Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018 Happy New Year! Life Is Good.

Visiting deer on Friday.

Friday 12/28. It was a very good trip Down There.  No issues on the road with either Miss Kitty or the Jeep.  Bought everything on my list, and then some, including a two-pack of roasting chickens at Costco.
Picked up my package at the UPS store (radio/cd player I had ordered), and was home just before 1:00 pm.

It's been so long since I roasted a bird of any kind that I put it in the oven upside down.  Was going to roast them both, but they were larger than I thought, so I'll do the second one tomorrow.

Our little herd of deer visited this afternoon.  Interesting how they eat the moss off the trees.  The largest one was obviously looking for apples, of which I have no more, and she wouldn't eat the corn.

Santa brought us the fifth season of Black List, which we are now watching.  Very good!

Saturday 12/29. It is 36, windy and partly cloudy this morning with a high wind warning.  The wind increased in strength all day, with a gust of 30 mph around 3:00 pm.  Rain began to blow in, so we did the shortened version of our afternoon walk.  Just as we got back inside the house, rain began splashing against the windows.

I put away about half of the Christmas decorations.  Took down the tree and cleaned the coffee table.  Will do the rest after New Year's.

I roasted the second chicken, right side up this time.  Two big dinners in a row.  So nice.

Our high for the day was 42 and the wind continued to roar until a little after midnight.  If this is our almost-annual Chinook, it is about a week early.  What a mess this is going to be if it freezes right away.

Sunday 12/30. Well, it did freeze right away.  It is 28 this morning with clear skies and a bit of a breeze.  Lovely.  Now everything that melted yesterday is frozen solid today.  And, of course, all the snow melted to some degree.  The paths and driveway are solid ice and the snow has a thick, frozen crust.  But it was a beautiful, if frigid, morning walk.  Took my last Sunday photo for the year from the north ridge.

JB baked large, chocolate muffins, and I just did my normal chores.  I did freeze the  chicken leftovers.  Most for us and some for the dogs.  Am on the second Mitford book that JB gave to me for Christmas.  Our high for the day was 32.

I have arrived at a mental and emotional place where I am ready to embrace the "new" in New Year.  Time to let go of some feelings and some people.  My Mother was all about family and friends.  Once she had them, she had them forever.  But that's not always the case.  People move on and so must you.  This New Year's I am moving on.

Monday 12/31. It is 20 this morning with mostly clear skies.  As I write this, dawn is arriving.  My computer desk is in the loft in front of a window facing west. The mountains are a brilliant white with a dark blue layer of sky just on top, and a vivid pink layer on top of the blue.  God, I love this place!

Thought for the day:  What are New Year's resolutions?  A to-do list for the first week in January.

Friday, December 28, 2018

December 28, 2018 49 Years & Game Cam Photo

Valley fog over the Wenatchee &
Columbia rivers.
A rimed spider's web.

Looks like a wolf to me.

Wednesday 12/26. Some serious snow began to fall a little after 8:00 am.  Not the usual tiny flakes, but big lazy ones.  The forecast is calling for only 1"-2" today, so I think we're good for our journey down to the Gridder's.

JB has been having some issues with his right shoulder lately, as have I, but at our age, if nothing hurts when we get up in the morning, we would think we were dead. . .

We had received 1-1/2" inches of snow by 10:30 am and we were on our way down to the Gridder's in Miss Kitty about 11:30 am.  Was going to pick up the mail, but I had forgotten the key, so I just sent outgoing mail.

Mrs. Gridder's parents had had a rough time getting up the road to the Gridder's place.  Just about 100 feet from the driveway, they had to back up quite a ways to a place they could park their truck.  Mrs. Gridder drove down in her 4-wheel-drive rig to get them and even she had a bit of a problem.  But they were all in the house when we arrived, with wild stories to tell.  We had such a great time, as usual.  It was very hard to say goodbye and leave.  

Snow had stopped falling and our drive back up the mountain was beautiful and uneventful.  Such a wonderful day.

Thursday 12/27. Our 49th wedding anniversary began with a temp of 24 and clear skies.  We had received another 1/2" of snow after JB measured at 10:30 am yesterday.

I went back to bed after breakfast for another hour of sleep.  Must have had too much fun yesterday.

We changed the card in the game cam on our way back up yesterday and looked at the photos this morning.  Only one deer and what sure looks like a wolf, which may be the reason there was only one deer. . .

I am planning to go Down There tomorrow for a few groceries and to pick up the radio/cd player I ordered with my Christmas money from our son.

We enjoyed a quiet day, with a high of 30 and lots of sunshine.

Friday 12/28. It is 22/20 this morning with mostly clear skies, I think.  Sometimes it is hard to tell as dawn arrives.

Thought for the day: The United States was supposed to have a limited government because the founders knew government power attracts demagogues and despots as surely as horse manure attracts flies.  Rick Gaber

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December 26, 2018 Wow! Christmas!

Christmas rime!
My dish towel from
 Aunt Nene.
Christmas socks to JB from
Santa Rose.

A bag for me from Santa.

Monday 12/24. We were ensconced in fog the entire day in a rimed landscape.  A few short snow flurries moved through in the morning with tiny, tiny flakes.

We enjoyed a nice quiet day with nachos for dinner.  We open one gift Christmas Eve and everything else on Christmas morning.  This evening I chose the gift we received on Friday from my cousin who died in a car accident two weeks ago.  A bit disconcerting, but a remembrance of her.  Then we watched Love Actually, instead of the animated specials.

Tuesday 12/25. This Christmas day began with deep blue skies and a temp of 20.  When I got up with the alarm at 2:00 am, it was just 14.  Such an incredibly perfect morning for Christmas.  And Christmas settled in like a warm blanket of love and joy.  With carols playing, we opened our gifts and stockings, then gave the dogs their Christmas bones after we ate our German pancakes for breakfast.

My Aunt Nene always gives us the best gifts, and fills our stockings with funny, delicious, and useful presents.  Christmas has always been the highlight of the year in my family and this year was no different.  We are so blessed to have such a joyful Christmas, while I know many others are hurting and sad.

On our afternoon walk, I saw so many deer, rabbit and squirrel tracks all around.  The deer had eaten all the corn during the night, so I gave them more.  

Such a magnificent day!  Our high was just 28 and the sky remained a brilliant blue all day, with sunshine sparkling on the snow.  Not a cloud in sight.

We are planning to drive down to the Gridder's tomorrow for lunch.  Am so looking forward to it.

Wednesday 12/26. It is 23/21 this morning with overcast skies and valley fog.  More snow is in the forecast, just hope it holds off until this evening.

Thought for the day: I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently?  And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, til summer comes again."  Lewis Carroll

Monday, December 24, 2018

December 24, 2018 Merry Christmas!

Our. . .
. . . white. . .
. . . Christmas.

Friday 12/21. Man plans, God laughs.  Our plans were that I would drive Miss Kitty down to the main canyon road and JB would follow in MAX.  He would drive me most of the way back home, then drive back to Miss Kitty.   Park MAX, and drive Miss Kitty down to his Jeep.  Then go to town to do his Christmas shopping and a few other errands.

Well, we got about a mile down the road and, for no apparent reason, one of MAX's rear axles broke.  Fortunately, there was plenty of room to park him off the road.  JB continued on down in Miss Kitty, while I covered MAX with the tarp and trudged back home.  It was actually a nice hike, but I was wearing way too many clothes to hike such a long way and ended up carrying my jacket, hat and scarf.  Took me about 45 minutes, which was about the time it took JB to get to his Jeep, move the cooler out of Miss Kitty, talk to Larry, and drive into the city limits.

While he was gone, I did my daily chores and wrapped my gifts for him.  He was back home by 2:30 pm, with no issues driving Miss Kitty back up as the road is nice and solid.

The past several moonlit nights have been amazing.  The moon is so bright that we can see only the brightest stars, but it is so beautiful as it glistens on the snow.  I am back to setting the alarm to get up and stoke the fire as it is getting down to 20 at night.

Saturday 12/22. It is 20 and mostly cloudy this morning.  The avalanche canon is booming over at Mission Ridge.  There is a major snow even predicted for this evening and the following 24 hours.

JB and I worked a bit on getting the plow chained to the tractor bucket.  Not too sure it is going to work.

On our afternoon walk, there were quite ominous dark clouds moving in from the southwest.  We saw the first tiny flakes just as the dogs and I arrived back at the house at 3:30 pm, but it wasn't until about 6:30 that is really started coming down.  Our high for the day was just 24.

Sunday 12/23. It is 20 and mostly cloudy with valley fog and just 2" of new snow.  The fog began creeping in around 9:00 am.  As it ebbed out, we could see blue sky and sunshine until snow began falling at 12:30 pm.  That only lasted about an hour and then the sun was back out and the fog had sunk back into the canyons where it belongs.

JB baked a couple loaves of banana bread with our last two bananas.  I baked a pan of "luscious layered brownies."  A recipe I cut out several years ago but never made before.  Am sure the words "extremely decadent" should be somewhere in the title.  Must be 1000 calories per piece!  Then I cleaned house and vacuumed while JB got the snow thrower out, cleaning and widening the pathways around the house.  He wanted to make a better one to the well pump generator, but the snow was too crusty.

A breeze picked up, knocking snow bombs and sparkles off the trees.  Our high for the day was 32.

We have been invited to the Gridder's for lunch on Wednesday as Mrs. Gridder's parents are coming over from Moses Lake.  As long as we don't get too much snow and it doesn't warm up, we should be just fine driving down and back up in Miss Kitty.

We began watching our annual Christmas shows, beginning with The Holiday this evening.  Will probably watch two animated show this evening and Holiday Inn on Christmas evening.  One of these days, I will find A White Christmas.  I remember watching it at a theater in Spokane when it came out in the 1950's.

Monday 12/24. This Christmas Eve morning we are ensconced in fog and the temp is 23/21.  Here's wishing all my readers a very Merry Christmas!

Thought for the day: Gratitude is the very best attitude.

Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018 Deer & Wind

Our Christmas tree.
Origami money star.

Wednesday 12/19. We received a little more snow last night, but with the wind it is hard to tell just how much.  1/2"?

We are seeing deer almost every day now.  There are at least two small herds who wander through Rose Camp.  As I was blogging this morning, JB was watching the herd with the two bucks.  They have one small doe who must have been born late this year.  One of the other does was nudging her toward a good bush to eat.  The apples are gone, so I put out the last eight of them along with more corn.  It will just be corn for them from now on.

There were lots of Christmas cards in the mail I picked up on Tuesday.  Just one more of the joys of the season.

After their morning walk, JB used the Macintosh to chip almost 2" of ice off the porch steps.  Then he shoveled a short path to the battery room.  I was inside finishing the last Christmas present.  After lunch he baked a pound cake.

Often, as I sit and watch the fire in the wood stove in the evening, I am almost overwhelmed at where I am.  In a cozy "cabin" in the woods, where I have always wanted to be.  How amazing is that?!  I look back at my life and all the brashness of youth, and wonder just how I made it this far.  So very blessed.

Our high for the day was 38 and it was breezy.

Thursday 12/20. It is 30 with fog drifting in and out this morning, and just a trace of new snow.  The sun peeked through the few clouds when the fog was out, which just created more fog.  By 1:00 pm the sun had disappeared behind an overcast sky and the fog sank back down into the canyons, revealing what looked like another storm on its way in from the west.  Just as I went out to bring in the wood and JB went out to get the snow blower started, the storm blew in bringing sleet.  I did get the wood, but JB decided against working out there.  The sleet didn't last too long, but the wind stuck around, gusting to 20 mph and there is more in the forecast.

JB made a big pot of split pea and ham soup that filled the house with a delicious aroma.  Having finished all the gifts, I just hung the laundry and read my book,

Our high for the day was 40 and by sunset, the wind was gusting to 26 mph.  When we talked to Larry on the radio, he said they were getting gusts to 38 mph.  But it was a beautiful moonlit night.

Friday 12/21. On this Winter Solstice morning it is 24 and the wind has calmed.  The sky is scattered with pink clouds as the sun rises.  The deer ate the apples and corn, so I will put more corn out.  JB is going Down There today to do his Christmas shopping.  Tomorrow we will be on our way back to the light.

Thought for the day: The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 19, 2018 A Day Down There & Wind

Our Christmas coffee table.

Monday 12/17. As soon as the sun rose, so did the valley fog but never quite reaching us.  I stayed inside working on Christmas gifts.  Watched a video on-line to learn how to do origami with dollar bills (of any denomination).  Very clever!

Meanwhile, JB was outside digging out the tractor and moving it closer to the house with the other vehicles.  After lunch he drove MAX down our road to the main canyon road to pack it down some more for my trip down tomorrow.  The weather prediction is for a lot of snow between now and then, but I optimistically got all ready to go.

Our high for the day was 38 and the snow is getting very mushy.

Tuesday 12/18. It is 32 and mostly cloudy this morning with another 1-1/2" of new snow.  Just before I left around 8:30 am, we had a rain squall move through.  But by the time I arrived at Mrs. Gridder's, there were big patches of blue sky.  The drive down wasn't too bad, but I wasn't too sure how the trip back up was going to be.  We had so much fun in town shopping and having lunch with one of her friends!  The sky was blue and the high Down There was 51, breaking all records.

However, the weather began to change as we drove back up the paved canyon at 2:00 pm.  Clouds were moving in and the wind was picking up.  I stayed at her house for a cup of hot cocoa with a splash of peppermint schnapps.  By the time I left, the wind was blowing in the forecast storm.  Wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it all the way back up.  Miss Kitty was straining.  Am sure this will be her last trip up.

The storm and I arrived at Rose Camp at the same time just before 4:00 pm, so we were taking my purchases into the house in blowing snow.  Getting the tarp back on Miss Kitty was a real challenge.  Our high Up Here was 38 and the wind was gusting to 23 mph.  Such a great day, though.

Wednesday 12/19. It is 32 with mostly clear skies this morning and the wind still gusting to 23 mph.  JB plans to go Down There on Friday to do his Christmas shopping.  We will probably have to switch to our winter plan of parking Miss Kitty where the main canyon road meets our road and use MAX to get down to her.  We plan to drive both vehicles down to the intersection with JB leading in MAX.  Then he will continue down in Miss Kitty while I hike back home.

Thought for the day: Close your mouth.  Open your mind.  Oh, the wonders you will see.

Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17, 2018 More Snow & The Decorations Are Up

North great-room window.
Robin's nest.

Friday 12/14. Our project for the day was putting the chains on the back tires of Miss Kitty.  Larry gave us some links to extend them so they would fit.  Since we had to put the spare on, the chains will fit on it so we just had to use the links on the one for the new tire.  Getting the links on took longer than putting on the chains.

The wind picked up late afternoon and was gusting to 20 mph all night long.  Our high for the day was 30.

Saturday 12/15. It is 25 and mostly cloudy this morning with just a breeze.  The deer had been here during the night and ate all but one apple.  I put more out right away.  The wind had blown the robin's nest out of one of the trees in the grove.  Too bad, as it is so solid that they could have used it again next year.

Today's project is to put the new windshield wiper on Miss Kitty, which JB did after we all went on the morning walk.  I was back inside working on Christmas gifts.  One down, one to go.  After lunch JB baked two loaves of bread.

Just as the sun was setting, I watched a doe eating the apples from the bedroom window.  Two more deer came up the slope, but she chased them away!  I always pictured them sharing.

There were a few patches of blue sky during the day and the sun peeked out a few times.  Our high for the day was 32.  It really has been warmer than usual this month, as once it gets cold, we rarely see anything above the 20's.

Sunday 12/16. It is 26 and snowing this morning.  A very fine snow.  It had obviously been snowing for a while when my bladder got me up at 2:00 am.  When I measured at 8:30 am, we had another 4".

Today is the day to decorate for Christmas.  It doesn't really take very long in our small home.  Got all my angels out, which is a lot.  My cousin has a different theme every year.  One year it was dinosaurs.  This year it is guns and ammo!

The snow let up for a bit around 10:00 am and then we were in the clouds.  JB cleaned off the panels on their morning walk.  Took a brief rest, then began snow blowing, much to Dinga's delight.

With these warmer temps, the snow doesn't stay on the roof very long.  Most of the snow on the north side slid noisily off all at once this morning.  Fortunately Dinga was outside where she could watch it and not get freaked out.  Jesse doesn't give it a second thought.

After lunch JB drove MAX around the house and south ridge a few times.  It began snowing again just as he finished around 1:30 pm.  Only lasted for a couple hours.  Our high for the day was 32.

The older I get, the more I tend to think of my body as the vehicle for this ride.  It may be 71, but I am about 50 and sometimes 13.

I plan to spend Tuesday Down There in town with Mrs. Gridder and am really looking forward to it.

Monday 12/17. It is 30 with mostly clear skies this morning.  The avalanche canon is booming over at Mission Ridge.

Thought for the day: To eat cookies or not to eat cookies.  There is no question.  From Cookie Monster's Guide to Life

Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018 A Day Down There & A Death In My Family

Part of our little band of deer
on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday 12/12. Our little band of deer visited this morning just as I got up at 7:00 am.  They stayed to the south of the house and never did go to the apples.  We watched as they nibbled on the bushes and ate moss off the tree trunks.

I was on my way Down There in Miss Kitty by 9:00.  Always an adventure in the snow and today was no different.  It was a long day, with the longest stop at the post office.  But the sun shone most of the time and I finally had to take off my coat because it was so warm.  Got everything done and was back home just before 4:00 pm.  It always takes longer in the winter as I have to load items from Miss Kitty into the Jeep on my way down, and then from the Jeep into Miss Kitty on my way back up.  Still no snow in town, although it came just into the outlying neighborhoods.

Our high for the day was 32 and clouds had moved in over most of the sky by the time I arrived back home.

My Aunt called this evening with news that my cousin, who is JB's age, had died in a car accident last night.  I simply couldn't get my head around that.  I have never experienced the sudden death of a family member or friend.  No time to say goodbye. . .

Thursday 12/13. It is 34 and overcast this morning.  The deer came back during the night and did eat the apples, so I put more out right away.  Still so sad and a bit discomboobilated about last night's news.

JB and I enjoyed newspapers with our morning coffee.  Then JB took the dogs on their morning walk and saw two four-point bucks just down from the south ridge.  He asked them if they were the ones who ate the apples, but they weren't about to admit it.

After lunch he baked some banana bread, and drove MAX around the house and up to the south ridge a couple times to pack down the snow.

We enjoyed some blue sky and sunshine for several hours, but then the cloud cover returned.  Won't be watching the meteor shower tonight.  Our high for the day was a balmy 40.

Friday 12/14. It is 28 and overcast this morning with valley fog.  The temperature is dropping again.

Thought for the day: People aren't either wicked or noble.  They're like chef's salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinalgrette of confusion and conflict.  Lemony Snicket

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December 12, 2018 Cards Done, MAX Done, Miss Kitty Done!

Whoa, Nellie!!
Off to pack down the road.

Monday 12/10. What a gorgeous morning!  At least for us, everyone in the canyons and valleys is fogged in, but Up Here the birds are singing to welcome the sun.  We actually received three more inches of snow yesterday.  A light breeze picked up and is blowing snow bombs off the trees.

Dinga and I trudged up to clear off the solar panels but they didn't need it, and the sun was melting the few drops of ice left.  Back at the house, I washed the dishes and my hair as I usually do while the laundry was going and while JB took the dogs on their morning trudge.

I am just finishing up Jan Karon's third Mitford book, and have the next two on my Christmas list.  They are so amazing.  As I said before, food for the soul.

After lunch we finished up MAX.  Put the two middle tires back on; filled the four others with air; took MAX off the wood that was holding him up.  Then JB used MAX to pull the generator wagon back to the shop.  He put some more gas in MAX and was off to pack down our road at 2:30 pm.  While he was gone I finished our Christmas cards!  Woo Hoo!  I'll address them tomorrow and hopefully be able to mail them all on Wednesday along with the packages.

The light breeze had soon grown into a light wind gusting to 10 mph.  While we were working on MAX, it felt like someone was pelting us with snowballs.  JB got snow-bombed while on his hour run down the road.  Our high for the day was 32, but we weren't really able to enjoy the balmy temperature because of the icy wind.

Tuesday 12/11. It is 20 and snowing this morning.  Started coming down about 5:00 am.

I took the dogs on their morning walk.  Just as we got outside, the snow was giving way to the fog, having dropped another inch on us.  Some deer had been Up Here overnight, but probably not our little herd as they did not come near the house nor eat the apples.

I started on the December (third) row of wood today, but have left almost 1/4 row of wood that is very pitchy.  Good for the fire pit though.

When I learned that a school principal in Nebraska had banned candy canes because they looked like a "J" which could stand for "Jesus", my response was NOT what one would think from a person upset about that.  Pretty sure that Google would not permit me to post it.  What is happening to this country??!!

We had snow, fog and even a bit of sun off and on til mid afternoon, and a couple times all three at once.  Then the temperature soared to 32 and the precipitation became a light, frozen rain.

JB fixed Miss Kitty's windshield wiper with duct tape, as we had purchased the wrong size replacement.  Will pick up the correct one tomorrow.  Then he discovered that the rear tire on Miss Kitty that had been leaking air for a while, could not be filled.  He thinks it is the the air valve.  So we took off that tire and put on an old one that we keep for a spare.  All this in the frozen rain.

All the snow and ice finally slid noisily off the porch roof this evening, as did anything left on the rest of the roof.  Dinga was pacing and panting.  Jesse was fast asleep.

Well, we didn't get the 4"-8" of snow that was predicted for today, but there is still tonight.  However, the wind blew away all the clouds around sunset and we had a starry night.

Wednesday 12/12. It is 28 this morning with clear skies, and still as windy has it was all night, gusting to 15 mph.  The snow is off most of the trees, having been blown everywhere else.  As I write this, the sun is rising, lighting up the white mountains and making them stand out against the startlingly dark blue sky.   

I have 13 stops on my list for Down There today, if I actually get there. . .

Thought for the day: The best time to do something worthwhile is between yesterday and tomorrow.  Amish proverb

Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018 Winter Naps, Tracks On MAX & Marbles

So glad I put their warm clothes on.

Friday 12/7. A few small flakes began falling around 9:30 when I was bringing in the wood.  Almost had to be outside to see them.  They disappeared around 11:00 and the fog began creeping in.

On Wednesday, when I did the laundry, JB poured hot water down the drain pipe.  Then, when it was all done, he poured antifreeze down.  It's the only pipe that freezes when the temperature sinks below 20.

JB baked two loaves of bread and I continued to make and address Christmas cards.

Our high for the day was 22.

Saturday 12/8. It is 19 and overcast this morning.  We saw some blue sky and sunshine mid morning, but not for very long.

The deer had visited during the night, but I hadn't put any apples out thinking they wouldn't be back so soon.  There was a hoof print on the first step of the porch stairs.  Perhaps thinking of coming up and knocking on the door?  So I did put out more apples and corn today.

Made and addressed more cards today with 20 to go.  I send out 55 cards, to all our friends and most of our family.  That's not counting grandchildren, nieces, and nephews (but I don't make theirs).

JB drove MAX around a little bit and parked him by the shop.  We plan to put the tracks on tomorrow.

Our high was 24, a bit warmer today.  It was 20 and snowing when JB checked at 9:00 pm after we watched The Blind Side.

Sunday 12/9. It is 20 and overcast this morning with valley fog and 1/2" of new snow.

We take more naps in the winter, not only because of getting up during the night to put in a fire, but also just because the season is so conducive for them.  And, yes, I consider when we have 15" of snow in the ground that it is winter, regardless of what the calendar says.

This is the day we are going to put the tracks on MAX.  So after breakfast, JB pulled the wagon with the little generator up to the south side of the house.  We jacked him up and set him on large pieces of wood; took off the middle wheel on each side; and used the shop vac to suck the air out of the other four tires.  Sounds a bit easier than it is.  Then it was time for a break.

It had just begun snowing lightly when we went back outside after lunch to finish our project.  We got the tracks on fairly easily, as soon as I remembered that the trick is to push them on from the bottom.  Put the tarps back on everything and back inside we went.  It sure feels good to have that done, and by the looks of the snow coming down, not a bit too soon.

Larry called and asked if we wanted to play some marbles and my response was a resounding "Yes!"  When they arrived at about 7:00 pm, the snow was still falling.  Had a lot of fun, as usual, even though they guys won both games. . .

Our high for the day was 26 and it was still snowing when they left two hours later.

Monday 12/10. It is 26 with blue sky and valley fog this morning, and a forecast of 6" to 8" of snow tomorrow.  Looks like we got at least an inch of new snow.  I may have to drive MAX down on Wednesday.

Thought for the day: We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.  C.S. Lewis

Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018 A Trip to Pick Up Mail & A Visit From The Deer

Mountains peeking through a
break in the cloud cover to the west.
JB and dogs on our Thursday
morning walk, south ridge.

My non-Christmas gift
chicken socks!

Wednesday 12/5. By 11:00 am we had blue sky and sunshine bouncing off the snow.  Except for bringing in the wood, I was inside all morning addressing cards in small batches as I finished them in small batches.  The design of this year's card is way too complicated and doesn't reflect all the work I am putting into them.  Next year's will be VERY simple.

After lunch I drove Miss Kitty down to pick up the mail.  Didn't really need to get the mail, but I wanted to widen the tracks on the road.  The main canyon road has been plowed by neighbors down to Larry and Elsie's, and it doesn't need plowing any further than that.  No real problems driving on our road.

Going down, just past our game cam, I saw rather large cougar tracks coming up.  They came from the short cut where I saw lots of deer tracks going down.  Hopefully there weren't there at the same time. . .  The deer tracks went down our road from there to the rope gate and then down the slope.  Lots of rabbit tracks though, all the way down our road.

I received an envelope from Sandy today and in it was a pair of absolutely the cutest chicken socks I have ever seen!  We had agreed not to exchange Christmas presents this year, so I can only assume that since they were not wrapped and have arrived in early December that they are a late Thanksgiving gift. . .

Our high for the day was 24 and it felt a lot colder than yesterday.

Thursday 12/6. It is 18/16 this morning and overcast.  I got up at 4:30 am to put in a fire, the thermometer on the window read 12.  But the apples were gone and we were left with lots of deer tracks around the house.  One little one even went into the wood shed enclosure (the gate is always open now).  We can see where they have munched on some of the bushes, and most of the rose bushes have been stripped of their hips.  So glad we can provide such a buffet for them.

Again, I worked on Christmas cards and finished my last gift that needs to be mailed.  JB used the snow blower to clear a place to park my Jeep and Miss Kitty for the winter just up from the girls' run.

I always seem to stress myself out these first few weeks of December.  I plan too much, expect too much and start whining.  Here I am, living in paradise - my idea of paradise - and I am whining.  I guess there is a serpent in every Eden, and it is ourself.

The overcast broke up a bit and we enjoyed blue sky and sunshine until mid afternoon when another solid block of clouds covered them up again.

I went on both walks today.  I really do need the exercise.  Definitely warmer on the afternoon walk.  There seems to be a break at 20, feels much colder if it is below that.  Our high for today was 22.

Friday 12/7. It is 18 and overcast this morning.  JB put a fire in at midnight but I forgot to set the alarm and didn't get up til 5:45 am.  By then the temp had fallen to 63 in the house.

Thought for the day: Sometimes you have to poke holes in the darkness until it bleeds light. Margaret Feinberg

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 5, 2018 Brrrr!

Only memories remain of
summer days.
The best place to be when it
is so cold outside.

Monday 12/3. It is so very quiet Up Here in the snow and the cold.  The deer haven't been around since it snowed and I am sure the apples we put out for them are just colored chunks of ice by now.

Still working on Christmas.  Wrapped and packaged the last of the gifts to send, and made more cards.  JB got the snow blower out and made a path all the way to the north ridge.  Unfortunately, in turning it around, one of the tracks came off.  After lunch we went out to put it back on.  This is one of those projects that is quite easy in theory, but always seems to take more time and effort than it should.

Our high for the day was 30 and the rest of the week is supposed to be even colder.

Tuesday 12/4. It is 19/15 this morning with clear skies and frost on the window.  Needless to say, lately the girls' water has been a solid block of ice in the morning, and probably will be for the next couple months.  I have two water pans for them, so I fill the empty one and bring in the frozen one to thaw in the bathtub.

I'm sure I say this every winter, but one of the nice things about the snow is that even on the darkest nights it seems light outside.  And the dark days are much brighter.

Still working on Christmas cards and gifts.  JB shoveled halfway to the compost pile.  After lunch I finished that path and shoveled the snow away from around the well-pump generator while JB baked a delicious loaf of Irish soda bread.

On our afternoon walk Dinga got distracted halfway up the south slope, so I continued on by myself.  Each winter I have to re-learn how to trudge/walk through the snow.  It is great for the glutes and building up stamina, but not really the most pleasant experience.  Fortunately the view makes up for that.

Dinga caught her dinner on the hoof, so to speak.  More like claw than hoof.  She was digging and actually caught something that looked like a mole.  Jesse met me at the house to walk the easy part out to the north ridge.  After their dinner, Dinga shared a little bit of what was left of her catch with him.

Our high for the day was just 24, and by dinnertime the temperature had fallen back down to 15.  Brrrr!

Wednesday 12/5. It is 18 and overcast this morning.  I plan to drive Miss Kitty down to get the mail, mainly just to make more tracks on the road.

Thought for the day: If you are going to have an opinion, at least make it and informed opinion.

Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3, 2018 SNOW!

Along the main canyon road
on Saturday. . .
. . . and at Rose Camp.

JB & Dinga clearing pathways.

Friday 11/30. We soon saw blue sky and sunshine this morning and had received just a trace of snow during the night.

Again, I worked on Christmas gifts and cards.  After lunch I brought in the wood while JB got out the chains for Miss Kitty and uncovered her.  We just put on the front ones as the back tires are too big for the chains we have.  Had all summer to get extensions for them.  Seems like I didn't do a lot of things I should have this summer. . .

It was a gorgeous day, even with the 9-mph breeze.  I did spend a lot of time inside, but the sun managed to shine in very nicely.  Our high for the day was 38.

Saturday 12/1. We woke up to a temp of 30/29, 4" of snow and it's still coming down.  We really have to get JB's Jeep down to Larry and Elsie's today for the winter, so we left at 10:00 am with JB driving his Jeep and me following in Miss Kitty.  Since we were both going down that far anyway, we drove into town to pick up packages at the UPS store, buy some newspapers, and a windshield wiper for Miss Kitty.  (Something else I should have done during the summer.)
We also stopped in at the Gridders' to return some movies and loan them some.

It was raining and 40 in town.  Looks like the snow just came down to about 1500 feet.  By the time we arrived back home at 12:45 pm, we had 7" of snow.  By 3:00 pm, it was 9" and still snowing hard.  I think November saved up most of its snow and pushed it into December!  Our high for the day was 28.

We watched the first two episodes of Godless on my tablet this evening.  Good but very dark.  As we were getting ready for bed about 10:00, part of the snow from the north side of the roof came down with a mighty roar.  Dinga does not like that at all, and it can make me jump, too.

Sunday 12/2. It is 28 and overcast this morning and we now have received 11-1/2" of snow in the past 30 hours or so.  The weather forecast calls for no precipitation for the rest of the week.  Of course, snowflakes appeared from the sky a little after 9:00 am.  Not much, but just enough to send a raspberry to the weather people.  During the day we had a couple more short flurries pass through.

While I was finishing up reading the Sunday paper that I saved from yesterday, JB and Dinga trudged up to clean off the panels.  Done with the paper and finally dressed, I went out to bring in the wood, making a deep channel through the snow with the sled.

After lunch, JB got the snow-thrower out, much to Dinga's delight, and spent a lot of time clearing the pathways we need.  Dinga chased the blown snow for a little while, but soon tired out.  So them she just followed right behind JB, protecting him from any critters that might appear.  While they were busy with that project, I continued to make Christmas gifts, wrap them, and package them for mailing.  Still have the cards to do.  And decorations to put up.

By 1:00 pm we could see some patches of blue sky, but the sun never found any to shine through.  Our high for the day was 32, and the snow continued to slide noisily off the roof. 

Monday 12/3. It is 20 and overcast this morning.  The weatherman was certainly correct about the cold moving in.

Thought for the day: The man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.  Henry David Thoreau

Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018 Working On Christmas

On last day of November,
two partial rows still left
 from Oct & Nov.

Wednesday 11/28. With all the ice on the ground, trying to control my fire wood sled is like trying to rein in a runaway horse. . .

Valley fog grew all day and finally tried to sneak in around 2:00 pm.  It crept in and out, never staying too long, until on our afternoon walk the fog from the north started racing in.  By the time we arrived back at the house, we were completely ensconced.

When I designed our Christmas card, I neglected to take into account my hands that don't work so well any more.  It's not going to be one of my better creations, but it's okay and I love its sentiment.

With these "warmer" temperatures, the snow is not quite as crusty and has begun to disappear in places.  It's all gone on our south slope and all the other south slopes we can see from Up Here.  Supposedly December is going to hit us hard with precipitation.

Our high for the day was 40, but it quickly cooled and tiny snowflakes began falling a little after 4:00 pm.  It was still coming down when we looked out at 9:00 after watching the first four episodes of The Ranch on my tablet.  JB was laughing so hard I thought he was going to wet his pants!

Thursday 11/29. It is 30 and overcast this morning.  We only received 1/2" of snow during the night, but it began snowing again when I went to feed the girls at about 8:15 am.  Looked a lot more serious than last night, but it only lasted an hour and just left a trace.  About the time the blue sky began to appear, so did the fog. . .

I worked on getting organized for Christmas and wrapped all the gifts that I have so far.  Still have a bunch to make.

On my reading, I am taking a break from the murder and mayhem in the Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn, and am re-reading the Mitford series by Jan Karon.  They are so soothing to the soul

Our high for the day was 36 and just before sunset the valley fog to the north receded quite a bit.

Friday 11/30. It is 30 this morning and mostly cloudy, but no valley fog.  There is nothing that will get you out of bed faster in the middle of the night than a barfing dog, especially if that dog is on your bed.  And that's just what Jesse did at 5:30 and 6:45 am.  (Fortunately, he did make it to the floor.)  We had each been up once to put a fire in, so I am sure we will be napping today, either before or after putting on Miss Kitty's chains.

Thought for the day: Faith by its very nature must be tried.  Oswald Chambers

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

November 28, 2018 Rain, Ice & A Wee Bit of Politics

A dining table for the deer. . .
. . . & one for the squirrels
& chipmunks.

Monday 11/26. I left for Down There at 9:00 am and didn't arrive back home until 3:00 pm.  A miserable day in town.  Raining all day.  But I did get all my errands and grocery shopping done, and took my time at Hobby Lobby to find everything I needed.  I never get a shopping cart there, too tempting to go hog wild.  I only buy what I can carry. . .

It had rained Up Here a bit while I was gone, but stopped before I got back.  I thought the road might be slippery, but it was no more so than when I went down.  We were in the fog or clouds all day and our high was 33.

JB made lasagna this evening for tomorrow's dinner.  The recipe calls for it to sit in the fridge overnight and it always turns out so delicious.

With so little power coming in on days like this, it is perfect for us to watch something on my tablet.  This evening we watched the first episode of the first season of Midsomer Murders.  Great series!

Tuesday 11/27. It is 30 and overcast this morning with high valley fog.  Sounds like it is raining outside, but it is just the rime and snow melting off of the trees and roof.  The snow has a thick crust of ice on it.  It is impossible to walk on the paths or road as they are solid ice.  A bit dicey getting around today.

By 10:00 am we could see patches of blue sky.  Soon the sun was shining and it was a gorgeous, if slippery, day.  The valley fog completely receded by noon.

There are grouse or turkey tracks in the icy snow coming in from the north.  Two of the apples for the deer are gone.  I think they were here late this morning and the dogs chased them off.

I finally decided just how I am going to make my Christmas cards, then made some parts for them.

So Trump has the illegal aliens sprayed with tear gas, and every libtard in the nation is screaming.  Our previous president did the same thing in 2013 and not a peep.  You just can't fix stupid. . .

Our high for the day was 40 and some of the ice melted, but not much.  The deer must have sneaked back in, because all the apples were gone by sunset.

Wednesday 11/28. It is 32/36 this morning and overcast.  I've got to get more organized for Christmas.  I don't even have all my gifts yet. . .

Thought for the day: The world in which you were born is just one model of reality.  Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you; they are unique manifestations of the human spirit.  Wade Davis, anthropologist

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 Another Thanksgiving & Game Cam Photos

Friday 11/23. I still say that the "me" inside is still 50, but lately on the outside I seem to look like everyone's mother or grandmother.  Not sure why it is bothering me so much. . .

Elsie sent home a couple slices of turkey with us, so for lunch we had turkey sandwiches.  I had mayo, horseradish sauce and cranberry sauce on mine.  JB skipped the cranberry sauce and had mustard without the mayo.  Leftovers - one of the best parts of Thanksgiving.

We had a light snowfall for about an hour and a half beginning at 12:30 pm, but the temperature was really too warm for it to stick, about 35.  I didn't go on the morning walk, but for the afternoon walk, Dinga and I actually hiked up to the peak to see if the deer had found the apples.  Three of the six were gone!

I worked some more on designing our Christmas card, then baked some pumpkin muffins to take to the Gridders' tomorrow.  Well, they did NOT turn out well at all, but they did taste pretty good.  I will bake some pumpkin bread tomorrow morning.

Except for the snowfall, we had mostly blue skies for the day.  The high valley fog did pull out of our canyon in the mid afternoon, but it climbed right back in by 5:00 pm.  Our high for the day was 37.  And it was another moonlit night.

Saturday 11/24. It is 30 and clear this morning, and there is no valley fog.  After I fed the girls and dogs, I got right in and baked pumpkin bread so it would be ready by the time we left at 1:00 pm.

I drove my Jeep down and JB followed in Miss Kitty.  Mr. Gridder is going to check my Jeep with his meter that tells why the engine light is on.  We took Miss Kitty too, just in case my vehicle didn't make it back up.  But, of course, today it was running fine and the reason for the engine light was a possible bad spark plug.

We enjoyed another wonderful Thanksgiving meal with delicious food and great company.  Didn't get back home til after 5:00 pm, completely sated.

Clouds had moved in and the moon was barely able to shine through the seams in the overcast.  Our high for the day was 34.

Sunday 11/25. It is 27 this morning and we are fogged in.  By noon the sun had burned off the fog Up Here, but that only lasted a couple hours and then we were ensconced once more.

We will be using JB's Jeep this winter, so he cleaned it out and moved the grocery box and coolers from my vehicle to his.  All ready for my trip Down There tomorrow.  I want to beat the snow that is supposed to move in tomorrow afternoon.  Will get a few groceries and stop in at Hobby Lobby for a few craft supplies.

We exchanged the card in the game cam yesterday on our way down to the Gridders.  Lots of wildlife this time: a bear, a cougar, three coyotes and many photos of our little herd of deer with several bucks.

I brought in fire wood, put more apples out for the deer, and cleaned off the turkey carcass that Elsie gave me.  Was going to make broth for the dogs, but the freezer is full and I'm just not in the mood for canning it.  I got a lot of meat off for the dogs that we humans wouldn't really consider eating.  Also worked more on our Christmas card design.  Think I've pretty much got it done now.

Our high for the day in the fog was 34.

Monday 11/26. It is 29 this morning and we are still in the fog.

Thought for the day: For you twenty-year-olds who hate life, it hasn't even begun to screw with you yet!  Buckle Up, Buttercup!