Still a few patches of Fall color left |
Wednesday 11/5. The solid blue sky to the west was broken into little pieces as it moved east, but at least they let the sun peek through during the morning. By 1:00 pm, the sky was completely overcast.
The dogs and I took a long walk down our road after lunch. Saw lots of deer tracks, from tiny to very large. Pretty sure the large ones were elk. I haven't been taking long walks/hikes nearly as often these past two years as I did in the first four or five years we were Up Here. Not really sure why.
JB tried to change the oil in Miss Kitty but because there is so little room underneath her, we need to build a ramp on which to drive her up.
A light rain began falling about 3:30 pm but lasted less than an hour. Our high for the day was 49.
Thursday 11/6. It was 43 and mostly cloudy with valley fog this morning, but I could see large patches of blue sky when the fog receded a bit. It was trying hard to cling to the mountain while the sun tried to burn it off. The wind picked up a little after 9:00 am and forced the fog to stay down in the canyons and valleys. By then the temperature was already up to 52. Normal and below normal temps are forecast for the next several days.
By the time we finished the dishes and 10:30 am, the temp had dropped down to 46, the wind quieted, the valley fog was successful in its siege of the mountain top, and we had passing showers. Of course, by 11:00 am, the fog had once again retreated. And so the morning passed.
Larry and JB tested their hand-held short-wave radios this morning as Larry was driving to work. We get better reception than with the CB's.
JB cut some branch wood in the cradle from a small pile that we still have. It translated into two, heaping wheel-barrow loads that I stacked on the east side of the porch. This year we have less wood on the porch and more in the wood shed.
The valley fog was no where to be seen by early afternoon and the sheets of rain crossing the mountains dissipated as they reached the eastern slopes, but the day remained dark. A new wind arrived about 3:00 pm with a short shower in its grip, and 16 to 30 mph gusts.
I am sure I am having just as difficult a time as the dogs are adjusting to standard time. The days just seem longer, and not necessarily in a good way.
I plan to drive Down There tomorrow to run some errands, buy a few groceries, and send some mail. I have to go down next Wednesday for my annual mammogram and bone-density test, but there are some things that just can't wait til then. JB may have to go down on Tuesday for jury duty.
With the results of Tuesday's elections, it looks as though almost all the country has turned red. One can only hope that the Republicans will get their sh*t together. Here in eastern Washington, voting results can often be very frustrating as more people live in western Washington and most of them tend to be tree-hugging, ungrounded, completely-lacking-in-common-sense liberals (which is as nice as I can express it). So they are able to pass state laws which have no foundation in reality, and elect state and U.S. senators and representatives who have no brains.
Friday 11/7. It's a cold morning with a temp of 36 and clear skies. A nice day for going Down There.
Thought for the day: Common sense is so rare these days it should be considered a super power.
Not all of us on the west side are lacking in common sense; though we are definitely the minority.