Received a very encouraging e-mail from Lisa in Maryland who is enjoying my blog. Thank you, Lisa. I love the feedback!
We actually had a good, half-hour rain shower Sunday morning, just as RJ arrived for breakfast. Just enough to keep the dust down and make enough mud to get the dog's feet dirty the first time they went out afterwards. It really freshened the air and there were patches of blue sky by noon. Our high temperature for the day was 58. Perfect for working outside and not getting really sweaty.
We were done with JB's great breakfast of eggs, pancakes and bacon about 9:30, so got a nice relaxed start to the day (I was still in my jammies and bathrobe). JB finally decided to get rid of his comfy, old rocker that we really don't have room for. RJ took it to his cabin and will put it to good use. He'll cover it whenever he leaves so the mice and chipmunks don't put it to good use too.
Once I got going for the day, I cut 4-1/2 wheel barrow loads of wood. Three for the wood shed and 1-1/2 for the splitter. Then I split three loads and stacked them. By then it was 1:00 pm and time for a nap. JB, Jesse and I slept for about an hour (actually Jesse & and slept for 1-1/2 hours). So refreshing! I really should take one full day off a week, but there is always so much to do and I can't really relax unless I am doing it.
It was still raining on Mission Ridge in the afternoon, but we weren't high enough to catch those clouds. They just broke up and drifted by us.
Larry and Elsie came up to visit last night and brought another dozen eggs. When we mentioned how JB was completely redoing our little trailer so we could take it to Seattle, Larry said we should just take his trailer. Thank you, Larry! We will be able to put so much more wood in it.
And speaking of gluten-free flour (JB used it for the pancakes), I don't think I mentioned that it makes the best lump free sauces and gravies. I was simply no good at getting rid of all the lumps in gravy until I started using GF flour. There are no lumps to begin with. They just dissolve and thicken like in the cook books. I highly recommend it.
I mentioned way back somewhere that in 2008 and 2009 on September 15 the wasps swarmed. Looking all around our house for a way in. I think it was too cold for them again this year, because we didn't see any. Or maybe 2008 and 2009 were just anomalies. I do know that the new traps JB put out on Saturday are still attracting yellow jackets. Unfortunately the water in our grow boxes also attracts them and the boxes are on the south end of our porch. Next year we will put them away from the house and I will try to make little, removable screens to cover the opening to the water.
Got some potatoes out of my new potato box in the "root cellar" and they are doing great. Of course it's only been a few days, but, hey - so far, so good.
Aunt Nene e-mailed me an addendum to the potato and dog story. Seems that was the year that Grandpa Herb grew his own potatoes, so as upset as he was at having to shoot the dog, he was just as upset over losing most of the potatoes. We will probably try to grow our own potatoes next year, along with some tomatoes and vegetables. Will keep my eye out for dogs frothing at the mouth.
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