Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018 Working On Christmas

On last day of November,
two partial rows still left
 from Oct & Nov.

Wednesday 11/28. With all the ice on the ground, trying to control my fire wood sled is like trying to rein in a runaway horse. . .

Valley fog grew all day and finally tried to sneak in around 2:00 pm.  It crept in and out, never staying too long, until on our afternoon walk the fog from the north started racing in.  By the time we arrived back at the house, we were completely ensconced.

When I designed our Christmas card, I neglected to take into account my hands that don't work so well any more.  It's not going to be one of my better creations, but it's okay and I love its sentiment.

With these "warmer" temperatures, the snow is not quite as crusty and has begun to disappear in places.  It's all gone on our south slope and all the other south slopes we can see from Up Here.  Supposedly December is going to hit us hard with precipitation.

Our high for the day was 40, but it quickly cooled and tiny snowflakes began falling a little after 4:00 pm.  It was still coming down when we looked out at 9:00 after watching the first four episodes of The Ranch on my tablet.  JB was laughing so hard I thought he was going to wet his pants!

Thursday 11/29. It is 30 and overcast this morning.  We only received 1/2" of snow during the night, but it began snowing again when I went to feed the girls at about 8:15 am.  Looked a lot more serious than last night, but it only lasted an hour and just left a trace.  About the time the blue sky began to appear, so did the fog. . .

I worked on getting organized for Christmas and wrapped all the gifts that I have so far.  Still have a bunch to make.

On my reading, I am taking a break from the murder and mayhem in the Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn, and am re-reading the Mitford series by Jan Karon.  They are so soothing to the soul

Our high for the day was 36 and just before sunset the valley fog to the north receded quite a bit.

Friday 11/30. It is 30 this morning and mostly cloudy, but no valley fog.  There is nothing that will get you out of bed faster in the middle of the night than a barfing dog, especially if that dog is on your bed.  And that's just what Jesse did at 5:30 and 6:45 am.  (Fortunately, he did make it to the floor.)  We had each been up once to put a fire in, so I am sure we will be napping today, either before or after putting on Miss Kitty's chains.

Thought for the day: Faith by its very nature must be tried.  Oswald Chambers

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

November 28, 2018 Rain, Ice & A Wee Bit of Politics

A dining table for the deer. . .
. . . & one for the squirrels
& chipmunks.

Monday 11/26. I left for Down There at 9:00 am and didn't arrive back home until 3:00 pm.  A miserable day in town.  Raining all day.  But I did get all my errands and grocery shopping done, and took my time at Hobby Lobby to find everything I needed.  I never get a shopping cart there, too tempting to go hog wild.  I only buy what I can carry. . .

It had rained Up Here a bit while I was gone, but stopped before I got back.  I thought the road might be slippery, but it was no more so than when I went down.  We were in the fog or clouds all day and our high was 33.

JB made lasagna this evening for tomorrow's dinner.  The recipe calls for it to sit in the fridge overnight and it always turns out so delicious.

With so little power coming in on days like this, it is perfect for us to watch something on my tablet.  This evening we watched the first episode of the first season of Midsomer Murders.  Great series!

Tuesday 11/27. It is 30 and overcast this morning with high valley fog.  Sounds like it is raining outside, but it is just the rime and snow melting off of the trees and roof.  The snow has a thick crust of ice on it.  It is impossible to walk on the paths or road as they are solid ice.  A bit dicey getting around today.

By 10:00 am we could see patches of blue sky.  Soon the sun was shining and it was a gorgeous, if slippery, day.  The valley fog completely receded by noon.

There are grouse or turkey tracks in the icy snow coming in from the north.  Two of the apples for the deer are gone.  I think they were here late this morning and the dogs chased them off.

I finally decided just how I am going to make my Christmas cards, then made some parts for them.

So Trump has the illegal aliens sprayed with tear gas, and every libtard in the nation is screaming.  Our previous president did the same thing in 2013 and not a peep.  You just can't fix stupid. . .

Our high for the day was 40 and some of the ice melted, but not much.  The deer must have sneaked back in, because all the apples were gone by sunset.

Wednesday 11/28. It is 32/36 this morning and overcast.  I've got to get more organized for Christmas.  I don't even have all my gifts yet. . .

Thought for the day: The world in which you were born is just one model of reality.  Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you; they are unique manifestations of the human spirit.  Wade Davis, anthropologist

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 Another Thanksgiving & Game Cam Photos

Friday 11/23. I still say that the "me" inside is still 50, but lately on the outside I seem to look like everyone's mother or grandmother.  Not sure why it is bothering me so much. . .

Elsie sent home a couple slices of turkey with us, so for lunch we had turkey sandwiches.  I had mayo, horseradish sauce and cranberry sauce on mine.  JB skipped the cranberry sauce and had mustard without the mayo.  Leftovers - one of the best parts of Thanksgiving.

We had a light snowfall for about an hour and a half beginning at 12:30 pm, but the temperature was really too warm for it to stick, about 35.  I didn't go on the morning walk, but for the afternoon walk, Dinga and I actually hiked up to the peak to see if the deer had found the apples.  Three of the six were gone!

I worked some more on designing our Christmas card, then baked some pumpkin muffins to take to the Gridders' tomorrow.  Well, they did NOT turn out well at all, but they did taste pretty good.  I will bake some pumpkin bread tomorrow morning.

Except for the snowfall, we had mostly blue skies for the day.  The high valley fog did pull out of our canyon in the mid afternoon, but it climbed right back in by 5:00 pm.  Our high for the day was 37.  And it was another moonlit night.

Saturday 11/24. It is 30 and clear this morning, and there is no valley fog.  After I fed the girls and dogs, I got right in and baked pumpkin bread so it would be ready by the time we left at 1:00 pm.

I drove my Jeep down and JB followed in Miss Kitty.  Mr. Gridder is going to check my Jeep with his meter that tells why the engine light is on.  We took Miss Kitty too, just in case my vehicle didn't make it back up.  But, of course, today it was running fine and the reason for the engine light was a possible bad spark plug.

We enjoyed another wonderful Thanksgiving meal with delicious food and great company.  Didn't get back home til after 5:00 pm, completely sated.

Clouds had moved in and the moon was barely able to shine through the seams in the overcast.  Our high for the day was 34.

Sunday 11/25. It is 27 this morning and we are fogged in.  By noon the sun had burned off the fog Up Here, but that only lasted a couple hours and then we were ensconced once more.

We will be using JB's Jeep this winter, so he cleaned it out and moved the grocery box and coolers from my vehicle to his.  All ready for my trip Down There tomorrow.  I want to beat the snow that is supposed to move in tomorrow afternoon.  Will get a few groceries and stop in at Hobby Lobby for a few craft supplies.

We exchanged the card in the game cam yesterday on our way down to the Gridders.  Lots of wildlife this time: a bear, a cougar, three coyotes and many photos of our little herd of deer with several bucks.

I brought in fire wood, put more apples out for the deer, and cleaned off the turkey carcass that Elsie gave me.  Was going to make broth for the dogs, but the freezer is full and I'm just not in the mood for canning it.  I got a lot of meat off for the dogs that we humans wouldn't really consider eating.  Also worked more on our Christmas card design.  Think I've pretty much got it done now.

Our high for the day in the fog was 34.

Monday 11/26. It is 29 this morning and we are still in the fog.

Thought for the day: For you twenty-year-olds who hate life, it hasn't even begun to screw with you yet!  Buckle Up, Buttercup!

Friday, November 23, 2018

November 23, 2018 A Wonderful Thanksgiving & Real Snow

Google is not cooperating for a photo today.

Wednesday 11/21. On our morning walk there were lots of fresh deer tracks on the path up to the peak.  So when we got back to the house, I filled a bag with apples and hiked back up to the top to stick apples on the gate.  I have to put them up where the deer can see them and Dinga can't get them.  Hopefully the deer will find them.

A light snow began falling a little after 11:00 am, much earlier than predicted.  It lasted about two hours, but only stuck on the frosty areas.  There is something so peaceful about falling snow.

I worked on Christmas gifts and made a hostess gift for Elsie for tomorrow.  The overcast kept it a dark and sleepy day.  JB took a nap and I should have.  Our high for the day was 34.

Thursday 11/22. Thanksgiving Day began with 28, partly cloudy skies and valley fog.  The apples I put on a stump on the west side of the house for the deer are gone!  So glad they found them.  They didn't seem interested in the dried corn, but maybe they will when there are no more apples.

JB made a pan of novelak (Lithuanian dressing) from his Mother's recipe to take with us.  We left at 1:15 pm, driving on a white road all the way down.  Such a wonderful afternoon with good friends who have become family.  We have so much to be thankful for.

Larry and Elsie's place was in the fog, but as we were eating someone noticed that it was snowing!  Really snowing.  Before long there was 1" and the kids and their grandfather (Papa Larry) were out playing in it.  We left at 5:00 pm and drove home through a winter wonderland.  There were two inches of snow on the ground at Rose Camp.  The snowfall stopped and the skies cleared around 7:00 pm, allowing the full moon to shine on our snow covered home.  Beautiful!

I tried getting on-line to look for Black Friday deals on DVD's, but Google was not cooperating.

Friday 11/23. It is 30 this morning with partly cloudy skies and 2-1/2" of snow.  We will be driving down to the Gridder's tomorrow for dinner with them.

Thought for the day: Gratitude is the best attitude.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November 21, 2018 Frosty Days & A Trip Down There

Heavy frost instead of snow.

Monday 11/19. Another crisp, sunny day with no clouds although snow is quite probable for Thanksgiving.

The dogs are really living up to their nick names lately: Miss Barks-a-lot and Mr. Farts-a-lot. . .

And speaking of getting older, I seem to have issues with dressing for Down There.  I think that I look okay or even pretty good, only to find out when I get back home that my pants have a baggy butt or there's a stain on my shirt.  Maybe my mind isn't quite what I thought it was.  Hmmm. . .

JB drove the tractor around a bit, then put anti-gel in the gas tank.  He also used it to move the plow over to where we park the tractor.  Then gathered the gas cans to be filled on his trip Down There tomorrow.  He will have to take the trailer, as they won't all fit in his Jeep.

I put some apples and dried corn out for the deer.  I just hope they will find them.

Our high for the day was 34.  The morning frost lasted all day except for areas that the sun found.

Tuesday 11/20. It is 26/21 this morning with blue skies and a heavy frost.  The inversion-layer haze is getting thicker.

Jesse didn't wake us up to go out until 5:30 am and we had both slept through the night.  The temperature had gotten down to 63 in the house.  Guess I will have to start setting the alarm for 2:00 am to put in a fire.

JB left after 10:00 am, pulling the trailer almost full of gas cans.  His round trip took a little more than three hours to fill them all and run a couple other errands.  While he was gone I cleaned house and did some little indoor projects, along with my daily chores.

Another beautiful day with a high of 34, but with a definite brown haze on the horizons. 

Wednesday 11/21.   We will be celebrating Thanksgiving with Larry and Elsie tomorrow, and wish everyone a holiday full of thanksgiving with family and/or friends.

Thought for the day: Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil.  It has no point.

Monday, November 19, 2018

November 19, 2018 A Fun Day Down There & Guess I'm Getting Older

A visiting doe.

Friday 11/16. A day for inside projects.  I did the quarterly maintenance on the refrigerator, which is kind of like ironing - it isn't really hard to do, it's just a matter of getting in and doing it.

After lunch I took a while to look through our winter photographs, chose one, and designed our our Christmas card.  Of course, my ideas may change several times as I actually get into making them.  At least I've got a start.

No snow fell today, as it was forecast as a possibility.  Our high was 42.  Obviously higher than Randy's, but it looks like the cold is coming back.

Saturday 11/17. It is 28/22 this morning with clear skies.  Our little herd of deer was near this house when we got up this morning, with the 4X4 buck and one doe just outside our bedroom window.  The buck wandered off before I could grab my camera, but I did get a good shot of the doe.

Am dressing warm for my trip Down There and really looking forward to the day.  Was on my way at 9:30 am and ran a couple errands before I met Elsie.  We had a great time at the craft fair and both bought Christmas gifts for others and scarves for ourselves.  Then it was off to a girls' lunch out.  Sat and chatted, and stuffed our faces.  Ran to Costco for a few items & Coastal for corn for the girls.  We were back to her place before 3:00 pm, and I was home close to 3:30.  What a great day!

It is often hard to think of myself of getting older (even though the mirror says otherwise), but perhaps there are some things I shouldn't be doing so aggressively.  I do need to slow down.  But right now the age of my body has little to do with my state of mind.  It is not an accurate reflection of who I am inside, and this makes me look at older people much differently.

I have found a couple ticks on the dogs in the past week, which is surprising.  Didn't think we would have a problem this late in the year.

This was a gorgeous day both Down There and Up Here, with brilliant sunshine and bright blue skies.  Our high Up Here was just 34.  (We're getting down there, Randy!)

Sunday 11/18. It is 28/22 again this morning, and again with bright blue skies.  My first day putting on long underwear this season.  I went on both walks with the dogs, but I have a hard time getting very ambitious on a Sunday.  Just trying to get my mind around the fact that Thursday is Thanksgiving, and then there's the mad dash into Christmas.

JB baked a mocha bundt cake.  Probably the best one he has ever made!  I did my daily chores, read the newspapers I bought yesterday, and cooked dinner. . .

It was another gorgeous, crisp Fall day, again with a high of 34.  I really do need to get busy tomorrow.  JB is going Down There Monday or Tuesday to fill up all our gas cans.

Monday 11/19. It is 24/21 this morning with clear skies and a light pink sunrise.

Thought for the day: There are three periods in life: youth, middle age, and "how well you look."  Nelson Rockefeller

Friday, November 16, 2018

November 16, 2018 Fog & A Long Trip Down There

No photo this morning.

Wednesday 11/14. I left for Down There at my normal time of 9:00 am and at the end of the driveway encountered fog sneaking in.  It was a long, cold day in the fog.  

My first stop was to visit our soon-to-be new neighbor who gave me a huge box of apples from their small orchard.  Then it was on to my long list of various stores.  On my way back up the canyon, I left apples for the Gridders and stopped in at Larry and Elsie's to give them apples also.  Had a nice chat with Elsie.  Finally arrived back at Rose Camp and up into the sunshine a little after 3:00 pm.  It took a long to to unload my Jeep which was packed to the gills.

Our high for the day was 40, which I am sure is warmer than it was in town as all the temperature signs I saw read 33-34.

Thursday 11/15. It is 37 and mostly cloudy this morning with valley fog.  I have decided to give the girls oatmeal even if is a little above freezing.  They really love it.

Spent the day doing laundry and chores inside mostly.  When underwear and socks are washed, it takes a long time to hang everything and then take it all down and fold it.

With the colder temps, the ground is freezing and swelling, so the gate to the wood shed pen now scrapes on the ground when opening and closing.  Also, the cold seems colder without snow. . .

The valley fog had completely dissipated by mid afternoon and our high for the day was a warm 47.  

Friday 11/16. It is 37/34 this morning and mostly cloudy.  Looks like it rained some time during the night.  The temperature is supposed to drop again and there is a possibility of snow this afternoon.  Elsie and I are going Down There tomorrow to go to the holiday craft show.

Thought for the day: In our defense, the moon was full and we were left unsupervised.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

November 14, 2018 Elk, Deer & A Trip Down There

Hazy mountains to the west
on Monday.

Monday 11/12. JB's back was really bothering him this morning, so I drove him Down There to his doctor's appointment.  Ran a few errands while waiting for him.  We were home by noon, but there went our day after getting the daily chores done.  The doctor thinks his pain is caused by muscle spasms, so he is on a muscle relaxant and heating pads.

There was valley fog early this morning over the Wenatchee and Columbia River valleys, but by the time we drove down to the paved canyon it was creeping up.  There were a few thin clouds by dinner time, most of the fog was gone and the sky was almost clear again.  Our high for the day was 34.

I took the dogs for an afternoon walk and we saw two elk just on the other side of the south ridge.  So cool!  Also took the photo above.  The peak on the far left is Stewart Mountain.

I bought two more outdoor thermometers in town, one for the north-facing window in the great room and one for the north side of the outhouse.  The one on the window definitely has a colder reading than on the porch, so when I give the morning temp, I will give them both, with the porch first.

Tuesday 11/13. It is 26/21 this morning with mostly clear skies and low valley fog.  Saw a small band of deer, led by a small 2X2 buck, going along the east slope as I went to feed the girls breakfast.  We see a lot more deer this time of the year as they are coming down from the higher elevations for the winter.

The cold temperatures have arrived a bit early this Fall.  We aren't usually this cold until into December.

This morning's valley fog never really cleared in the Wenatchee and Columbia River valleys.  By late afternoon, it was still very hazy.  Our high for the day was 36.  Shortly after sunset the valley formed again and by the time Larry called on the radio at 7:00 pm, they were ensconced.  We remained above it all under clear starry skies.

I am going to spend the day Down There tomorrow doing a lot of grocery shopping at several different stores.  Going to be a very long day. . .

Wednesday 11/14. It is 32/30 this morning with mostly cloudy skies and high valley fog.  I'll be leaving around 9:00 am to drive down into it.

Thought for the day: I hate it when I see an old person and then realize we went to school together.

Monday, November 12, 2018

November 12, 2018 First Snow, Deer, & A Social Weekend

First snow of the season!
Some of the beautiful pine cones
on trees around our house.
Re-hydrated strawberries on
my hot cereal.

Friday 11/9. I opened a #10 can of freeze-dried strawberries to have on our hot cereal.  Once re-hydrated, they tasted like freshly picked berries!  Yum!

Our first snow of the season began falling a few minutes after noon!  Falling and sticking.  My brother called last night to ask if we had snow yet, as he wanted to come up to his cabin for the weekend.  I assured him we didn't. . .

There is something about watching snow falling that makes it seem even more warm and cozy inside, especially with a fire in the wood stove.  The snowfall only lasted for an hour, leaving less that 1/4" on the ground, but it was white and beautiful.  Soon after, the clouds broke up, the sun was out, and by sunset the sky was clear.  Our high for the day was 38. 

JB drove MAX around the house and the south ridge.  Everything seems to be working fine.  He will do that a few more times in the next couple days, and if all is well, we will put the tracks on.

Saturday 11/10. It is 30 and mostly cloudy this morning.  We are up a bit early for a Saturday as my brother is coming up for breakfast.  JB is making a sausage and onion fritatta.  About five minutes before he arrived, Dinga started barking her "there-really-is-something-out-here" bark.  And, sure enough, I saw a beautiful stag with a huge 4X4 rack!  He was not at all intimidated by Dinga and grazed a few minutes before walking back into the trees.

We enjoyed a delicious breakfast and great visit with my brother.  If the weather allows, he plans to make it up again with a friend and snow-shoe into his cabin.

Shortly after he left, we all went on the morning walk.  Then JB drove MAX a ways down our road with the dogs leading the way.  All went well, so we will be getting the tracks on soon.

The clouds had dissipated by noon and we had another brilliant afternoon.  Our high for the day was 42.

Just as I was fixing dinner, I noticed our little herd of deer sauntering along the south ridge.  There have been a lot of them around this past week.

Larry and Elsie drove up for some marbles this evening.  It's been such a busy Summer for them that I think this is the first time we have played since Spring.  We had so much fun, even though the guys won both games - but they were so very close!  Larry told us that the Gridders got a wolf on their game cam by their cabin last week. . .

Sunday 11/11. This Veteran's Day began with 28 and clear skies.  We are definitely into the cold weather now and most of Friday's snow is still on the ground.

Mrs. Gridder emailed the photo of the wolf to me.  It is beautiful and about the size of a malamute.  Maybe that is what the dogs have been in such a snit about for the past week or so.  Their cabin is only about 3/4 mile further west along our south ridge.

It was a nice, quiet, sunny day.  We all went on the morning walk, then attended to little projects outside.  Don't think the wood rat has been able to get back into the hen house, which makes me wonder just where he is.

Another beautiful Fall day with a high of 40.

Monday 11/12. It is 26 and partly cloudy this morning.  JB will be on his way Down There about 9:00 am for a doctor's appointment as his rib and back have been really bothering him this past week.

Thought for the day: I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anyone could ever want to own. Andy Warhol

Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018 Politics & Cold Weather

Solid white mountains to the NW.

Wednesday 11/7. By the results of the elections, it seems that the hot, dry weather west of the mountains this summer must have fried everyone's brains over there.  Am now even more glad that I live up on a mountain.  I absolutely refuse to discuss politics any more.  Our country is on a downslide and it makes me so sad.

The girls' water had a thin layer of ice on it this morning.  Brrr.

It was a quiet day spent mostly inside, with a bright blue sky and brilliant sunshine outside.  But cold, with a high of 42.

In the photo of the snow-covered mountains, the tallest one to the left is Glacier Peak.

Thursday 11/8. It is 28 with clear skies this morning.  The girls' water had more than an inch of solid ice on it.  I could tell that the wood rat is back inside the hen house.  I had messed up his little nest and it was all made up again.  There is only one place that I know of where he could be getting in, so I will close that up today.

We all went on the morning walk, which I really should be doing every day.  I have plenty of energy to make it up to the peak at 10:30 am.  Not so much at 3:30 pm.

After lunch I went out to the girls' run and nailed the split in the chicken wire closed.  Looked all around and couldn't see anywhere else that a critter larger than a mouse could be getting in.  Went in the hen house and poked my walking stick around, but didn't flush the wood rat.  Hopefully he can't get back in.

Meanwhile, JB was taking the front axle off of MAX.  I helped him a bit with the last of getting it out.  He put the missing part on and I helped with the tricky part of getting it back in.  It really is a two-person job.  While he was finishing it up, I went up on the deck (roof of the shop) and used eye screws and cable ties to replace the hooks and bungie cords holding down the tarps.

Then it was time for our afternoon walk.  The earth was still frozen and frosty.  Only the frost that the sun had found had melted.  Another beautiful but chilly day with a high of 40.  We kept a fire going in the wood stove most of the day.

Friday 11/9. It is 30 and overcast this morning with the possibility of our first snow arriving today.

Thought for the day: We all know those people to love to stir the pot.  Be the one to close the lid.  Molly Sims

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November 7, 2018 A Wood Rat & A Trip Down There

Look who's sharing the hen house
with the girls!

Monday 11/5.  When I fed the girls this morning, I saw droppings just inside the door of their hen house that look like they were made by a pack rat.  Oh, goodie.  Maybe it is whatever is tunneling all around our place.  A few days ago I noticed tunnels surfacing in the grove.  Am sure it is something larger than a mole and smaller than a woodchuck.  Am also pretty sure that if all the tunnels on the south slope collapsed, the ridge would sink at least a foot.

Even though I vacuumed yesterday, it is hard to tell.  Every time someone - two-legged or four-legged - comes in from outside, they bring a bit of it in with them.  Fir needles, moss, dirt, bark - it all sticks to boots and paws, just waiting to get inside.

As my body seems to be getting older, I think my mind is stuck at 50 years old.  Yes, I have matured since then, thank goodness, but my mind doesn't feel as old as my body does.  Hopefully I will be like my Aunt Nene and shall feel 50 at 93!

Mission Ridge had snow this morning, after they had a "pray-for-snow" party up there yesterday.  Their season opens on Thanksgiving.

I baked peanut butter/chocolate chip cookies this afternoon, but instead of using chunky peanut butter, I used creamy and added 1/2 cup of Rice Krispies.  Very good!

The sky remained mostly clear today, with the large bank of clouds breaking up before it reached us.  Our high was just 45.

Tuesday 11/6. It is 36 with mostly clear skies this morning.  JB left for Down There at 9:00 am for a check-up on his ear, and a long list of errands.

The girls' roommate greeted me when I opened the hen house door to give them their scratch on the way back from our morning walk.  Looks like a pack rat but it has a furry tail.  So I googled rodents (there are a LOT of them) and discovered that it is a furry-tailed wood rat.  They act much like a pack rat but are more closely related to a mouse.  It must be getting in the only opening in the run, just above the little door.  Will have to think about how to get rid of it.

Lots of deer tracks around the house the last couple days, and this morning, while I was bringing in fire wood, I watched three of them bounding across the south slope going east.

I wonder how the elections are going today.  The Democrats must be spending millions on a smear campaign against Dino Rossie who is running for U.S. Representative.  I am so sick of politics!  

When I went to give the girls their afternoon snack, I took my walking stick and flushed the rat out of the hen house.  He immediately climbed the door to the run, but the girls were right there so he didn't go in.  I chased him up on the roof, then went to find a piece of wood to use to close the opening.  I found one the perfect size and nailed it in place.  Then I checked inside the hen house to be sure he didn't get back in.  We will have to put out some poison in the shop, as I am sure that is where he will be headed.

JB had a long day and didn't get home till almost 4:00 pm.  But all is well with his ear and it is back to normal.

Wednesday 11/7. It is a cold 30 this morning with clear skies.  I had purchased a two-pack of winter work gloves at Costco last time I was there and they are great.  Am sure I will be using them a lot in the next months.

Thought for the day: Think old and you will be old.  Think young and you'll be a delusional old fart.

Monday, November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018 Sun, Wind & A Visit

A firery wild rose bush.

Friday 11/2. We could see rain falling everywhere else but Up Here until a little after 10:00 am when the wind blew in a downpour that lasted about an hour and a half until the wind blew it away.  All in all, it was a very blustery day with a high of 50.  We just hunkered down inside.

Saturday 11/3. It is 42 and overcast this morning.  What a lovely, quiet night it was.  No wind.  No rain.  But during the day the wind grew stronger, up to 15 mph.

JB did a few outside projects, while I stayed inside doing dishes and laundry.  I did venture out this afternoon for our walk.  Our high for the day was 48.

Larry and Elsie drove up this evening for a visit and we made the most of the extra hour.  A good visit, but with a pall of sadness as just a couple days ago they had to put down their little Beagle who was so sick.  He was about 13 years old, and as with all their dogs, they had given his such a good life.

We endured another noisy, windy night with gusts up to 33 mph coming every two to three minutes.  None of us got much sleep.

Sunday 11/4. It is 42 this morning and the wind has cleared out the skies.  It is still gusting to 33 mph but much less often.  JB went back to bed to try and get some of the sleep he didn't get during the night.

With our visitors last night, this was probably the smoothest transition to standard time that we have ever had.  Even for the dogs.

I had a nice chat with Sandy.  It has been a while, but she has been fighting off a sinus infection.  At least now she can talk without coughing.

The sun now rises and sets so much further to the south.  I was really never aware of it annual movements when I lived Down There.  So many other things calling for my attention.  Up Here I feel so much more a part of nature and all the earth's rhythms.  Man will come and go, with all his wars and deceits, but Mother Earth will last to the end, if there is one.

I spent time outside re-tying down tarps that had been torn loose by the wind or, in the cast of the one over Miss Kitty, blown entirely off and 100' into the woods.  By noon the gusts had died to 15 mph, with the occasional 21 mph mixed in.  JB installed the slats in the front of the generator shed, and a few other chores that needed to be done.

Back inside I did some way-overdue vacuuming, then finished one book and started another.  Every time we were outside, we were picking up kindling that is always around after a big wind.

The wind gradually died down until it was gone by 7:00 pm.  Our high for the day was 48.

Monday 11/5. It is 37 and breezy with mostly clear skies this morning, except for a huge bank of clouds over the mountains to the west.

Thought for the day: The older I get, the earlier it gets late.

Friday, November 2, 2018

November 2, 2018 A Birthday & Strong Wind

T-shirt I gave JB for his birthday.
Last of the Fall colors
in the canyon.

Wednesday 10/31. Turns out it was low clouds this morning, not fog.  Took a while for them to dissipate.

We are down to the second of two loaves of banana bread that JB baked on Monday.  They don't last long with us.

Having finished splitting wood for the year creates both a sense of relief and a sense of "OK, what do I do now?"  Lots of books to read and inside projects.  I did start getting organized for Christmas.

We put the last two tires on MAX, only to realize that we had left off a part on that last axle. . .  We will deal with that on the next nice day we have.

I baked brownies for JB's birthday tomorrow.  I don't do cakes well.  They never seem to rise for me.

It was a fairly nice day with clouds skittering across from northwest to southeast and our high was 54.  The sky was clear by sunset, except for big, fluffy clouds over the mountains to the west.

Thursday 11/1. On this, the 76th anniversary of JB's birth, it is 46 and mostly cloudy.  We had a little rain very early this morning.  Just enough to get everything wet.

In totaling up October's stats, JB found that we got only 26 eggs from the girls.  But there was already one waiting for me when I went out to feed them breakfast, just for JB's birthday.  Also found that I had split a total of 172 rounds during September and October.  Of course a few of those only needed two to four cuts.

I went back to bed for another 1-1/2 hours of sleep this morning.  With the darkness creeping further and further into our days, I think my body just wants to hibernate.

After I got out of bed the second time, I drove Miss Kitty down to pick up the mail which I knew would contain birthday cards for JB.  Other than that, it was a lazy day.  JB wanted tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner, and they really it the spot.

Weather wise, the day was cloudy and windy with a high of 54.

Friday 11/2. It is 46 and partly cloudy this morning after a loud windy night.  We had sustained winds of 23 with gusts up to 33.  Am sure we will all go back to bed after I post this and feed the animals.

Thought for the day: It's not the years in your life that count, but rather the life in your years.