Another 4+ inches of snow on Monday! |
Monday, 4/15. Spring certainly offers the most diverse weather of any other season! The war between it and Winter continues Up Here. Today remained cloudy until about 2:30 when the sun broke through and by then we had another 2+ inches of snow, in additon to the 2" we woke up to. The big difference this year is that couple warm weeks we had that melted all the snow, so now anything we get quickly melts.
I certainly am enjoying the Himalayan salt lamp that Nene bought for me. I have been wanting one for years and found one in a fantastic little store near her home. I was going to buy it with some of my Christmas money, but she said, "No, let me get it for you. I was going to give you money for gas, but I'll get this for you instead." Who could refuse? The lamp gives off negative ions (a scientific fact) that cleanse the air (another fact) and calm the soul (also proven). It works the same way a waterfall does, which also produces negative ions.
We gave the dogs the bones that Larry and Elsie brought up for them, and they were thrilled. I have never seen a dog go through bones the way that Dinga does. There is usually very little left when she is done, but this time there was nothing left! Jesse just chews off any meat and marrow, then leaves the rest for Dinga.
Tuesday, 4/16. It was overcast and 22 with almost another 1/2" of snow when I left for Down There a little after 8:30 am. The drive down wasn't bad at all. That's the good thing about new snow on bare ground, it's fairly easy to drive through. Got everything done and was home by 2:30 pm. Whew! The drive back up was a little more sloppy as the sun was shining and melting everything again. Our high for the day was 36.
I think I have been convinced to spend my Christmas money on a Nook like JB's, but I will get the one with back lighting. It is just a simple e-reader and the battery lasts 30 hours. Barnes & Noble has more than three million free books available for downloadiing, and every Friday they offer a new one, available for just that one day.
Wednesday, 4/17. It is clear and 22 this morning. I turned the alarm clock off so it wouldn't wake up JB, then I slept in too. He wasn't feeling to well, which we think is due to side effects of a new medication the doctor put him on in place of a more expensive one. He may have to go back to the other one. . .
Thought for the day: Gun control isn't about guns. It's about control.
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