Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8, 2012 Easter Sunday & Bears are Waking

Looking south to the grove
Thursday afternoon

Looking north to the grove
Friday morning

It was snowing when we got up Friday morning and by 9:00 am we had 1-1/2" of snow and another inch by the end of the day.   But by noon the sun was out and the it was starting to melt.  Slipping off the roof.  Falling off the trees.  By 2:00 pm we were in the middle of a hail storm that soon turned to snow again.  Ahhh, Spring in the mountains. . .  Not sure I'll ever get used to it.

JB got caught in the hail storm as were were pumping out water.  I guess not being out in the weather is the only good thing about being under the house in the water and mud. . .

None of this weather is deterring the juncos.  They know it's Spring.  Even in the middle of the falling snow they are out digging for food, especially where the snow has just melted between the house and the grove.  We think a couple of them are living under the porch for now.  I love watching them hopping and flying about, especially after a long winter with no birds at all.  Elsie says the robins are down at their place.  Looking forward to seeing them, too.

On our walk Friday, Dinga caught what I think is a vole.  She started throwing it around, but stopped when I yelled at her.  Unfortunately she had injured it so that its back feet weren't working.  I had JB stomp on its head to kill it.  So glad he was there and I didn't have to do that.  I just hate it.

Friday's full moon was a Pink Moon, also known as the Little Frog's Croak moon.  Am always amazed at the names given to full moons.  Our little frogs aren't croaking yet, but will probably doing so soon.

Yesterday we had blue sky most of the day, with clouds blowing over from the east which is unusual, as they usually come in from the west.  The snow is melting again, but it is not as muddy as I thought it might be.  I'm sure that will change soon enough.

We pumped water out from under the house yesterday so we wouldn't have to do it today, being Easter.  With the clear weather, I went up on the East slope and began cleaning up branches, adding them to the piles that are still there.  This week I hope to start using MAX and the little trailer to start bringing the piles of branches down to our cutting pile.  Still have several piles from the past few years.  While I was out there, I found a wasp's nest (see photo below).  Was actually working around it for a while before I saw it!I sprayed it with wasp/yellow jacket spray in order to kill any that might be in there.  Didn't see any flying around, but I'm sure it's still too early for them to be out. 

Larry and Elsie drove up last night.  They saw bear tracks on our road about 1/2 mile down from our house.  The first tracks they have seen this year.  That would explain the musky odor JB smelled outside a few days ago when the dogs were barking with their hackles up but wouldn't go far from the house.  Will be packing from now on.

And, speaking of Easter, we have a chocolate Easter bunny this year and chocolate eggs courtesy of Aunt Nene & Uncle Jack.  Of course, I got to eat the bunny ears.  Chocolate makes everything so much better. 

Thought for the day:  I never panic when I get lost, I just change where it is I want to go.  Rita Rudner
Wasp's nest

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