Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov 14, 2012 Mountain Sun & Valley Fog

Mountain sun and valley fog early
Tuesday morning

We had more fog on Monday with the sun trying its best to blaze through it in the afternoon.  Well, as much as the winter sun can blaze.  But it did succeed for a while, allowing our solar panels to suck in some power.  Did the dishes another load of wash, and turned on the well pump.  Water gushed into the cistern and we let it run for about 30 minutes.  But our new washing machine now has a nasty rattle in the rinse cycle.  Made an appointment for service on Tuesday, however the fact that it would be 1-1/2 hrs just traveling to and from our place in our Jeep didn't get relayed and now we had to reschedule for next Monday.

JB tested all the batteries and they seem to be just fine.  Then he once again tried to get the snow blower going but with no luck.  If the road permits, we will try to take it down in the trailer to the repair shop.  Would have been much easier to do last summer. . .

Tuesday brought beautiful mountain sun and valley fog.  With all that power coming in I vacuumed and did the dishes, then dusted and washed the kitchen and bathroom floors.  (I must be coming down with something. . .)  I remember Elsie telling me when we first moved Up Here that with solar power when the sun comes out it's:  Quick! Vacuum, wash the dishes, do the laundry!  Anything that takes a lot of electricity.  And she was right, especially when we have had a lot of cloudy and/or foggy days, I am in that mindset.  JB worked outside clearing the snow and ice off the cars, and puttering around in his shop.  It warmed up to 32 and our 6" of snow is down to 2" or 3".

Since Sunday there have been new deer and elk prints in the snow each day on our south ridge.  Yesterday about 5:00 pm we saw what we thought was an elk up there.  He was large, and with a rack big enough to be seen in the dusk from the house.

With our having water again, I am back to hanging up the laundry to dry in the house.  Then folding it all on the bed.  There is something very relaxing about that.  So much better than going to the laundromat.

My doctor's appointment last week was for problems I am having with the ball of my right foot.  The diagnosis was another one of those that began with, "Well, as you get older. . ."  Older, schmolder!  I'm not getting older, I'm getting better!  Anyway, it should be able to be taken care of with just a metatarsal pad in my shoe.

Thank you for your comments, Don.  Yes, I am sure our inverter is the culpret.  Since we do not have a true sine way inverter, there are some things we just cannot do.  Larry and Elsie have a true sine wave and are able to run their front-loading washer just fine without the generator.  And one of the other families Up Here runs their front-loader on their non-true sine wave inverter.  Very confusing. . .

And speaking of relaxing, as I go about my chores Up Here, I am realizing how much I have changed in the past four years.  All my life it seems I was always rushing around in a hurry.  Get it done now.  I want to see results now.  Here, let me help you so we can get it done more quickly.  Like my Mother, I had a hard time just sitting down and relaxing unless I had a book to read, TV to watch or something to do with my hands like needlework of some kind.  Now I find myself being very methodical.  Moving more slowly, not necessarily because I have to, but because I want to.  I can enjoy just sitting and being.  Or watching the birds and little critters.  Or the clouds.  Or the wind in the trees.  Maybe part of it is my age, but I think it is more being away from the hustle and bustle of Down There.  I think it is from being surrounded by nature, and not constantly being pounded by electronic buzz of some kind.  Whatever the reason, I am enjoying life so much more.

Thought for the day:  We are not troubled with things, but by the opinions we have of things.  Epictetus 

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