The squirrel & chipmunk restaurant
near our north ridge. |
The rain stopped about 8:30 this morning.
And baking did get done, but it was JB who did it. He made two small loaves of banana
bread. I did more weeding around the
was another dark and dreary Seattle-like day with a high of 62, some rain
beginning about 4:00 pm, and with not much getting done. We were like real retired folk. . .
highlight of my week, of my year so far, is finding a “magic” pain
reliever! A good friend had recommended
a CBD beverage concentrate for my neuralgia pain and I finally tried it. I put about six drops under my tongue, and
the pain was gone within five – ten minutes!
The Ethos Relief CBD beverage concentrate does have a little THC in it,
but I felt no side effects. Another good
friend recommended a CBD lotion, and that works as quickly on my
arthritis! The Liberty Lotion has no THC
in it. The Washington State Legislature
finally got something right when it legalized marijuana!
It is 48 and overcast this morning having obviously rained most of the
night. The rain began to fall again just before 11:00
am, and continued on and off for the rest of the day.
day like this is made for just doing little things around the house. Puttering.
My one big project was cleaning out my side of our bedroom closet. I tend to shove things in there when I can’t
quickly find any other place for them.
And, of course, it is a good day for reading.
always knows when the first rain drop falls.
She starts pacing and wants one of us to come outside with her so she
can show us. She is quite sure that we
will be hearing thunder at any moment.
We could have thunder just once in 60 days of rain. Doesn’t matter. To her, the threat is always there.
I went to give the girls their afternoon snack, there was a spotted grey
squirrel in the hen house, but I could
find no obvious place where he got in.
That type of squirrel is from California and is an invasive species that
has been working its way north for several years now. We only just saw it in our canyon last
year. Most people in the area use them
for target practice, which is something we may start doing. Never thought I would say anything like that,
but they are as destructive as the pack rat.
saw some sun and blue sky just before 5:00 pm, but it didn’t last very
long. Our high for the day was 52.
What a nasty night! The rain poured, the
wind blew, and Dinga paced. Now it is 48
and still pouring, but at least the wind died with the sunrise.
indoor day, and I find myself doing little things I rarely find time for. Like sorting out and re-organizing kitchen
drawers, and find myself saying, “Oh, there it is!” more than once.
also tackled that one rack of shelves in the loft on which I put items for
which I have no other place. Really just
needed organizing, although I did find a large box of photo frames, and will
get rid of most of them.
found a book in one of our catalogs with the title Liberalism Or How To Turn
Good Men Into Whiners, Weenies And Wimps, written by Burgess Owens. I’m almost tempted to buy it!
rain finally let up about mid-afternoon, but there was no break in the
clouds until around 6:00 pm. Our high for the day was 48.
5/27. It is 50 and mostly cloudy this Memorial Day morning. Looking forward to a dry week.
for the day:
When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal, I see a living
being. I see a friend. I feel a soul. Anthony Douglas Williams