A yellow bell I found on our Thursday afternoon walk! |
Balsam root starting to bloom on the south slope. |
Wednesday 4/9. JB is still working with his new radio, programming in the channels he wants to listen to from the 128 that are available from our location. Right now he is getting the local and state police, state forest fire information, weather, etc.
Hung the wash outside again. Very cool, but sunny with a light breeze.
Another day that began with sudoku brain failure. Very frustrating and very curious. I kept at it off and on during the day and it finally started coming together.
JB has his radio, and now I need an inside project. There are lots of outside ones, when Mother Nature allows, which she did today. I trimmed and cut up several large branches that JB had cut down in January. We cleared some bushes off the south ridge. The dogs really get to digging after the moles and such - one of these days they are going to strike gold!
Our son has been helping JB in his search for a new lap top computer to buy since both of ours run on XP. The support for that ended yesterday. At least we can get one for under $300 now that everyone wants the tablets instead.
Our high for the day was 51, but with an icy breeze. Far different from the past few days. Typical Spring.
The dogs and I went for another after-dinner walk, a little longer one this time. I discovered some balsam root beginning to bloom on the south slope!
We watched two more episodes of Downton Abby this evening. We have decided to finish season four before JB leaves, then I can re-watch seasons three and four while he is gone.
Thursday 4/10. The day began with a partial light overcast and 34 degrees. I was able to get on the road a little before 9:00 am and it was a delightful ride down the canyon. Last Thursday when I went Down There only the daffodils and forsythia were blooming in town. This Thursday EVERYTHING was in bloom - bushes, trees, more flowers! With our warm temperatures, every plant had sprung back to life. By the time I was done with my twelve stops, the day had warmed into the high sixties.
I arrived back home around 2:00 pm with lots of groceries to put away. Our high for the day Up Here was a very warm 55 with no wind chill.
I have been trying to determine I am so fascinated with Downton Abby and other movies and series of that place and time, and in doing so, I feel a rant coming on. I realized that in our American culture of today nothing is sacred and nothing is taboo. So I enjoy going back to a where and when there were rules, and lines that were simply not crossed in public without great consequence. Many ideals were sacred and many more were taboo. The lines may not have been fair or kind, but they were something one could rely on. People took pride in their work and generally worked hard. Maybe I am beginning to sound like "Granny", but I really am ashamed of how many Americans take so little care of how they look or act in public. And when did Americans become so thin-skinned? I am quite sure it all began with the concept of "politically correct" which is the complete opposite of freedom of speech.
I realize that all I can do about this is to watch these shows that I enjoy so much, and try to be the kind of person I admire. And, of course, continue to exercise my freedom of speech.
Friday 4/11. It is again 34 outside this morning, but the sky is clear and a warm day is promised. We plan to bring my Jeep up to Rose Camp and get JB ready to leave for the week tomorrow.
Thought for the day: A man becomes the song he sings. Pat O'Brien
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