The winter solstice sun viewed from the south ridge at 3:30 pm. |
My Christmas cookies for this year. |
Thick rime and pine cones. |
Wednesday 12/21. JB was on his way Down There by 9:15 on this beautiful winter solstice morning. This time he got all his shopping done, and bought some groceries too. But traffic was heavy in town and all the stores were crowded, so it took him most of the day.
It is interesting to watch how the humidity in the house rises and falls with the temps just like it does outside.
After two very windy days, the snow is littered with pine needles and small branches. And the snow on the south ridge has been sculpted a bit, but not enough to hide all the new deer tracks up there. Looks like they had quite a party last night. There are even tracks in the yard, the grove and on the path to the compost pile.
I baked toffee-coconut bars today, and while gathering the ingredients for them, I discovered the maraschino cherries I had been looking for. All this while JB is buying more cherries. I will make by favorite cookies with them tomorrow.
A light overcast was forming when JB arrived back home a little before 4:00 pm, but by sundown the sky was clear again.
The big news is that I will be going to see Star Wars': Rogue One on Friday! Mrs. Gridder and her boys are going and invited me to come along. Woo Hoo!!
Our high for the day was 34, but the fog moved in after dark and the temp dove down to 22.
Thursday 12/22. Our world was covered in rime this morning and our temp was a chilly 20. The whitened trees looked like ghosts in the remaining fog that flowed in and out like slow-motion waves on the shore.
We enjoyed a nice, lazy morning reading newspapers and magazines that JB brought up yesterday. I just love getting the mail this time of the year. There are always cards from friends and family.
Just as the sun was beginning to win its fight with the fog around noon, the clouds moved in. But we did have some patches of blue sky and sun during the day, and our high was 28.
JB did errands outside, including putting a new fuse in Miss Kitty for the screen that tells us the mph, gas level, etc. I baked my favorite Christmas cookies that are from a recipe of JB's Mom's. They are kind of a cherry-chocolate swirl. I have baked more cookies this holiday season than I have in more than a decade!
Friday 12/23. It is 20 and foggy again this morning. But now that the solstice has passed, we are on our way back to the light.
Thought for the day: Wishing you all the joys of Christmas, now and throughout the new year!
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