Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012 A Rose Camp Bear

Look Nene - a Rose Camp bear!!

Wild roses blooming just
down our road.

Finally - a Rose Camp bear on our game cam!  We think he has been skulking around nearby for the past few days now that all the noise is gone.  The dogs have been barking alot while not going far from the house.  A deer or coyote they will give chase to, but not a bear.  And thank goodness for that!

I drove Down There on Saturday to have lunch with the friend from Seattle who was supposed to come Up Here on Friday.  With everything going on, I just could not keep that rendezvous.  But we did have an enjoyable visit and hopefully they will make it Up Here next summer.  I also did all the shopping and picked up the mail.  It was very hot and muggy in town, but so nice when I got back home.  It is usually 10 to 15 degrees cooler at Rose Camp.

Ahhh, the Summer Solstice is tomorrow.  Even if it is warm enough to go dancing naked through the woods, I wouldn't want to scare the bears and deer, let alone the poor bobcat.  Will just celebrate with a Margarita. . .

I know this may be sacrilegious in some off-the-grid circles, but part of my city mind is still intact and sometimes when I read about TV programs, made-for-TV movies, or special series like Downtown Abbey that sound really entertaining, I think I would like to get a satellite dish and spend most evenings just relaxing in front of the TV.  Then I just slap myself back to my chosen reality.

My Aunt Nene told me that the wonderful kitchen wood stove that was my Grandmother's was taken to the dump when they were getting her house ready to sell after she passed on.  The dump!!  I can't believe it!

Our garden is turning more green with each day.  The russet potato plants have finally sprouted.  JB planted the carrots and bunch onions on Saturday.  He will get the tomatoes going soon.

Sunday, Father's Day, we just puttered around but pretty much took it easy.  Was really waayyy too windy to work outside anyway, although not as dusty as I thought it might be.  Most of the dirt was still damp, so it is pretty well packed down from the heavy equipment.  Yesterday we cut down eight tall but thin trees that were causing crowding on the north ridge.  Pulled them up into the grove and I limbed them.  We will use them for the fence JB is going to start building this week.  I have been cutting all the little roots that are sticking up all over where the grading was done.  I also planted the lavender that I bought for a great price at Costco.  Sandy was the one who convinced me to buy some.  More purple!

Thought for the day:  We cannot live only for ourselves.  A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.  Herman Melville

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