JB on the tractor! |
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Elk rack! Still in velvet. |
Friday, 6/28. Our tractor finally arrived! We had a short but thorough course in its use and I tried it out while our "instructor" was still here. JB has driven forklifts, so he is way ahead of the game. After driving Down There for gas, he baptized it by mowing about 1/2 an acre.
I had to take to dogs to the vet for their shots and it was hot in town. Our high for the day was 70, but I'm sure it was 90 Down There.
Saturday, 6/29. It was mostly cloudy and 62 when I got up at 6:00 am. Couldn't sleep thinking about everything we want to get done before the 4th. But the sun is shining and it looks to be a hot one, with possible thunder storms this evening. The clouds piling up to the west are definitely thunder bumpers. By 8:30 am most of the clouds had moved to the north and east. NOAA was advising of a nasty storm just to the north of us that could produce penny-size hail.
At first we thought that we just might dodge the storms, and were outside weeding and doing other chores. After lunch we headed out to mow our road with the tractor and possibly get rid of some of the rock bumps, but just as we were ready to go, thunder started getting close. So we covered the tractor with a tarp. At 1:00 pm and hour-long gully washer started with lots of local lightening and thunder, torrential downpour, huge rain drops and hail. I was just mesmerized by it. The temperature dropped from 70 to 65.
I called Elsie when it was over and she said there was so much rain in town that the man-hole covers were being pushed off as the sewers couldn't handle it all! There was also a bulletin on the news of debris on the paved canyon road that leads to our road. The sun came out and we thought we were all done. It warmed back up to 70. The birds joyfully splashed in all the puddles, my "creek" and the bird bath that was now very full. But an hour and 1/2 later, the second round moved in.
No gully washer this time, just another hour of pouring rain and lightening right overhead. Not fun. When it was over, we went out again to check for lightening strikes. Once again did not see any and I checked all our tree tops from the peak since it had been so close. While standing on the edge of the west ridge, I noticed something moving about 20 feet down from me. At this spot on the ridge, it was straight down. Up popped a HUGE rack of antlers on an elk head! I grabbed my camera and was able to get a shot before the dogs saw him and ran at him barking. He moved off, although I don't think he was too intimidated. The dogs returned in no time. I can only imagine that they took one look at his size and did a u-turn.
The hole at the water pipe filled with water as the weight of it pulled the tarp down. As we went to take the tarp out, I spotted a small snake. It was too small, just about a foot long, for me to tell if it was a rattler or a bull snake, so I apologized to it if it was indeed a bull and then cut it in half with the shovel.
I doubt I'll be going Down There tomorrow. I think we should just stop making plans for specific days and just say that "When the weather allows" we need to do this or that.
Sunday, 6/30. Clear sky and 62. And lots of mud. Won't even try going Down There today.
Sat out on the porch for a while. In no hurry to get out in the muck. We want the sun to dry it out a bit. But after lunch, it was dry enough to mow in most places. I used the lawn mower around the house and JB mowed the south ridge and up to the peak with the tractor.
During one of our breaks, we watched a wren attack a poor little chipmunk on the tree nearest the house. He was actually pecking the chipmunk on the head, and he didn't even have a nest in that tree! It was one of the wrens that is building a nest in the bird house.
Our high for the day was 76, but there was a refreshingly cool breeze for most of the time which saved the day from being too hot. After dinner we just enjoyed the evening on the porch.
Monday, 7/1. At 7:00 am it is already 68 outside with just a few small clouds in the sky. Right after breakfast we are going to finally mow the road with the tractor, hopefully before it gets too awfully hot. It is supposed to be 102 Down There today.
Thought for the day: A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands - even for beneficial purposes - will find that with small men no great things can really be accomplished. John Stuart Mill (And, in my opinion, most of our small men are in Congress and the Presidency. Wild Rose)
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