A peak at Mt. Baker on Wednesday |
Wednesday was overcast. Snow fell off and on all day, and the temperature didn't get out of the mid 20's. We did the Wednesday chores, and because JB had been Down There on Tuesday, we had lots of magazines and papers to read. And our books. I always look forward to the end-of-the-year issues of "Archaeology" and "Discover" magazines for their 10 and 100 (respectfully) best discoveries of the year. Found a recipe for chocolate truffles rolled in crumbled bacon in the Fred Myer flyer!
Thursday began early as the dogs wanted out at 5:00 a.m.. Something was definitely out there as they ran out and immediately began barking. Jesse stayed our for two hours! Fortunately, JB got up at 6:00 so I could go back to bed til 7:30.
The sun was up and shining on the valley fog the second time I got up, but the fog crept in from the south so by the time we left for Down There, we were also in the mists. Since we were going to leave my Jeep at Larry and Elsie's for the winter, JB followed me down on MAX. Driving down was easier than I thought it might be, but I know I wouldn't have made it back up in the Jeep. Was almost to the pavement when I went sideways. I thought I was going to end up facing the wrong way but got straightened out before than happened. Our trip was shorter than planned as it was decided at the Assessor's office that we would be ahead of the tax game if we didn't apply for the senior discount until next year for 2012. And it seems that my plea to the appraiser, when he was up here in September, to "be kind with his appraisal as we are living solely on Social Security", was taken to heart. Our taxes will only go up another $80 per year. The senior discount will more than compensate for that. I am really impressed with the staff at the Assessor's office. Everyone there is very nice and extremely helpful.
We did a little grocery shopping, looking for things we might need so JB won't have to make a trip any time soon. Then we picked up the mail - more Christmas cards and packages - oh, goody! We used the UPS store (where our mailbox is) to put on our overalls and headed for home. Parked our car and rode MAX up the mountain. The fog was much soupier when we arrived back at Rose Camp, and the temperature was only 20. The fog's dampness seemed to seep into the house, bringing a chill with it even though our inside thermometer read 70. No wonder I was always cold when living on the other side of the mountains. Note to self: do NOT ride in MAX in the snow, and especially the fog, without wearing long underwear and three more layers under my coat and overalls! And remember my hand warmers (Seems like I always have to remind myself of this each year after my first ride in the cold.)
This morning is 16 and overcast with some fog in the river valleys. Everything is beautifuly rimed. Lots of snow in the forecast for the next several days.
I really should keep a journal of my dreams (but then I've been telling myself that for the past 50 years). I usually have very vivid and technicolor dreams that, for the most part, I can remember. I have no idea what most of them mean, although some are quite obvious, and others are strickly for entertainment purposes. Like the one I had a few nights ago that included wolves, wild ponies and Tommy Lee Jones. . .
Thought for the day: Here is this vast, savage howling mother of ours, Nature, lying all around, with such beauty, and such affection for her children, as the leopard; and yet we are so early weaned from her breast to society, to that culture which is exclusively an interaction of man on man, - a sort breeding in and in, which produces at most a merely English nobility, a civilization destined to have a speedy limit. Henry David Thoreau
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