Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 26, 2016 Politics & A Trip Down There

Our "wood spirit" (see the
face of the French Canadian
mountain man with most of
 his hat missing)

These dried flowers are
great for crafts.

Monday 10/24. That four-mile hike on Saturday really got me back into the spirit of getting out more.  The dogs and I went on a nice, ambling hike down the road to our "wood spirit", which was about a mile round trip.  Of course Up Here half of any hike we go on is up hill.  And, unfortunately, that half is usually the return trip up our steep drive way.  

I had a pretty good political rant all written for today, but I have decided not to publish it.  It included such names as George Soros, our imposter-president; such adjectives as Nazi-loving, ignorant, arrogant; and such verbs and adverbs as run amok.  But it is just not worth the anger involved in typing it into my blog.  This election is such a bad joke, as have been the past eight years.  The only reason I am going to vote for Trump is because I believe he is basically a good person.  In any other election, this would hardly be a valid single qualification for President of the United States, hopefully it would be a given.  However, in this election it is quite valid as she is inherently evil to the core.

Okay, enough of that.  Back to real life.  My projects for today weren't very time or energy consuming.  I needed to start and let the tractor run for a while, and put more pine shavings in the girls' nesting boxes.  These in addition to all my other daily chores which now include bringing fire wood in.

I have started one of my new books, which is actually two books in one, Spy Mom - The Adventures of Sally Sin by Beth McMullen.   Very entertaining.  I can hardly put it down.

Tuesday 10/25. It was 41 and partly cloudy this morning.  And since it was to be the only dry day for a while, I drove Down There.  This was a run for a lot of little things that always seem to fall through the cracks in getting stocked up for winter.  Like toothpaste, that I found myself out of yesterday.  Fortunately, JB uses a different kind, so I borrowed some of his stash.

The sun was shining in town, warm enough to take off my jacket.  I just took my time and enjoyed the outing.  I left the sun behind as I drove back up our canyon, but it managed to find cracks in the clouds later in the afternoon and was a very pleasant day all around.  Our high Up Here was 50.

Jesse is not quite as enthusiastic about our extended walks up to the peak as Dinga and I are.  He will usually go all the way up in the morning, but cannot be coaxed to do so in the afternoon.  Even if we don't have a morning walk, like today.  He just meets up with us again as we come down off the south ridge.

JB's Mother is becoming much weaker now and is concerned that her pacemaker will keep her going when, in fact, she is quite ready to leave.  JB did some calling around and is waiting to hear from her physician.  His brother is learning everything quickly, so JB is going to get the brakes checked out on his Jeep tomorrow.  Still planning on getting back home to Rose Camp on Saturday.

Wednesday 10/26. It is 40 and raining this morning.  So far this month we have received 2.5" of rain.  It is as if the mountains have shrunk and can no longer keep the rain on their west side.

Thought for the day: The central premise of Constitutional governance is that "We the People have the power and the right to alter or abolish the form of government under which we live."  Raymond Ku

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