Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016 Easter Eggs & Sun

Girls enjoying the bare ground in
their run.

Monday 3/21. Nene had her children and grandchildren over to her house yesterday to color Easter eggs.  They decorated 176 eggs! All ten of them really get into it.  It looks like we will be able to make it for JB's family's Easter dinner, so we will have to decorate some eggs this year as there is the annual Easter egg fight.  Not quite what it sounds like, but it has been going on for generations, with the records to prove it.  Two people start by tapping the pointy end of their eggs together.  The one that does not break is the winner who goes on to the next person until there is one unbroken egg left - the winner!

JB moved some more snow today with the tractor.  It is slow going, but he doesn't care, as long as he is on the tractor.  I puttered around inside and out.
He also baked a couple loaves of banana bread that smelled and tasted wonderful.

The sky remained overcast.  A very grey day, with a high of 42, that sure didn't feel that warm.  But the girls gave us two eggs, so that was a bright spot.

This evening we watched A Walk In The Woods with Robert Redford and Nick Nolte.  It was so good!  Hysterical!  I have a feeling that Nick Nolte was really playing himself, but it was so good to see him back on his game.  Makes one wonder how much of the dialogue was script and how much was ad lib.  This is a movie that Elsie would enjoy, too.  Neither of us like gore or torture.  Blood and guts is okay, but there's a big difference between the two.

Tuesday 3/22. It was 34 and overcast this morning with a wind steady at about 10 mph.  But the wind soon blew the clouds away and the sun shone brightly for the rest of the day, making no doubt that mud season has begun.  Our high for the day was 46, and on our afternoon walk, there was actually a warm breeze on the south ridge coming up from the canyon.

I spent some time outside gathering a big bag full of kindling from the larger bare spots on the east slope, enjoying the warm sun and fresh scent of wet dirt.

Yesterday I started a book by Irina Reyn, What Happened to Anna K.?  It is a modern take on the classic Anna Karenina and very good.

The snow is finally melting in the new part of the girls' run, so I shoveled a walkway for them to get to the bare ground.  They wasted no time checking it out, and we got one egg today.  They are averaging one egg a day, although it is sometimes two and sometimes none.

I plan to go Down There tomorrow for some groceries and to check out the road for Sunday's trip.  If I think we can get my Jeep up to where our road turns off the main road, then JB and I will go down before Sunday to bring it up.  That way the dogs can walk down our road instead of riding in Miss Kitty all the way down to Larry and Elsie's.  We have never ridden with both of them in Miss Kitty and I am not really anxious to try. . .

Wednesday 3/23. It is 34, breezy and mostly overcast this morning, but rain isn't due in until tonight.  It's going to be a chilly drive Down There.

Thought for the day: If you really want to do something you'll find a way.  If not you'll find an excuse.  Author Unknown

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