A view from the top of our hike. |
Nene in her birthday hat, eating clams as we arrived at Tillicum Village on Blake Island. |
Wednesday 9/16. As I drove over Blewett Pass and Snoqualmie Pass, I could see the Fall colors beginning to pop through the forest green, getting ready to explode. I stopped for a visit with JB's Mom and then arrived at Aunt Nene's at about 1:30 pm. We spent the rest of the day talking.
Thursday 917. Our journey together began Thursday morning as we hit the road at 7:30 am. I fueled up with a latte and then fueled up the car with gas. A light rain was falling and continued until we left western Washington behind at Snoqualamie Pass. The sun broke through the clouds to shine on eastern Washington, as it usually does.
Down through the mountains and out into the rolling hills we went. Over the Columbia River and into the wheat, alfalfa, and other grass fields. We stopped in Moses Lake and met Mrs. Gridder's parents for lunch. Then on through the flat lands to Spokane, where mountains once again rose to greet us. We turned north at Couer d'Alene, Idaho, and began our entrance into the cedar forests of Bonner's Ferry. We arrived at Claudia's home at 5:30 pm, tired but thrilled to be there.
Friday 9/18. I walked with Claudia, her dog, Jake, and her neighbor, Clint, each morning on her upmountain (that ain't no hill) hike, trying to work off all the food I was eating. Clint drove us over the short-cut to Randy's, which cut more than half the miles off from going the paved roads (well, mostly paved roads). We finally met Randy and his Mother in person after more than three years of corresponding by email and talking on the phone. We had a great visit, and, after giving them the gifts that Nene and I had brought, Randy gave Nene and me a driving tour of their place, then drove us down to meet one of his neighbors. We made plans to meet them for lunch on Tuesday at Fiest Creek Resort by the waterfall.
That evening, Claudia, Nene and I played Skip-Bo, a we did each evening.
Saturday 9/19. After our morning hike, which included Clint's wife, Amy, we all walked back to Claudia's for a photo session and light breakfast which included my rose hip/orange marmalade that I had brought for everyone. Nene had been working on her gifts that she brought for several months: hand made pillow cases in a variety of vivid and appropriate fabrics, and hand-embroidered pillow cases and a runner, which, of course, thrilled them all.
After our drive into Bonner's Ferry, Clint drove Nene in his Kowasaki Mule (ATV) up to the ridge to which we hiked each day. She had hiked it many times over the years during her visits with Uncle Jack, but now is unable to. Claudia, Amy and I once again hiked up to meet them. I was hoping that once Clint drove Nene back to the house, he would come pick us up, but no such luck.
Sunday 9/20. We drove to Spokane today for a family get-together of Uncle Jack's side of the family that Claudia had arranged. It was an especially poignant experience as Nene thought she would never see any of them again after Jack passed away a few years ago. He comes from a family of twelve children, and some have passed on. I had never met any of them but had heard many stories throughout the years, so it was great to be able to put faces to some of the names.
Monday 9/21. Today was a day of rest, just staying at Claudia's and playing Skip-Bo. But I did earn my keep by chopping up a couple big cedar rounds into kindling for her. Her home has a big wood furnace in the basement. Clint always gets her wood cut for her, but she was out of kindling. Then we had a big roast beef dinner with fresh carrots and beans from her garden and, of course, her home-made noodles especially for Nene.
Tuesday 9/22. We met Randy and his Mom for lunch by the waterfall, then drove back up to their place for more visiting. Randy gave me the walking tour of his place which is just phenomenal.
Back at Claudia's and after more Skip-Bo, it was early to bed to get a good rest for our trip tomorrow.
We saw so many wild turkeys during our stay. It seemed like there was a flock in every clearing. Lots of deer too, but no moose or bears. I am pretty sure someone told them we were coming so they just stayed in the trees. I could almost see their eyes twinkling through the branches. We were both a bit disappointed.
Wednesday 9/23. We were on our way home early this morning, finding it hard to believe that our visit was over. We stopped in Spokane for breakfast with our cousin and his wife, then visited the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum where I dropped off some old photos and a program from the Spokane Exposition in the early 1900's. Both Nene and I definitely want to be able to come back and spend time looking at all the exhibits, especially since we were told that they had a lot of information on the families of both Nene's parents (my grandparents). Both families were pioneers there in the valley.
Then it was back through the plains, back over the Cascade mountains and across a leg of the Puget Sound to Port Orchard where we arrived at Nene's house about 6:30 pm. Tired, but looking forward to preparing for Nene's 90th birthday celebration on Saturday. And where Nene gave me a pillow case with an embroidered moose on it! Even better than seeing one in person.
Thursday 9/24 & Friday 9/25. We spent the days buying food and decorating for Saturday, as many of those going to Blake Island would be coming back to the house. And, of course, we talked and talked, and played some Skip-Bo.
Saturday 9/26. Twenty-seven friends and family met us at the ferry dock in Port Orchard for the trip to Blake Island. One of Nene's friends is living in Virginia for a couple years and flew back just for the party. Nene wore the birthday hat I gave her for the whole trip! (See photo above.) The day was perfect. Absolutely perfect. After everyone had left, we cleaned up and talked. And talked. Neither one of us wanted to go to bed. We didn't want the day to end.
Sunday 9/27. I was on my way home by 9:00 am, unable to believe that my visit had ended. It was very difficult to say goodbye to Nene. But it was a beautiful day and in just the few days since we had driven back over the pass, the Fall colors had begun their explosion. I was home by 1:15 pm and it was good to be at Rose Camp.
Monday 9/28. It is 46 with a clear, blue sky this morning. We had hiked up to the south ridge last night after dark in hopes of seeing the Full Blood Moon eclipse, but the trees were in the way. By the time we could see the moon from the house, the eclipse was over.
So now it is time to go feed the chickens and get back into the swing of life Up Here. That's the great thing about vacations - no meals to cook, no dishes to wash, no bills to pay, no getting up at 4:00 am to let the dogs out. And Nene thoroughly spoiled me. . .
Thought for the day: I love you, Nene.
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