wenatchee, and I am sure that Homeland Security will have no shortage of power-hungry, idiotic, control-freak applicants for their available positions.  It is quite scary and I am not sure what can be done about it.  I really have no faith in our voting system any more.  Too much fraud.  I want to cry.  I want to scream.  And if I wrote what I really wanted to do, well I know a lot of people would agree with me, but I doubt I'd be here tomorrow to post my blog. . .  However our country was founded on revolution.

Back to Rose Camp:  NOAA has been predicting snow for more than a week now and with our overcast sky this evening, I might even think it is possible.  They have to get it right at some point.  Right?

Friday 12/20.  Finally, some snow.  We watched it move in and the first flakes arrived at 8:35 am.  It is even snowing in Seattle.  The temperature is still a low 15, so it will probably be just the tiny flakes we are seeing now.  Well #@!*, even as I write this, the snow has stopped and I can see the mountains. . . 

Thought for the day: Democracy in itself does not define or guarantee a free society.  History has told many stories of democratic societies that have degenerated in corruption, plunder and tyranny.  Richard M. Ebeling

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dec 18, 2013 Fixing MAX Again

Snow melting off the roof of the
garbage/recycle shed.

Dinga helping JB with MAX.

Monday 12/16.  It remained partly cloudy most of the day with some sun and a high of 33.  No new cougar tracks that we could see, at least on our walk.

Today I got to do what I just love - crawl under the house.  Before JB snaked the pipe, I wanted to be sure that everything was okay with the pipes as far as them being where they are supposed to be, ie. no sagging, etc.  They were fine and everything except one corner is completely dried out.  We just need another vent on the northwest end of the house.  Going under the house isn't so bad when it is all dry, except it's hard on the knees.  Have to remember to use JB's knee pads next time.

The pipe snake that we have did not work the way we needed it to, possibly because it may be at least 50 years old.  It belonged to my Dad.  So JB is going to buy a new and more pliable one when he goes Down There on the 23rd.  Meanwhile we'll just go easy on our daily use of water.

Last week I finished the second row of wood in the wood shed.  The next six rows are each almost three feet longer than the first two.  And I have used only about 1/3 of the first of two rows of the branch wood.  Then, of course, we have all the wood on the porch.  I think we're set.

I cleaned up my craft corner in the loft, ready my book and just enjoyed another day on the mountain. 

Tuesday 12/17.  It was 29 and mostly clear this morning with some river valley fog.  Our high for the day was 35.  The sun shone most of the day and urged the fog up into the canyons a bit, but not too high.

With all the melting and freezing going on outside, it is definitely time to strap on the cleats.

JB drove MAX down to get the game cam card and realized something was wrong with the last axle we replaced - again.  So after looking at the videos on the card (no cougars this time, just deer, rabbits, blue grouse and coyotes) and eating lunch, we went out to work on MAX.  Since it was the middle wheel, we didn't have to take off the track, thank goodness.  Took us about an hour to get everything tightened up and back on.  I think the main problem is that the rod between the two middle axles has been worn down where it fits into the axle.  That allows a little wobble, which, in turn, makes the axle loose again.  We do have an extra rod but if that is indeed the problem, it means taking MAX almost completely apart.  We'll take a look tomorrow.  It would really help if at least one of us was half a mechanic. . .

The sky was clear for the full moon and it shone brightly on the snow and ice while we were inside watching the first episodes of season three of The Vampire Diaries.  Werewolves and vampires during a real full moon. . .

Wednesday 12/18.  It is 26 and partly cloudy this morning with freezing rain and/or snow in the forecast.

Thought for the day: I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas lights.  Maya Angelou

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dec 16, 2013 Mud & Cougars

Cougar track on our south ridge.

Friday 12/13.  The last "Friday The 13th" of the year and exactly 13 weeks since the last one.  Interesting.  It was a good Friday for us.  Since it was so warm (24) and we had no new snow, JB decided to go Down There.  The last of our packages we had ordered had arrived and one of the items was a Christmas gift that needed to be mailed in order to arrive in time, and we were concerned that with these warmer temperatures now and another arctic blast due next week, our road might turn to ice.  He got a late start at 10:30 am and was back by 2:00 pm.

While he was gone, I finally got rid of the dust bunnies that were nestled among the picture frames on the coffee table.  A little sad, as I have mentioned before, Up Here we consider them pets not pests.

The sky has been fairly clear these past nights, so, as the poem says: "The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow" makes it look like daylight.  So beautiful!

Since we are having a problem with water backing up in the pipe, we don't wash dishes on the days we do laundry.  Since it was laundry day, I didn't get stuck doing the dishes by myself.  JB is going to try to snake out the pipe probably on Monday.

I finished The Hunt Club by John Lescroate yesterday - an excellent read - and have started The Forgotten by David Baldacci.  I really did not read very many books this summer and fall, which is unusual.  I guess the snow has put me back in the mood.

There were several magazines in the mail JB brought back, including BackHome.  It has an article on honeyberries which we think are the berries that started growing in our garden this year from Larry and Elsie's chicken manure they gave us.  Turns out these are quite a "hardy and nutritious" berry.  There were also several Christmas cards, in the mail not the garden.  Another great thing about the holidays.

Saturday 12/14.  It was 24 and overcast, but cleared up a bit and we had sun peeking through in the afternoon.  Our high for the day was 30.  The snow that used to crunch and squeak under my boots now barely makes a sound at all.

It was a busy day, doing a lot of little things.  I was in a cleaning and sorting mood that usually doesn't hit until closer to New Year's.

On our afternoon walk, we saw what were definitely fresh cougar tracks on our lower south-ridge-loop road.  They are at least twice as big as the dogs' tracks but with no claws.  And they were not there yesterday. . .

The snow has begun to melt in the sheltered areas where there was less of it to begin with, and where the sun hits it.

Sunday 12/15.  Quite warm this morning, 32 and partly cloudy with a light wind.  The sun shone most of the day and our high was 37.  The snow is really melting now and there are lots of muddy spots, plus the ice on the areas where we have walked a lot.

Another magazine we just received is Archeology.  My Dad got me interested at a very young age as I spent my childhood summers exploring the southern Oregon deserts and mesas looking for Indian artifacts.  We would also often come upon primitive cabins insulated with old newspapers that we could still read.  My Dad's interest was mainly in U.S. history, but my interest has spread world-wide.  I always read every word of this fascinating magazine.

I am still amazed and so pleased with the wonderful taste of our home-grown potatoes.  They are so much better than the store-bought.

On our afternoon walk, we saw fresh cougar tracks again.  So he has been down this road twice now in the past two days.  Oh, goodie. . .

And speaking of eating, I really to have to cut down.  I have been blessed with a high metabolism and could always eat as much and whatever I wanted to - until I moved to Chicago at age 56 and was introduced to all their fatty foods.  But that aside, with our now-healthy diet I can eat a lot and not have a weight problem.  However, I tend to nibble when I am not hungry, just out of habit, and that is not good.  So now I have to exercise some self-control and just stop that.  Unfortunately, self-control is not one of my fortes.  My unhappy stomach is helping me though, it's just really tough around the holidays.  Especially when I buy eggnog and receive such gifts as petite fours!  I really overdid the nibbling today and I am sure I will pay for it.

Monday 12/16.  It is 28 this morning with a very light overcast.  No night time fires needed these past few days.  The house is still warm in the morning from our last evening fire and we certainly do not need to keep it stoked during the day.  It's getting awfully muddy though. . .

Thought for the day: There are mornings when everything brims with promise, even my empty cup.  Ted Kooser

Friday, December 13, 2013

Dec 13, 2013 Clouds & Fog

Dinga & Jesse on the north ridge Thursday.

Wednesday 12/11.  I called Sandy after I posted and we had a nice long chat.  Love to start my day that way.  Talked to my Aunt Nene in the afternoon, so it was really a great day!

The sky never cleared, but the overcast did thin out a bit to the south and allowed the sun's brightness through, so the solar panels were able to draw in some power.  

Did some laundry.  Read the January issue of Cowboys & Indians with Chris Cooper on the cover.  Always a good read.  Also read more of my book, The Hunt Club, which is excellent.  Trimmed JB's hair.  And just enjoyed the day.

Only ten more days until the rebirth of light.  Will definitely be looking forward to that. . .

Thursday 12/12.  It was 10 and overcast this morning, with a fog bank moving in.  The fog didn't even last until noon, and we actually saw a little blue sky.  The temperature got up to 16, but there's another arctic blast in the forecast for next week.  The forecast snow has not yet arrived.

I slept tight last night, but had lots of dreams.  JB had to wake me up twice as I was crying.  Don't remember that dream, except that it was sad not scary.  Of course my bladder also woke me up, and then I got up at 6:00 to let the dogs out.  So by the time I got out of bed at 8:00 am, I was still very tired.  I fed the dogs and ate my breakfast, then I went back to bed for a good 30-minute nap.  That's all I needed.

Naps.  I love them so much that I have written the following Ode to Naps:
     Now that I am retired
     And my time is actually mine,
     I often stop and take a nap
     Which is oh so divine.

We both read our books.  JB was doing projects on his computer and I worked on my computer to get photos sorted out and saved onto archival DVDs.  I love the external DVD-RW that Jake bought for me.  So easy to use.

We saw even more new deer tracks on our afternoon walk.  I don't ever remember seeing so many tracks Up Here, especially so close to the house.

The winter bed is so much more inviting than the summer one.  We like the bedroom cold, which makes snuggling down into the flannel sheets and feeling the weight and warmth of the blanket and comforter so. . . well, comforting.

Friday 12/13.  Blue sky and 24 this morning.  No new snow in the forecast til the middle of next week.  And our resident frog is serenading us.  Can't believe he isn't hibernating.  I would be if I lived under the house.

Thought for the day:  Winter is not a season, it's an occupation.  Sinclair Lewis

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec 11, 2013 Exploding Cans

Clouds moving in Tuesday afternoon.

Deer & rabbit tracks on the north ridge.

Monday 12/9.  The drive down our snowy road was certainly beautiful, but slow and fairly uneventful, except for one corner.  Our road is obviously a wildlife thoroughfare for deer, rabbits and squirrels.  

The line at the post office was fairly short, and I was done at the laundromat by noon.  Then to Costco, Fred Meyer, and the UPS store to pick up the mail.  I called JB as I was leaving Fred Meyer so he could start down in his Jeep to pick me up at Larry and Elsie's.  He actually got there before I did.  The paved canyon road from town to our dirt canyon road had been plowed but was very icy.  So glad this will probably be my last trip down until March.

We made it back to Rose Camp by 3:00.  Our high for the day was 14, which I don't think was very much below the high Down There.

I am beginning to think that when I drink eggnog, it never makes it to my stomach, but rather seeps out directly to my waist and piles on another layer with each glass. . .  Ah, the holidays.  I'll work it off next summer.

Finally figured out what the occasional noise was out on the porch.  We had about five cans of soda that we could not fit into the cooler and they were exploding!  Fortunately they were still in the case, which kept the mess mainly contained.  And, yes, most of the beer froze, but mine did not leak or explode.  However, JB lost two of his last three gluten-free beers.  They did leak.  I thawed out one of mine (Corona) and drank it.  Tastes just fine, so we're not in deep doodoo after all.

Some of the DVD's I had ordered were in our mail, including the first season of Homeland.  We watched the pilot and the next episode this evening.  This is going to be a great series!

Tuesday 12/10.  This morning was 15 and overcast, but blue sky soon began appearing and by 10:00 am, when we went out to put the track back on MAX, the sun was peeking out.  We enjoyed a bright and sunny early afternoon with a high of 21. 

By 11:30 we had the track back on MAX, which entailed jacking MAX up onto pieces of wood.  Taking off the middle tire, and using the shop vac to suck the air out of the other two tires.  Then juggling the track back on, before which we always kiss and apologize for any angry remarks we may growl during the process.  It actually went on fairly easily this time, and then we reversed the operation, putting the tire back on.  The air back in the other two, and lowering MAX back down to the ground.

There are so many deer tracks all around the house and on the west and north ridges just since yesterday!  Not sure if they came during the night or while we were gone on Monday.  Lots of rabbit and squirrel tracks, also. 

After lunch, I climbed up to the loft to make some cards while JB went out to try to start the snow blower again.  I suggested that he just stay inside and bang his head against the wall, as he would probably have the same results.  He didn't take me up on my suggestion, but the outcome was as I had predicted.

By the time we went for our afternoon walk at 3:30 pm, clouds, most likely carrying the forecast snow, were moving in from the southwest.

Wednesday 12/11.  It is overcast and 11 degrees this morning, however the snow forecast has been moved out until Friday or later.  Who knows though, those clouds looks pretty ominous.

Thought for the day: For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.  Nelson Mandela - Rest in Peace, Oh Brave One.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dec 9, 2013 "Warming" Up

No words needed.

Friday 12/6.  We actually began the day with 3" of new snow for a total of 6".  RJ did drive up for breakfast and we had what was probably our last visit until Spring.  The snow is very light and powdery, so it's not bad to drive in.

Seems as though it is cold everywhere.  There's even snow on the ocean beaches!  And in Santa Rosa, Sandy has been waking to 25 degree mornings.

I have decided to go Down There tomorrow as we should take my Jeep down to Larry and Elsie's for the winter.  There is more snow in the forecast for next week.  JB will pick me up in MAX when I get back.

JB tried to start the snow blower again, but to no avail, so he plowed with the tractor.  Much more fun for him, I'm sure.  Looks like we'll be sans a snow blower for the winter again.

The orange juice in our outdoor "refrigerator" finally froze.  We'll be in deep doodoo if the beer freezes. . .

We used the extra meatballs on the pizza and it was pretty good.  Blasphemy in Chicago, I'm sure.

Saturday 12/7.  Because it is -8 this morning and the forecast is for sunny days through Monday, I have decided not to go Down There until Monday.  Also the temperature is supposed to start rising by then.  When JB trekked up to clear off the panels, only Dinga went with him, and she had problems with her paws.  Our main object for the day will be to just keep everyone warm.

After a nice, lazy morning, JB baked three loaves of "rye" bread.  A recipe for gluten free bread that tastes like rye.  It does taste a little like rye bread, but a bit sweeter.  I defrosted the refrigerator, then made some more cards and started a new book.  I also brought in fire wood and took the dogs on their afternoon walk.  Too cold to really enjoy it, although the sparkling white vistas made it worthwhile.  Our high for the day was 3. . .

Sunday 12/8.  It was zero and mostly cloudy this morning.  By the time we got to the dishes at 10:30, after our big Sunday breakfast, the sun was powering up the batteries.

There seems to be a big difference between a temperature of above zero and below zero.  Today's high was 7 and the low was zero.  I got so warm getting the wood that I had to take off my gloves!  It was much easier to keep the house warm too.

I finally got the Christmas decorations out, but only put up the larger ones and the creche.  I think I'll pass on all the little ones this year.

The wren is back.  He sat on the wood stacked just outside our dining room windows and looked in at me.  He was all fluffed out to keep warm and looked like a flying ball of feathers.  He comes up for a few days every winter.  Not sure why.

JB got MAX started and drove around to be sure everything was working well.  It was until one of the tracks came off.  But the road is still passable by Jeeps, so he will drive down to Larry and Elsie's in his Jeep tomorrow to pick me up.  He drove his Jeep down to the game cam to put the card back in with no problem.

Monday 12/9.  It is 7 and mostly clear this morning.  We watched three deer mosey over the south ridge and along the east slope, nibbling as they went.  The dogs were barking up a storm at first, but we didn't let them out.  I hope to leave about 9:00 am and will do some laundry Down There along with the grocery shopping.  The main reason for going is to mail all the Christmas cards and packages.

Thought for the day:  Let us be thankful for those who make us happy for they are the gardeners who make our souls bloom.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dec 6, 2013 Yikes! It's Cold!

A cold, cold Columbia River

Wednesday 12/4. When the temperature falls below 10, I can't really tell the difference.  Cold is cold.  It did make it back up to 10 for our high today.  But as I said, cold is cold.  Must be getting used to it as I went for a little hike, then brought the wood in.  JB started all the vehicles, then drained the generator's oil of 0 to 100 oil and refilled it with -20 to 50 oil.

It was the perfect day for roasted red pepper and tomato soup with a toasted cheese sandwich.  Costco now carries that soup and I have become addicted.  Reminiscent of the Campbell's soup of my childhood but so much better.

JB is going Down There tomorrow to buy more diesel gas, pick up the mail and do some Christmas errands.  Now with the wind chill forecast of -17, I am going to wait til Monday to go to town.

RJ is at his cabin and plans to come up for breakfast tomorrow morning.  With these temperatures, he is finding all the cracks where the cold air is coming in!

We spent the late afternoon cooking.  JB baked bread sticks to go with the pasta I was making, and brownies for desert.  I made a huge batch of meatballs, half of which we will put on the pizza for dinner on Friday.

Thursday 12/5.  It is 0 and overcast with a few snowflakes drifting down.  They are very tiny, and a definitely drifting, not falling.  By the time JB left for Down There at 9:30 am, the snow had increased a bit and remained like that for the rest of the day.  But it was so light, that it barely changed what was on the ground.  

Because it was so cold and he has no heater in his Jeep, JB couldn't get all the ice off of the windshield.  It took him 20 minutes to go the first two miles of our road, mainly because he couldn't see that well.  The first item on his list became de-icer!  

My main chore was to wash the dishes and I swear we must have used almost every pot, pan and bowl we had yesterday!

JB picked up the card from the game cam on his way back up.  Lots of wildlife activity lately.  We have videos of lots of deer, a couple coyotes and two cougars.  One of which is quite large.  As soon as I figure out how to get a still photo from the video, I will post it.

Friday 12/6.  We woke up to a temperature of -1, two more inches of snow, and it is still coming down.  The flakes are very fine, which I am sure is due to the temperature.  Not sure if RJ is going to want to come up for breakfast or not.  Looks like it is time to hibernate. . .

Thought for the day:  An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.  G.K. Chesterton

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dec 4, 2013 Snow & Single Digits

Looking to the north with dawn's
rays in the background.

Warming up after being out in the snow.

Monday 12/2.  Well, that was snow moving in, not fog.  Flakes began falling about 8:45 am and the ground was white by 8:50.  The sun was back out by 10:30 and we had just under 1/2".  Our high for the day was 22 with an icy breeze.  On our afternoon walk, my cheek bones literally ached by the time we got back to the house.  We didn't venture out into the snow storm for a morning walk.

I actually put up a few Christmas decorations today, some silk red and white poinsettias.  I'm getting there. . .

For readers who are fairly new to my blog, if you are interested in how we planned for and built our home Up Here, please check out the beginning of my blog.  I was Up Here for three months by myself, living in a pop-up camping trailer and organizing the preparation of the building site and the construction of our home.  JB joined me when he retired in August.  I had bears and deer visit me quite often and got some great photos.  Also some good pictures of our pole-building home being built.

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit in the cold and snow.  Was so nice to see them.  While we had mud and a high in the mid 30's on Sunday, their temperatures stayed in the 20's and all the rain had frozen to ice.  It was windy at their place when we had no wind, and calm down there while it was blowing Up Here.  Not unusual though, just the way the weather can be in the mountains.

It was down to 16 and was snowing again when we went to bed at 10:30 pm.

Tuesday 12/3.  We awoke to a temperature of 9 and a partial overcast with an additional 1-1/2" of snow, for a total of 2".  No more precipitation predicted in the near future, but that Arctic air mass has arrived and we will definitely be cold.  Our high for the day was 13!

JB was out of bed at 7:30 am and out the door shortly thereafter to clear off the solar panels.  Dinga loved the early outing, but Jesse just stayed by the wood stove.  Smart dog.

There is just something about snow in the woods.  So quiet.  So calming.  And Dinga is in her element.  She will run along with her lower jaw down, scooping up snow as she goes.  Soon she will diving into the snow banks. 

The sky cleared by 10:00 am and the sunlight bounced off the white landscape causing us to squint when looking outside.  The sun melted the snow and ice off the south side of the roof, while the temperature soared to 12.

Except for bringing in the wood, I stayed inside.  I did laundry, started a new book and made some greeting cards.  I like the snow, but I don't particularly like being outside when the temperature sinks below 20.  JB took the dogs on their afternoon walk, while I stayed in the cozy loft.

Jesse had gone out after dinner and was still out an hour later.  We could hear him barking but he wouldn't come when we called.  He does not bark at the deer, so I was getting concerned.  At 7:00 pm we finally went out after him.  Love those "head lights" we got at Costco!  After almost 1/2 hour, we still couldn't find him and he had stopped barking.  So we headed back to the house - and there he was!

The thing about going outside in this weather is that it takes several minutes and a lot of exertion to put on all the layers and then take them off again. . .

Wednesday 12/4.  It's a balmy 2 degrees this morning with blue sky.  It has not been this cold since our first winter Up Here, 2008/09, when the temperatures dipped below zero.  Needless to say, I plan to stay inside today.

Thought for the day: Coffee makes the world to round, love only populates it!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dec 2, 2013 Answer on a Rant

Fog creeping into the canyon south of us
on Friday.

Amount of wood I like to have inside
after I bring it in each day.  We
usually don't even use 1/2 of it.

Friday 11/29.  The river valley fog soon spread to the canyons, and our high for the day was 35.  I washed sheets and hung them out to freeze dry.  Oh, they smelled so good!  I really missed hanging the laundry outside this summer when I was going to the laundromat.

I have been very remiss in checking my blog e-mail, which Google has changed a bit.  I was notified that I now have 28 followers on!  How nice!  It is a great site and under "Humor" I signed up for Puppies and Cats, which will give me my daily dose of "ahh."

I also received an e-mail from a reader regarding one of my political rants in which I stated that the arrogant impostor in the White House is a Muslim.  This reader felt I should not have said such a thing, as that man is not a Muslim.  Well, it is my opinion that if he is not such a believer, then he certainly supports its followers.  I have no issue with Islam in its purest form, but like Christianity, it has been bastardized into sects by those who would bend its tenets to their own agendas.  I am sure that both Christ and Muhammad are appalled and grievously saddened - although not at all surprised - at the twisted changes man has made to their teachings.

Back to the impostor, one cannot listen simply to a man's words.  You must also, and more importantly, listen to his actions.  I rarely put any credence into conspiracy theories, but I am certainly leaning towards the one that states that the man living in the White House is out to destroy America as we know it.  I do not believe that he is smart enough nor wily enough to plan this himself, but rather is being controlled by those who put him in office and pull his strings.  Puppet that he is.

I am not easily goaded into ranting, and when I do my ire tends to get the better of me.  Perhaps I need an editor. . .

OK. . . We now return to our regularly scheduled Rose Camp Diary. . .

I so enjoy holiday leftovers.  I had them for lunch, but we broke the cycle for dinner with pepperoni pizza.  

With temperatures rising above freezing, the ground has thawed in places making mud where there had been heavy frost beginning yesterday.  Definitely moisture in the air now.  You can smell it.

We watched one of our favorite westerns this evening, Appaloosa.

Saturday 11/30. It was mostly overcast and 27 this morning with valley fog.  Snow is in the forecast for tonight through Monday, but our high for today was 34.  That arctic mass hasn't reached us yet.

We are seeing deer almost every day now, which I really enjoy.  As much as I love our dogs, I do miss seeing the wildlife they are chasing away.  Wouldn't be without them though.

I wrote my Christmas letters today.  Short and sweet for those who do not read my blog.  My Mom always wrote detailed Christmas letters, but I just mention the main events.  But I do love receiving such letters from friends and family.

Thanksgiving leftovers are wonderful, and that's what we had for dinner, but there is just nothing quite like that first, carefully orchestrated bite of the holiday dinner - dressing, cranberry sauce, turkey and gravy.  It's the best bite of the year.

Sunday 12/1.  Rain fell most of the night as it was too warm for snow.  It was 34 when we got up and the wind was blowing the rain around.  We had so many thunderstorms this summer that now every time it rains hard during the night, Dinga jumps up on our bed like a frightened child seeking protection.  It does not bode well for sleep.

December 1 and I haven't begun to decorate for Christmas.  When we were living Down There, Thanksgiving weekend was always the time to decorate.  Up Here it takes me longer to mentally get to that place.  JB wants to cut one of the small trees that need to be thinned and put it in the front yard to decorate.  We used to decorate one of the smaller trees that were growing there, but we always had a problem with the wind.  Maybe we'll put it on the porch, or inside on the landing at the top of the stairs.  I could get a small tree to fit there.  Hmmm.

When I was at Costco a couple weeks ago, I splurged on some Egyptian Magic skin cream.  I had been reading so much about it for the past month or so in several different magazines, that I decided I really needed to try it.  Well, in the two weeks I have been using it, I can see a subtle difference.  My face seems softer and looks like it has been slightly airbrushed.  And my throat is more firm with less lines.  Of course I doubt that anyone else will notice, but then if it could make a dramatic difference in my old skin, it would be referred to as Egyptian Miracle, not just magic.

Today was just too nasty to go out to do anything but bring in fire wood.  It is really muddy outside now and our high for the day was 35.  BJ did go out to his shop for his cordless drill so we could put some more shelves in a cabinet in the loft.  So glad to get that done, as it allowed me to store more items inside of it.  I have redone the storage area in our loft so many times, but then that is part of nesting.  And I just love nesting.

Monday 12/2.  It is 19 and there is blue sky and sun to the south and east, but there is a huge fog bank to the north.  Or is that snow moving in?

Thought for the day:  Courage is fear that has said its prayers. Karl Barth