Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30, 2017 A Very Relaxing Weekend

In Elsie's garden.

Jesse with a new

The huge, old lilac bush
down in the canyon.

Wednesday 5/24. We spent most of the day mowing and weed eating, JB on the tractor and me with the weed eater. Then I had to fix the tarp on the hen house which had not been tacked down well enough to survive yesterday's wind.  It's not going anywhere now.  The wind was still blowing today, but only to 12 mph.  Our high for the day was 58.

When I checked for eggs after lunch, there was a humming bird in the hen house.  The only way it could have gotten there was through the little door that the girls use.  I held the people door open and it quickly found its way out.

After dinner we drove down to Larry and Elsie's to visit and go over things for my house sitting.  Sat on their porch chatting until after dark.

Thursday 5/25. It was 44 and partly cloudy this morning.  I spent the day getting ready to leave.  I had a long list of items to do, including making more humming bird syrup and baking cookies.  I was on my way by 4:00 pm.

Friday 5/26 through Monday 5/29. A very relaxing but hot weekend in the high 80's and low 90's.  In the evenings I watched TV, bingeing on The Big Bang Theory and Law & Order: SVU, among other programs.

Saturday and Sunday I drove home for a couple hours each day to see JB's nephew and his 9-year-old son who were visiting.  Other than that, I did my house-sitting chores of watering, feeding the chickens, cats and dog.  Then I just vegged on their porch with one of the cats on my lap.  You cannot make a lap at their house without a cat finding it in a very short time.

I was home by 3:00 pm Monday afternoon.  A great weekend, but good to be back at Rose Camp.

Tuesday 5/30. It is 68 with a few thin clouds about.  Going to be another hot one.

Thought for the day: Churches are good for prayer, but so are garages and cars and mountains and showers and dance floors.  Anne Lamott in her book Plan B

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