Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015 A Very Social Weekend

The result of Saturday's work.

The hillside of yellow balsamroot across from
Larry and Elsie's house, at least a  month early.

Friday 3/27. I probably should have worn shorts and flip flops when I went Down There today.  It was a muggy 71!  I did dress lightly, but it was just too unseasonably warm.  Got the laundry and errands done, and was home by 3:30 pm.  Our high for the day was 60 Up Here.

JB was going to move all the rounds while I was gone, but the front tire on the tractor was low and I had the air pump with me.  So we did all that after dinner.  I love that it is now light enough to do such things in the evening.  

Saturday 3/28. It was 40 and clear this morning with a wind gusting to 34 mph, as it had all night.  Neither of us got much sleep.

Sandy called this morning and we had a nice, long talk.  Always a great start to the day.

The April National Geographic is a fascinating issue.  It has a very interesting article on Abraham Lincoln with a lot of photos I had never seen.  There is also an article on the Hubble telescope with some amazing photos it has taken in space.

The wind wasn't so blustery by noon, so after lunch we went out to work on the trees again.  JB cut 7 rounds off the large tree and I stripped some more branches.  Then he moved all the rounds to the splitter, and one pile of branches to where the cradle will be.  It finally looks like we are getting this mess cleaned up.

Big clouds skittered across the sky all day, but the sun managed to shine.  Warm sun and a cool breeze made for a perfect day to work outside.  Our high was 54.

Still enjoying watching The Following in the evenings.  And it was so nice to have a quiet night in which to fall asleep.

Sunday 3/29. It was 45 and overcast with a breeze this morning.  JB made German pancakes for breakfast which we topped with peaches and brown sugar.  A yummy beginning to a day off from physical labor.

The sun managed to break through the clouds early on and we had a high of 54 again.  The cool breeze stayed around all day.

After lunch we drove Miss Kitty down to pick up my Jeep at Larry and Elsie's, and get some more water.  While we were there, two more neighbors stopped by.  On our way back home we met two more neighbors.  Then just after we arrived home, our neighbor to the south came up for a visit, and we were having a very enjoyable one until Jesse passed some hellacious gas and sent us all running for the door.  All in all, a very social day.  I'm not used to seeing so many people Up Here at least til the end of April. . .

We finished watching season one of the Following and will definitely get season two when it is available!

Monday 3/30. It is 42 with a mostly clear sky this morning.  Fortunately the wind seems to have blown itself out.

Thought for the day: Elections are a good deal like marriages.  There's no accounting for anyone's taste.  Every time we see a bridegroom we wonder why she ever picked him, and it's the same with public officials. Will Rogers

Friday, March 27, 2015

March 27, 2015 Wild Flowers, Stretchy Fabric & Fruit

Western Spring Beauties popping up
everywhere overnight!

Wednesday 3/25. The overcast began breaking up and the sun was peeking out by 10:30 am when JB and the dogs left for their morning walk.  Our high for the day was 48.

Last night JB discovered a couple small trees that had fallen over the road where the bank gave way.  He was able to just barely drive around them, so today we drove Miss Kitty down and cut them.  Was a beautiful day and the dogs loved the exercise.

We are enjoying the gluten free chocolate cupcakes that JB brought back from Trader Joe's.  So yummy!  Unfortunately none of the Costco stores he went to carry the gluten free pretzels and other snacks any more.

What is it with the fashion industry's fascination with stretchy fabric?  It seems as though women's clothes these days are all in some way stretchy: tops, bottoms, everything.  Whatever happened to plain old cotton/polyester blend?  Even the fleece sheets that JB's Mom gave to us are stretchy.  They are very cozy, but they just don't stay in place.  Same with the queen-size fleece blanket we bought at Costco.  Arrgggh!

Thursday 3/26. It was 45 and partly overcast this morning.  The snow has completely disappeared, and the mountains are back in sight.  And, suddenly, overnight there are Western Spring Beauties popping up in several places.

JB cut nine rounds off the smaller tree today, his back giving out before the chainsaw did.  I stripped some more branches, and gave the girls fresh shavings in their nesting boxes.  Two eggs today.

Am now also using the rinse water from the dishes to flush the toilet.  Every little bit helps.

Tomorrow I plan to go Down There to do laundry and run some errands.  JB plans to move all the rounds to the splitter in the tractor bucket, as well as the stripped branches to where we will build the new wood cradle.

Today was an absolutely magnificent Spring day that we all thoroughly enjoyed.  The sky cleared early and the sun shone brightly.  Our high was 56, but I am sure it was at least 60 in the sun.  No jackets needed today.  And this is the first day that I have finally felt 100% again.  Have never eaten so much fruit on a daily basis in my life, but it seems to be working.

Friday 3/25. This morning is 45 with mostly clear skies.  The forecast temp for Down There is 70!

Thought for the day: What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? Brad Johnston, quoted in Guideposts March issue

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25, 2015 The White Lion of March & Merchants of Doubt

Dinga helping JB.

Monday 3/23. After lunch we worked on the downed trees for a couple hours.  JB cut four rounds from the big end of the largest tree.  I stripped branches.  JB was going to start cutting from the smaller end of the tree, but after those four big cuts, the chains saw pleaded, "No more!"

The wind picked up a little before 3:00 pm and ushered in a short snow flurry.  Then the sun popped out and the rest of the storm was blown to the north of us.  Our high for the day was 45, but with quite a wind chill.

Larry and Elsie now have three bears roaming the hillsides near their place.

Sandy sent a very interesting article to me about "spin doctors" and a new documentary on them, Merchants of Doubt.  It is quite worrisome, actually, and is about "the spin doctors and lobbyists who drive so much of our public debate about everything from cigarettes to flame retardants to climate changes."  One of the men interviewed for it was very frank and open about what he does, and obviously has no moral issues about it.  He says, "You can take James Hansen, the climate scientist, and I can take a garbage man, and I could get America to believe that the garbage man knows more about science."  Scary. . .

We started watching the first season of The Following this evening.  Very dark, but very good.

Tuesday 3/24. We awoke to 4" of snow this morning!  It was 32 with a partly cloudy sky and a breeze blowing snow bombs off the trees.  Snow soon began sliding off the roof, and by noon it began to melt in many places.

JB saw a bald eagle soaring above the canyon on the morning walk.

We have finished all but three rows of wood in the shed, so I will start taking wood off the porch from now on.  We have used 3-12 rows so far.

Our water problems seemed to have trickled down to Larry and Elsie.  They had pipe problems at their well.  Larry had to make three trips into town yesterday for parts.  He got it fixed and then the pressure blew out the seal on the pitless adapter.  If he has to go into town even once on a day off, he's not a happy camper.  So BJ went down this evening to help him replace the seal, and fill our water containers.  He also got to see one of their bears.

Wednesday 3/25. This morning is 35 with a very low overcast.  The mountains have disappeared, as has more than half of our snow.

Thought for the day: Passion is a young man's game.  Young people can be passionate.  Older people gotta be more wise. Bob Dylan (from an interview in the current AARP magazine)

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 All's Well

(Internet connection is too slow this morning for a photo.)

Friday 3/20. Took my last two pills today.  Will be glad to get rid of that metallic taste in my mouth and the off-kilter feeling.

The sky remained overcast and our high for the day was 50.  A perfect day to finish my book, Odd Apocalypse.  Dean Koontz never fails to entertain.

The first day of Spring and it went almost unnoticed Up Here, as all the flora, fauna, and us humans are pretty sure it began a few weeks ago.

JB's Mom is being released from the hospital today and is going into a rehab facility so she can build her strength back up.  JB plans to come home tomorrow.

Saturday 3/21.  It was 40, clear and windy this morning.  I got on my way at about 9:45 am to go to the track meet and see Mike.  Picked up a latte on the way, and as I walked to the bleachers, almost ran right into him!  We had a nice chat before he had to go.  I found RJ and we got a good seat.  Only had to wait about a half an hour before Mike's first event - a hurdles relay.  I was so excited to finally be able to see him compete in person and be able to cheer him on.  I got some great photos, too.

I couldn't stay for his second even which wasn't until 3:00 pm, so I said my goodbyes and left to do some grocery shopping.  I was home by 2:30 and JB arrived back at 5:30.  So very good to have him home again!

Sunday 3/22.  It was 35 and overcast this morning.  We had a nice leisurely start to a relaxing day with a big breakfast and lots of newspapers.  Just took the day off.

A light precipitation began falling around noon.  It couldn't decide if it wanted to rain or snow, so we got some of both off and on for the rest of the afternoon.

Jane called and we had a great chat - until my phone battery died.  She is enjoying beautiful Spring weather in the 70's, and is very thankful that their snow is all gone.

We watched the last three episodes of season three of Homeland.  Not sure why the critics thought it was a slow season.  

Monday 3/23.  It is 35 and partly cloudy today.  We want to get out and finish cutting up the trees and move the rounds to the splitter.  Also want to drive Miss Kitty down so I can bring my Jeep up to our road.

Thought for the day: You can't wait for inspiration.  You have to go after it with a club. Jack London

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015 Flowers & Two Drives

A blue grouse I saw on my drive down to Elsie's
on Thursday.

Wednesday 3/18. Such a wonderous day!  There is a balsam root plant in bud on the south ridge already.  We usually don't see them until May.  Elsie says there is one in full bloom on the hillside near them.

I really wanted to hear music today, so I got out my Andre Rieu CD's and popped them in the stereo.  Wow!

At about 1:30 pm I drove Miss Kitty down to check the mail, pick up the package at Larry and Elsie's, and let their dogs out for a romp.  At the mailbox I met another neighbor for the first time and we had a nice chat.  He lives on the paved road.  When I let the dogs out, they really were slow going back in even though they knew they would get a treat.  It was just too nice outside!

On my drive down our road I had to make a couple stops to move large rocks that I could not drive around.  On the way back up I had to make several stops to remove smaller ones.  But it was a great day for a drive.

JB's Mom may be able to come home tomorrow.  Each day seems to bring another delay.

Thursday 3/18. It was 38 and overcast this morning, with rain and snow in the forecast for the next several days.  The clouds started breaking up in the late morning, and the sun shone for the rest of the day.  Our high was 53.

I want so much to get to know my Grandchildren, but since that is just not an option right now, I think that by writing about my life and thoughts that they may get to know me in some way.  Both my Mom and Dad saved letters that they and their parents wrote and received, so I have letters dating back to the very early 1900's.  By reading them I have come to know my great-Grandparents (whom I never met) and my Grandparents a little more.  And that feels very good.

I had a very social day on the phone.  Talked to JB, Elsie, Randy and our son.  JB's Mom will not be coming home today and things are a bit up in the air right now.  Had a good chat with Randy who has become quite the mountain man by packing a .45 now whenever he is walking out and about.  Since it looks like JB will not be home for a while, I called Elsie to ask if she could drive me back up from their place if I drove my Jeep down.  The road is pretty good right now, but I am not sure that will last with all the rain and possible snow we are supposed to get.  Any other time I would have just driven the Jeep to where our road meets the main canyon road, parked it there, and walked back home the two miles.  But with the meds I am on, I just don't feel I would make that hike very well.

After dinner I drove my Jeep down to Elsie's and she drove me back up in their UTV.  As she says, "That's what neighbors are for."  And such a good neighbor she is.

Friday 3/20. It is 42 and overcast this morning.  The dogs got me up at 6:00 am, but I went back to bed and overslept.  Couldn't get on the internet right away, so fed the chickens and dogs first.  Crazy morning!  But it's my last day for meds - Woo Hoo!!

RJ's son has a track meet in Wenatchee this weekend and I am so looking forward to going to it.  

Thought for the day: It takes courage to grow up and be who we really are. e e cummings

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 18, 2015 Plastic Sacks, A New Author & Toilet Water

Our first blooms of the year.
Our wood from the two trees so far.  Only about
1/4 of what we should get total.

Monday 3/16. With all my spare time, I have been driving through books.  Am now reading True Believer by Nicholas Sparks.  I can't believe it has taken me this long to discover him considering the many books to his credit, and the fact that three of them have been made into movies.  Well, I'm a fan now and I look forward to reading all of his books.

Valley fog began forming as the sun rose and threatened to visit us, but never quite made it.  By the time we went for our morning walk at 10:30 am, the last wisps of the fog were floating up and out of the canyons.  Our high for the day was 42.

I am pretty sure that the flora and fauna are convinced it is already Spring Up Here.  There are birds and greenery everywhere, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some bears out and about.  Unfortunately our game cam is kaput, so it may be a while before we get any photos as I will have to take them in person.  We saw some robins down in the canyon last Tuesday on our way Down There although they haven't come up to us yet.

With all the energy from the sun, and my renewed energy, I was finally able to vacuum.  That in itself made me feel better.

I read in one of my magazines that an easy way to organize your plastic sacks is to form then into donuts.  Just stretch them out, wrap them around your finger, and tuck the end into the hole.  I tried it and it works great!  I don't have many, as I always try to remember to bring my own bags when shopping, but the bag of them that I do have is much easier to manage now.

Our cistern is down to about 500 gallons, and it occurred to me that we could use rain water from the barrels outside to flush the toilet, now that it has all melted.  We have three full ones, so that's what I have started doing.  I fill a 2-gallon jug that I use to fill the toilet tank and then simply refill each one after each flush.  We only flush twice a day, so it's really no problem.

We received more than 3/4" of rain yesterday, which is unusual for Up Here, unfortunately none of it leaked into the cistern.  Wish I had a giant funnel to direct it all in there.

I put the candles away today as with the longer days and Daylight Savings Time, we don't need them in the evening any more.  I LOVE the longer days!

The girls gave us three eggs today.  I always delight in finding them, whether is is one, two or three.  It is just as exciting as it was when we first got the girls.  After getting eggs out of a carton for more than 67 years, finding them in the hen house seems absolutely magical.

In talking on the radio with Larry this evening, I learned that he saw his first bear of the year today across the canyon from their house.  He believes it is about a 400 lb. male.  OK - I'll definitely be packing from now on when we go on our walks. . .

JB calls every day around noon, and today his Mom is feeling much more perky.  She may even be able to go home tomorrow.  One of the errands he is going to run while over there is to stock up on Costco's gluten free products, as our Costco over here doesn't carry many of them any more.  

Tuesday 3/17. It was 38 and overcast this morning with more rain in the forecast for tomorrow.  Plenty of power coming in to turn on the water even with the clouds.

I finished True Believer - a fantastic book.  And now I have started Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz.  Also re-reading some of my books on angels.

Not quite sure where the day went.  I read, putzed around, and addressed all my Easter cards.  The girls gave us two eggs today, which means that two of them are laying almost every day!

Larry and Elsie saw "their" bear again today, grazing on the hillside.

JB's Mom will probably be going home tomorrow.

Am re-watching season three of Warehouse 13 and loving it.

Wednesday 3/18. It is a chilly 35 this morning with clear skies and a breeze.  I am going to drive Miss Kitty down to pick up the mail at our box on the pavement, drop off our chainsaw chains for Larry to sharpen, get a package they picked up at the post office for us, and let their dogs out for a break.

Thought for the day: Coincidence is Gods way of doing a miracle anonymously. Sophie Burnham

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015 Pi Day, Rain & A Trip to Seattle

JB moving the big rounds.

Friday 3/13. JB cut five rounds on the smaller tree and went through three chains on the chainsaw.  I think that tree is petrified!  He also cut the top twenty feet of the larger tree into rounds, and with no problems.  Then he moved all the rounds to the splitter.  I broke all the little branches off a pile of large branches.  Both these trees had mistletoe which causes the branches to be very brittle.  A bad thing in a wind storm, but it makes clean up a lot easier when you are taking them down.  Don't have to clip, just bend and break.

I also broke a pile of smaller, dead branches into kindling and took two wheelbarrow loads to the wood shed.  Looks like we actually got a lot of work done today.

In the mail I picked up yesterday was an invitation to my 50th high school class reunion!  If that doesn't make me feel old. . .  And I have no desire to attend.

I finally read the paperwork for the antibiotics I am taking and I probably shouldn't have.  One of them seems to have more than two hundred possible side effects, most of which are worse than what I am taking it for.  I figure by next Friday, when I am done taking them, I will either be completely well or I will be dead. . .

JB's Mom had to be taken to the emergency room and no one is quite sure what is wrong.

Watched more Homeland, and season three is a bit slow but there are some great twists and turns.

Saturday 3/14. This morning was 45 with a light shower.  By noon the clouds began to break up.  The sun peeked out.  And the wind was gusting into the high 20's.  At least it is drying out some of the mud.

I am experiencing a couple of the side effects from the pills: nausea and diarrhea.  Looks like it is going to be a fun week.  At least there is no more pain.  I just have to do less and examine my ideas about bland foods.  In my boredom, I baked cookies and read a book. 

As JB put it, we hit the trifecta today - the girls gave us three eggs!

JB's Mom was admitted to the hospital last night and the problem seems to be viral, but they still are not sure exactly what it is.  JB will probably go over there tomorrow.

Our son emailed us photos of the grandchildren on Pi day!  Pi is 3.1415916 and so on.  Today is 3/14/15 which only happens every 100 years.  So in the photo the children are holding a sign which says "Happy Pi Day! 3.1415", holding a phone with the time of 9:16 next to the sign, and eating apple pie!

Sunday 3/15. This morning was rainy and 40 degrees.  I am really upset that my Aunt Nene did not keep the rain on her side of the mountains.  Well, we actually need more moisture, but I just wish it had come in the form of snow.  

We loaded up Miss Kitty with JB's luggage and I drove him down to his Jeep at Larry and Elsie's at about 10:30 am.  Don't know how long he will be gone, but he needs to be there when his Mom is released as both his brother and sister-in-law, with whom she lives, work.

I spent the rest of the rainy day just napping and reading.  The rain continued to fall steadily until about 9:00 pm, and then the wind picked up again. 

Monday 3/16. It is a chilly morning with a temperature of 38 and a mostly clear sky.  Will probably be another quiet day of just putzing around the house, reading and napping.

Thought for the day: Sometimes you're the windshield.  Sometimes you're the bug.

Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015

(Again my internet connection is way too slow to upload a photo.)

Wednesday 3/11. Feeling so much better this morning, I rushed out to meet the day and got tripped up by my own exuberance.  I have to slow down until I really am better.  

There is another stump by the two from the trees that JB just took down and I can picture a nice little garden spot there with flowers in the stumps, the bird bath and a bench.  An inexpensive project for my summer.

JB cut four more rounds from the larger tree (a 27" diameter), and moved them to the splitter.  Finally a little before 2:00 pm I felt better and went out to help.  We got some of the large, bare branches moved to where we plan to build the new wood cradle.  I broke smaller ones into kindling.

We watched the last episode of True Blood, season five, and hit the sack early.

Thursday 3/12.  I left for Down There at about 9:00 am with loads of laundry to do.  Just took things slowly and did much better today.  Picked up a few groceries.  Stopped in to visit with Larry and Elsie.  Spent some time at the Salvation Army store and found a couple books, a queen-size sheet to use as a couch or bed cover, and a longs-sleeved T-shirt.  Went to my 2:30 pm doctor's appointment for a follow-up to Tuesday's visit to the clinic.  I am definitely on the mend.  Also got a blood test for celiac's disease, per JB's request.

It was 4:40 pm by the time I arrived back home.  Our high Up Here was 57, but it was 68 Down There.  I am pretty sure we are going to pay for this incredible weather in another couple weeks as March roars out of here.

We started watching season three of Homeland which I have heard is supposed to be kind of slow.

Friday 3/13. Another Friday the 13th!  It is 40 and overcast this morning with rain due tomorrow.  Still so much clean up to do and rounds to cut with the trees.

Thought for the day: A great pleasure of life is doing what people say we cannot do. Walter Bagehot

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11, 2015 Down There to the Doctor

(Internet connection is too slow for a photo this morning.)

Monday 3/9. I overdid it on Saturday and Sunday so now I'm paying for it.  I guess I should just tip toe into physical activity instead of jumping in with both feet.  But I also have something going on with my intestinal tract that I probably should get checked out and I feel like I have a low-grade temperature.

We were out trimming branches off the larger tree and JB was using the chain saw on the larger ones, when my phone rang.  It was Larry calling to say that he could hear us and it sounded like the chain was dull!  He said to bring it down so he could sharpen it.  It was our last chain, so JB drove Miss Kitty down with our three chains for Larry to sharpen on his machine.  When he left, I got out my small limbing saw.  I knew for sure that Larry was right when I was able to cut the limbs in half the time it had been taking JB.

By the time JB returned, I had all the small and medium branches cut and had done a few other chores.  I felt fairly good as long as I kept moving.  With the newly sharpened chains, JB finished limbing the tree.  Then he brought the tractor down.  I attached the top of the tree, that was hanging over the edge of the ridge, to the tractor with a long strap so it wouldn't roll down when JB cut the top 20' off.  It worked perfectly and he pulled it up where we could cut it into rounds.  Some of the branches on the lower part of the trunk have been driven more than a foot into the ground.  There are a few that I am not sure we will ever get out. . .

The larger tree was 77' tall, plus the 2' stump.  The shorter, "tuning fork", tree was 68' tall, plus the 2' stump.  Lots of firewood for the winter of 2016-17.  We will have enough left in the wood shed and on the porch for next winter.

Temperatures for the weekend were in the high 50's and today actually reached 60!  I opened all the windows to let in the fresh air.  I love it!

It was a very good day and I plan to go Down There tomorrow mainly to get the laundry done.  If I am feeling better.

Tuesday 3/10.  It was 45 and partly cloudy this morning, and I was awake most of the night with nasty intestinal pains.  My slight fever finally broke at about 5:00 am.  I will be going Down There, but not to do the laundry.  JB is going to take me to the doctor as I am pretty sure my diverticulitis is acting up again.  Can't believe it took me this long to realize that. . .

We left at about noon and the road was pretty sloppy.  I can only imagine what it is going to be like after the rain that is due in tomorrow.  I went to the walk-in clinic since I couldn't get in to see my doctor.  I was right about the diverticulitis and when we left for home I had two antibiotics to take, which means bland food and no alcoholic beverages for ten days.  So I am going to bed tonight with instructions for JB to wake me only for meals and meds.  On 3/20 I will arise and begin life anew.

Wednesday 3/11.  It is 43 and overcast this morning and it rained a bit during the night.  Having started my meds yesterday, I already feel so much better.  Maybe I won't stay in bed. . .

Thought for the day: May you live all the days of your life. Jonathan Swift

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015 Toppling Trees

And it fell. . .
. . .right where JB wanted it to.  Great Job!

Next. . .
. . . but it just doesn't want to fall!

Finally - timber!!  Again, right where JB wanted it.
Now the "fun" begins: limbing. . .

. . . and cutting into rounds.

Friday, March 6, 2015

March 6, 2015 A Hike, Baking Soda & The Dentist

Grouse tracks in the snow.

Wednesday 3/4. Not wanting to waste this glorious day after spending most of yesterday inside, we went for an outing half-way down the short-cut to my brother's cabin.  JB drove Miss Kitty slowly while the dogs and I walked.  We turned on to the virgin snow on the short-cut that had hardly began to melt.  Well, virgin except for deer, dog and grouse tracks.  I loved the hike down, not only because it was such a gorgeous day, but also because I knew I would get a ride back up.  Plus the outing took my mind off tomorrow's visit to the dentist.

We stopped at the flat spot, walked around a bit and enjoyed the different view.  The dogs energetically explored, Jesse going further while Dinga stayed closer to us.  

Back home, the dogs slept.  I read my book.  And JB worked on his new computer.  The UPS package he picked up on Monday contained an external hard drive on which to store data files from his old computer.  Mainly records of his 3000+ Magic cards.

I just have to say how much I love baking soda!  It can clean anything, especially my sinks.  When I think how much money I have spent over the years on cleansers. . .  And there is nothing in the soda that is harmful to the environment.  So glad the general outlook is changing from the "Oh, look what science and commerce has to offer now!", back to what is natural.  When I go shopping, I am amazed at the array of products on the shelves that we simply do not need.

And speaking of white bread, I still buy some regular bread for myself but it is usually whole grain.  However sometimes I just need a good white bread.  So I go for the names like Cannon Beach Milk & Honey.  Unfortunately a rose by any other name. . .

We finished watching season five of Downton Abbey this evening and I am looking forward to watching it at least three or four more times.

Thursday 3/5. It was 35 with a light overcast this morning.  "D" (dentist) day.  I wasn't as nervous as if I was going to get a tooth pulled, and the whole affair actually went off quite well.  I had never had any work done at this office and I was amazed at all the hi-tech gadgets.  A dental hygienist gave me the shot and I barely felt it at all.  The rest of the appointment went just as well and in less than two hours I walked out with a porcelain crown that feels perfect.  Woo Hoo!

JB did some shopping while I was in the chair and was waiting for me when I was done.  Back home I had a light lunch and took a long nap.  

The overcast had cleared a bit by mid day and our high for the day was 46.  So far the snow has been melting very slowly with very little slush or mud, however the above-normal temps predicted for the next several days may put an end to that and bring a revival of mud season.  Looks like March is coming in like a lamb.  Makes me wonder what Mother Nature has planned for its going out party.

Friday 3/6. The sky is overcast again and the temp is 40 this morning.  We have been seriously talking about building a root cellar so today we might do some serious scouting for a place to put it.

Thought for the day: Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Rabindranath Tagore

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015 Sunshine, Walks & Science

Dinga on Monday morning, welcoming
the snow and barking away the critters.
Lots of snow Up Here, but all melted Down There.

Monday 2/2. JB didn't need to leave as early as we usually do as one of his errands was to pick up a package at the UPS station that doesn't open until 3:00 pm.  So he pulled out at 9:45 am after a big breakfast of leftover biscuits and gravy.  The light snow was still gently falling, although it stopped soon after he left.

The dogs and I went on the morning walk, and then I brought in the fire wood.  And, yes, the sled does glide more easily on the snow, but it tends to nip at my heels and try to race me to the porch.

A little before 1:00 pm, the sun peeked through a hole in the cloud cover so I turned on the water and washed my hair.  It was basically a "flush and fill", as we call it.  Turn it on to just fill the water containers, flush the toilet and fill the pipes.

More chinks of blue appeared in the clouds and the day brightened considerably.  So much so that the dogs and I went on a hike.  All traces of the morning snowfall had disappeared in the warmth of the sun, and the pathways were brown again along with some patches of the drive.  We started out going down the driveway, but at the steep part I figured that I really needed cleats on my boots to keep from slipping.  So we turned around and headed all the way up to the peak.  After enjoying the view, we headed down the south ridge to my bench and enjoyed the view from there for a while.  Back home we all took a short nap, then later took our regular afternoon walk.  Our high for the day was 39.

The March issue of National Geographic had an interesting article on "The War on Science", however I disagreed with several points and the general "science is always right" attitude.  So I e-mailed a letter to their editor.  Never done that before to that particular magazine.  The first letter to the editor of a newspaper (or any publication) I ever wrote was when I was in high school.  My Mother was an elementary school teacher and was forever spending her own money (that we could ill afford) on art supplies for posters and such that the school system should have been providing, but had no money for.  So when in an election the school bond did not pass, I wrote (what I thought was) a scathing letter lambasting the voters for dragging the schools through the mud along with the library bond, which also did not pass.  I was such a little mouse at that time, that when some of the high school teachers who new me, saw my name after that letter, they were quite astonished.  All except my English teacher.

The patches of blue sky disappeared and it began to snow again shortly before JB arrived back home, just as it has stopped snowing shortly after he left this morning.  But it didn't last much more than an hour.

He had enjoyed a good day Down There, including a visit to the Assessor's office.  Seems as though they are re-evaluating all the canyon lands, and the flat pieces will probably be going up in value.  That certainly shouldn't affect us, so hopefully ours will be adjusted back down.

The girls have been giving us an egg a day now for about a week.  In the 28 days of February, we received 24 eggs.

Tuesday 3/3. Twenty degrees and clear skies greeted us this morning.  The skies stayed clear all day long, and our high for the day was 35.

After spending yesterday mostly outside, we spent most of today inside reading newspapers and magazines.  Also defrosted the fridge.  Was a nice, lazy day, with a high of 35.

The dentist's office called to say they had a cancellation and would I like to come in this Thursday instead.  Oh yes, I want to get this over with.

I am so enjoying the return of the light.  And now, with cloudless nights, the moon is bright upon the snow.

Some more Downton Abbey to end the day.

Wednesday 3/4. Another cloudless morning and a temp of 25. 

Thought for the day: ". . . love is the essence of heaven.  It is what it is made of.  It is the coin of the realm." Eben Alexander, MD The Map of Heaven

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015 Cleaning Up

JB leaving to plow the road on
Friday afternoon.

The south ridge on our Saturday afternoon walk.

Friday 2/27. About 9:30 am, JB slogged through the snow up to the south ridge to clean off the solar panels.  Now that they have been tilted 1/3 up, the snow doesn't slide off so easily.  He also measured and by then we had received 5" of snow.

Then we put the plow back on Miss Kitty.  I got the snow blower out and cleared the parking area and paths.  After lunch JB left to plow the road, which took him about an hour.  Then he worked another half hour clearing the south ridge and the drive around the house.

Snow slipped off the roof all day, landing in dull thuds.  The clouds quit dropping snow on us at about noon, then the fog began moving in, alternating with light snow for most of the afternoon.  Our high for the day was 35 and we received a total of 6".  By 4:00 pm the snow and fog cleared so that we could see Down There.  Looked like it just rained in town and the snow level was about 1800 ft.

Our new water filter is working just fine.  The container is a heavy plastic, which I could taste at first, but now it is just like bottled water.  We are filtering all the water we use now, except for what we wash the dishes in.

We watched the first Fast and Furious movie this evening.  I got it for $2.00 just to see what all the fuss is about.  It was entertaining, but not sure I'll buy any of the others.

Saturday 2/28. A brisk and brilliant morning with a clear sky and temperature of 25.  Rainbows of crystal dust lightly fell from the trees.  As the sun began to warm the snow on the branches, the "dust" turned to snow bombs, which fell most of the day.

Sandy called and we had a nice long chat.  It's been in the 70's this past week in Santa Rosa, but they still haven't had any rain for a while.  She told me that Leonard Nimoy passed away yesterday.  He prospered, but I wish he had lived a bit longer.  What a guy!

I finished reading Dean Koontz's Cold Fire.  Excellent!  One of my favorites of his.  Then I dove right in to his Twilight Eyes.

JB drove MAX down our road to even out some ridges he had created yesterday while plowing.  Like the Energizer bunny, MAX just keeps on going. . .  When he got back home, JB lay down for a long nap to try to ward off the cold he feels coming on.

This evening we started watching season five of Downton Abbey.  This is the same season that is now airing on TV, so we will probably be done watching it before Sandy is.  So nice to be back in 1920's England.

Sunday 3/1. It was 25 with a mostly clear sky this morning, except for a few wispy clouds to the north.  JB has had a taste for biscuits and gravy, so that is what we had for breakfast.  He baked the biscuits and cooked the sausage, while I, being the saucier in the family, made the gravy.  Everything turned out so good!

After breakfast and washing the dishes, JB drove Miss Kitty down our driveway just to the hairpin corner to plow some more.  Two trips, and the dogs gleefully joined him.  I brought in the fire wood, the sled gliding so much more easily again in the snow.

My cousin, Suzann, called to thank me for the shadow box I had made for her birthday which is today.  I used a bird's nest I had found with feathers and dogs' hair woven into it, along with a moss covered branch and some bark.  Am so glad she liked it.  I always like whatever people make for me, but I am never quite sure how my hand-made gifts will be received.

I finally made a banana-chocolate chip coffee cake with some very ripe bananas.  One of our favorite treats.

Unless JB is feeling better, I will be going Down There tomorrow to close out our box at the UPS store and run some errands, including going to the Assessor's office about our property taxes.  JB was going to go down on Saturday, but with the snow, we decided against it.  And since his cold is threatening to settle into his lungs, I will probably be going.  So when JB was done plowing today, he took the plow off Miss Kitty.

By 3:00 pm, the sky was overcast.  Our high for the day was 39 and the snow is definitely beginning to melt.

Monday 3/2. It is 32 and lightly snowing tiny flakes this morning.  JB is feeling fine, so he will be going Down There today.

Thought for the day: If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words, cars make people drive drunk and spoons make people fat. (Seen on a t-shirt)