Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015 Sunny Fall Days

The tiny hummingbird nest I found.

Monday 10/12. JB had completely unloaded the car when we arrived home Saturday evening, but yesterday I forgot to clean out the spilled dog food.  I had given them their food dry, at which point they looked at me as if to say, "What is that crap?!"  I always add warm chicken broth and chicken to it, which I did to fresh dry food when we got home.  Today I cleaned out all the spilled pieces before the mice discovered them and moved in.

I washed sheets today and hung them outside.  They seem to soak up the fresh air better than any other laundry.

JB drove down at 12:30 pm to see Larry and a video that he had purchased on building a compost fueled generator.  It runs for 48 hours at a time and produces 110v that can run a microwave or a refrigerator!  It costs about $200 to build, and we will definitely be looking into that.

Sounds like no one's chickens are laying much lately.  Larry thinks they might be sensing the big earthquake for which we are due.  I know ours were not laying much this time last year, but they were molting then.  Maybe it is a pending earthquake.

While JB was gone, I took a short nap then gathered a couple more loads of kindling.  As I was doing so, I found a hummingbird nest on the ground!  It is only 1-3/4" in diameter.  Will definitely have to make something in which to display it.

The occasional clouds floated over today, with one very large one stopped right over us in the late afternoon.  Our high for the day was 60.

Tuesday 10/13. It was 53 and clear with a chilly breeze this morning.  Buster arrived for a romp at 7:00 am.  Fortunately I was up and wide awake.  Have been sleeping very soundly the past few nights, and I wanted to spend some time bright eyed and bushy tailed before I took my morning meds.  They pretty much wipe me out and I actually went back to bed at 9:00 am for a couple hours.

JB did something to his right foot while driving on Saturday, and it seems to be causing him more pain each day.  It is not swollen, so I'm not sure what is the matter.  I told him that if he just wanted to relax for a few days, all he had to do was say so. . .

After brunch I gathered and stacked a few more loads of kindling from a couple small piles on the east slope.  Then I put a new tarp over MAX and threw the old, shredded one away.  I gave the girls fresh shavings in their nesting boxes, then used the wheel barrow to gather most of the straw bale out of the tipi and put it into the hen house.  The girls will be busy arranging their home for the next week or so.

I plan to go Down There tomorrow for groceries, errands and to mail Nene's birthday present.  Her birthday is actually on Saturday.  If JB's foot is any better, we may go down on Friday to make our semi-annual run to the garbage dump.  Otherwise we'll be taking him to the doctor.

There were no clouds today and our high was 62, but I am sure it was pushing 70 in the sun.

Wednesday 10/14. It is a chilly 45 with mostly clear skies this morning.  I hope to be on my way Down There by 9:00 am.

Thought for the day: We do not need to see eye to eye to walk arm in arm.  Carolee Stevens in Guideposts September issue

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