Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29, 2012

Grooming the road on 1/27
with Dinga in the lead

A view of the Columbia River from our road

                              Happy Birthday, Elsie!

Friday was another beautiful day, as advertised.  JB drove MAX down the road about 1/3 mile with the dogs before lunch.  An hour later we all went for the full drive to the main canyon road.  Surprisingly there was no drifting, probably because most of the wind was coming from the southwest and the road is on the north side of the mountain.  It was a brisk but invigorating experience, especially when we had to dig our way out at the main road as the person who was plowing neglected to clear where our road meets it and created a burm across it instead.  Will have to give him a call. . .

The dogs had a good workout and Jesse ended up riding most of the way back.  Dinga would never do such a thing unless her leg was really hurting her.  She always has to lead.

According to the Farmer's Almanac, raccoon mating season began on Friday.  I've never seen any in our area, but for those of you who have them around - beware. . .

Friday night is "movie night" so we finally watched "Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides."  I have enjoyed the first three movies in the series and absolutely love the character that Johnny Depp has created in Captain Jack Sparrow (but then I love all of Johnny Depp's characters).  But I'm afraid this fourth one is just not as well done as the others.  But it does remind me of a story that my friend, Kim, told me about her grandson a few years ago.  When she asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween, he said, "A pirate of the can of beans."  The next year he wanted to be macaroni and cheese but I think she finally talked him into something for which she could actually make a costume.  I miss her so much. . .

Saturday morning we heard a loud rapping sound outside and were quick enough to see a female pileated woodpecker on the end of our north row of firewood.  They are so big!  We also saw some nuthatches and a fat little wren during the day.  I hope that's not our "nester" because he is waayyy too early.  Seems like there are either no birds Up Here or there are several.  And it wasn't even a nice day.  It started snowing about noon, although not very seriously.  JB shoveled some of the paths, and I cleared off the deck and brought in the firewood.  Then the dogs and I went on our normal afternoon walk but a few hours early.  There were dark, threatening clouds in the west that I thought might bring more snow shortly, but it all went to the north and south of us.  We even got a little sunshine.  Just enough to turn on the water and take a shower.  NOAA had predicted snow and cooler temperatures, but instead during the night the wind brought in a warm front and it is 34 degrees out there this morning.

There is quite a solid snow drift on the north ridge where we usually stand to enjoy the view.  It is a couple feet high but when I stand on it I barely sink in.  The wind has also made little ice sculptures on most of the stumps and the bird bath.  A couple years ago there was a perfect ice skull on a stump a little ways down the road.  I will have to find that picture and post it.

Thought for the day:  How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?   Satchel Paige

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