Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 18, 2013 Wind & Snow

Jesse in his favorite cold weather place.

Friday 11/15.  A light wind blew all day.  I stayed in during the morning to make a pot of chicken broth for the dogs.  Also finished making Christmas presents and wrapping them.

After lunch the dogs and I hiked to the top of Erno's road, which is the property to the northeast of us.  Lots of deer tracks and possibly some elk.  After returning home and warming back up, we went for our normal afternoon walk.  By then the wind had really picked up and become icy.  Our high for the day was 32.

We had a heavy dusting of snow by 9:00 pm, and it was still snowing half an hour later when we went to bed.

Saturday 11/16.  Blue sky with a temperature of 22 and about 3/4" of snow greeted us this morning.  And the wind was still blowing.  We probably would have had three or four inches of snow, if it weren't for the wind.  The trees are white, as are all the trunks on their northwest side, which is the direction from which the wind blew in the snow.  Looks like the mountains really got dumped on.  With the sun shining, the air was full of glitter.

I baked cheese and garlic biscuits for the dogs.  They actually tasted pretty good, so if we ever get really hungry. . .

We had a high of 24 for the day with 20 to 25 mph sustained winds all day long.  JB took the dogs on both their morning and afternoon walks.  I only ventured out to bring in the wood.  I do NOT like the wind or the wind chill factor.

I am still trying to adjust to the time change back to standard time.  I can usually deal with the Spring ahead quite easily, but it always gets me when we Fall back.

Our son wanted to get rid of his expensive cable bill and came across a TV antenna which can be built for under $5 out of a UHF/VHF transformer and wire hangers.  He built it and says it works perfectly!  So we are going to see if we can rig one up.  Like us, he will just buy the TV series he no longer receives.

It is amazing how much brighter the night is with snow on the ground, with or without a moon.  And, speaking of the moon, when I got up at 6:00 am to let the dogs out and feed the fire, the moon was just setting.  Beautiful!

Sunday 11/17.  It was overcast and 24 this morning.  Light, fluffy flakes began slowly drifting down about 8:30 am.  JB had just taken craisin muffins out of the oven when I got up at 8:40 am.  Within an hour, the sun was shining.  An hour later the snow was falling again.  And so went the day.  Often the sun would be shining on the panels while the snow was falling on the house.

JB and I both worked on our computers.  I finally made a new supply list, and also worked on my Christmas card list.

Larry arrived about 2:00 pm to visit and deliver their notice that the combination on the gate will be changing, which they do every three or four years.  Yes, we live in a gated community.  

By the time we went on our 3:30 pm walk, the sun had disappeared.  Our high for the day was 30, and most of the snow is gone.

Monday 11/18.  It is 32 and overcast this morning, and there is no remnant left of the snow.  It is going to be a slippery ride Down There.  I would have much rather had an icy cold start to the day.  At least there is no wind.  Am going to town to run errands, meet Nancy for lunch, go to the doctor with her and then to Costco.  Somehow whenever I start a list of things to do Down There, it takes on its own life and just keeps growing. . .

Thought for the day:  I don't know where my ideas come from.  I will admit, however, that one key ingredient is caffeine.  I get a couple of cups of coffee into me and weird things just start to happen.  Gary Larson

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