Friday, June 30, 2017

June 30, 2017 Ready for a Holiday Weekend

JB moving the rock
off the road.

Wednesday 6/28. JB was on his way Down There at 8:15 am with the trailer loaded with recycle and empty gas cans.  My brother arrived at 8:45 and we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and visit.

I had planned to get a lot of splitting done when he left.  After about 8 or 9 rounds, the hydraulic hose burst spilling hydraulic fluid everywhere!  That hose should have been replaced a couple years ago. . .

After cleaning up and putting my jeans in a pan of water and soap to soak, I spent the rest of the day doing a lot a little things that needed to be done, including stacking the wood I had split.

JB was home by 2:00 with a load of gas and ice.  Glad to be back up on the mountain, as it was getting hot Down There.  Our high for the day was 77.

Thursday 6/29. It was 52 and clear this morning.  We all hopped into JB's Jeep first thing and drove down to move a large rock that JB had encountered on the road yesterday.  I actually got to ride this time, with Jesse on my lap. . .

Back home JB mowed with the tractor for several hours.  I baked cookies and did my semi-annual dusting, among other things.  Getting ready for our weekend guests.  One of JB's nephews and his girlfriend will be up for Saturday and Sunday.  JB's brothers and sisters-in-law will arrive on Monday and stay the night.  Really looking forward to everyone's visit and some down time.

Larry and Elsie drove up to bring me the four-wheeler to use this evening.  They are going to a lake for the four-day weekend and I will be going down to their place twice a day to water and feed the chickens and cats.

Friday 6/30. It is 60 and clear on this last day of June.  I am going Down There to grocery shop for the weekend and buy a new hose for the splitter.  Supposed to be a hot one today, but back to normal temps for the next few days.

Thought for the day: When you are feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color.  Guideposts, July 2017

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 28, 2017 Cutting, Slicing & Dicing

Guess who gets to walk. . .
Rounds to be split.

Monday 6/26. By 9:15 am we had cut down another tree; sliced it in half; pulled both logs up.  JB clipped all the branches he could with the clippers, while I went inside to vacuum.

Larry, Elsie and their grandsons arrived at about 10:30 am and we had a wonderful, relaxing visit.  So much fun to have the children Up Here.  Shortly after they left, we had two very close, very loud claps of thunder, but the clouds went to the north and south of us, and we never got any rain.

This was supposed to be our day of rest, but after lunch I trimmed most of the large branches that JB had cut.  Then I split all the rounds.

It was quite hot while our visitors were here - actually got up to 90!  But with the cold front moving in, the temperature soon dropped to 76.

Tuesday 6/27. It was a lovely 54 this morning with clear skies.  Again we were out early and sliced four of the logs into rounds.  Then moved the wood I split yesterday to the wood shed, and moved all the rounds up to the splitter.  I stacked all the wood and hung up the laundry.

JB was rested by then so we sliced up two more long logs.  After lunch we sliced up a couple more and took the rest of the afternoon to relax.

After dinner we finished slicing the last two logs into rounds and moved them all to the splitter.  Whew!  So glad that is all done.

It was a very pleasant day with a high of 76.

There are two fires in the area, one to the southeast about 10 miles and one to the northeast across the Columbia about the same distance.  Larry said the wind was really blowing in town today and where the fires are.  We barely had a breeze until this evening.

My brother is at his cabin and will be up for breakfast tomorrow.  JB is going to town for bloodwork and errands.

Wednesday 6/28. It is 50 with clear skies and a wind gusting to 19 mph this morning.  Dinga began barking at 6:00 am, and when I let both the dogs out, I immediately smelled skunk.  I called them back in and they came right away, thank goodness.

Thought for the day: Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take the blows.  Peggy Noonan

Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017 Cutting Wood In Summer Heat

(No photos today as Google is acting up.)

Friday 6/23. I was home again before 1:00 pm, and thank goodness, because it was really getting hot Down There.  Our high for the day was a pleasant 74.

We are back to Friday night pizza again.  In the several years since gluten-free food has become popular, the gluten-free flour mixes have become so much better.  We use Bob's Red Mill GF One-for-One and it is great.

Saturday 6/24. It was 64 and clear this morning with more hot weather in the forecast.  We were out early to get wood before the heat set in.

Since we have so many smaller trees, we decided to clear as many out as we could this year.  Down at the end of our driveway JB cut two tall thin trees and one about 8" in diameter and 70 feet tall.  He then dragged the two smaller trees up.  We cut the larger one into 16' lengths and dragged them up.  After dinner we cut them all into 16" rounds.

I mentioned that I wanted to get a small propane freezer, but JB and I have agreed to wait a year.  He wants us to try canning meat, casseroles, etc. to see how that works out.  It certainly will save a lot of money.

JB is having issues with his back again and right now the consensus is that he will have to have two discs fused.  It will be his decision as to when, depending upon his quality of life (how much and how often it hurts).  He is going to have an MRI in a couple weeks just to be sure there is nothing else going on.

Sunday 6/25. It was 70 with a few wispy clouds in the sky this morning.  We got out early again and moved the rounds to the splitter with the tractor.  Then we went about half way down our drive where JB cut two trees before lunch.  We cut them into 16' lengths and dragged them up.  One of them got hung up on some other trees as it fell.  That's always fun to deal with.

After lunch we cut one more tree and dragged it up.  All these are a bit larger than yesterday's.  By then it was getting hot and we needed to rest.  Our high for the day was 83.  Nene called and we had a nice chat.  It was 97 at her place!

I used the rest of the afternoon to relax, put new shavings in the girls' nesting boxes and make more hummingbird syrup.  I also made Nene's famous macaroni salad for dinner that has shrimp, cheese and pickles in it.  So good!

Monday 6/26. It is 68 and mostly cloudy today.  There are thunderstorms in the forecast for this evening.  Larry and Elsie are coming up to visit today and letting their oldest grandson drive his four-wheeler up.  He turns nine this week.

Thought for the day: A tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart.

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017 A Movie & Mowing The Road

A pair of wrens tried to nest in this
birdhouse over the weekend, but
then gave up.
My irises are blooming now
but the camera does not
capture their true purple color.

One of our many butterflies
on the lilac bush.

Wednesday 6/21. Dinga wanted out at 4:00 am, and just after JB let her out the lovely scent of skunk wafted in the bedroom window.  Fortunately it did not get her.

By noon we had done the laundry and hung it out.  Split the rest of the wood and stacked it.  Re-arranged the porch so the coolers got less sun.  Put the cots together and in the tipi for our July 4th weekend guests.  Whew!

I was off to see Guardians of the Galaxy Chapter 2 by 2:30 pm.  I loved it!

Was home by 7:30 and it was much cooler at Rose Camp than Down There.  Our high for the day was 70.

Thursday 6/22. It was 52 and clear this morning.  We got going early and left to mow the road with the tractor at 9:45 am.  I walk down the middle of the road, looking for any hidden rocks that might be sticking up.  JB mows in a huge dust cloud.

On the way back I trimmed any branches that were encroaching on the road and cleared away rocks.  The dogs loved the outing, but slept all afternoon when we got back home 2-1/2 hours and 3-1/2 miles later.  While resting on the porch, we saw one of the wrens take after a chipmunk that it thought was too close to their birdhouse!  

After lunch, JB thoroughly cleaned the tractor while I did chores and weeded.

It was a perfect summer day with a high of 68 and a cool breeze.

Friday 6/23. It is 56 with clear skies this morning.  I am going Down There where it is supposed to be in the mid to high 80's. . .

Thought for the day: Science may someday discover what faith has always known.  Ashleigh Brilliant

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 21, 2017 Back To Work

I must have at least 1000 photos
of wild roses taken over the past
nine years. . .

Tuesday 6/20. We cut the last four logs into rounds this morning.  I tried my hand at it and cut up two logs, while JB did the rest.  He moved the rounds to the splitter in the tractor bucket, and I split more than half of them.  He then moved the cut wood to the wood shed, where I stacked it all.  Afterwards my back was telling me that won't be happening again in this lifetime with that chainsaw.

Our high for the day was 78, hot but with a cool breeze.

I am going to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 with our neighbors tomorrow.  Woo Hoo!!

Wednesday 6/21. It is 50 with clear skies and a wind gusting to 14 mph.  Going to be another hot one.

Thought for the day: You have to choose happiness.  It doesn't choose you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017 A Great Weekend & No Jury Duty

Wild roses, lupine & paintbrush
along our road.

Friday 6/16. I was off to my Aunt Nene's as planned and had a good drive over.  She always spoils me, which is very nice, but she rarely lets me win the most Skip-Bo games.

When I called for jury duty information, I was told that I did NOT have to report on Monday!  Woo Hoo!

Saturday 6/17. I left Port Orchard at 10:00 am for Kent and the traffic was horrific.  Still had plenty of time to visit before the graduation ceremony.  Got teary-eyed when the band started playing Pomp & Circumstance, but the graduation of the more than 400 seniors was very well done.  We went out to dinner afterwards, reminiscing and offering advice to the graduate for his college days.

Sunday 6/18. We were up early to get packed up and out to the park on the lake for the graduation party/barbecue.  So much good food!  Took lots of photos.  Had lots of fun.  The forecast blue skies never appeared until we were ready to leave, but it was a very pleasant day.

Back to their house where we ate more.  Talked more.  And watched some movies.

A great time during which I made new friends and got re-acquainted with a couple family members.

Monday 6/19. Left for home around 9:30 am after filling the car up with gas; buying a latte; and visiting Trader Joe's.  Was home to sunny skies by 1:00 pm, and our high for the day was 76.

Most of the rose bushes along our road are blooming now.  For about 90% of the drive, you are surrounded by lupine and/or roses, plus paintbrush, yarrow and a few surviving balsam root.  Wow!

Tuesday 6/20. This first morning of summer is 60 with mostly clear skies and a breeze.  Supposed to be a hot one today.

Thought for the day: My how time flies. . .

Friday, June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017 A Trip West of The Mountains

Some of our many
wild roses.
Yellow salsify & yarrow are now
blooming in many places.

Wednesday 6/14. I was Down There, everything done, and back by 1:00 pm.  It was quite warm in town, but our high Up Here was just 62.  

The wren eggs have hatched and the parents are busy feeding their babies and cleaning the egg shells out of the bird house.

After lunch JB did some weed eating and I did weed pulling, as the chainsaw still won't start.  JB is going to give it a good going-over while I am gone.  The spark plug may need cleaning.

Randy has been so busy the past couple months splitting and stacking his fire wood.  He is about 2/3 done and he uses much more wood than we do!

Thursday 6/15. It was 48 and overcast this morning.  JB was on his way Down There to get my Jeep fixed by 8:45 am.  I spent the day on chores and getting ready for my trip.

He was home at 1:30 pm and brought the rain with him.  Rain that continued to fall into the evening.  Going to be fun going down our road tomorrow morning.  Can't believe my nephew is graduating from high school.  I remember the night he was born. . .  Now he is at least 6'2" and is going to college on a track scholarship.

Friday 6/16. It is 50, breezy and overcast this morning.  I will not be posting until Tuesday.  If I have to report for jury duty, I will be back too late on Sunday and will have to leave too early Monday morning.  If I do not have to report, I will be coming home some time Monday.

Thought for the day: I acted my age once.  It was boring.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14, 2017 More Slicing, Dicing & Stacking

Tuesday night's sunset.
One of the girls must
have thought it was Easter.
Sunflowers are blooming now.

Monday 6/12. JB found a mouse in the trap in the bathroom this morning after he got out of his shower.  He was on his way Down There by 8:45 am.  It seems my Jeep needs two tie rods replaced in the front, but the shop had only one in stock, so we have another appointment on Thursday.  While he was gone I got around to more of the little things I keep putting off.

JB was home by 12:30 pm and after lunch he sliced half of the logs into rounds.  Took them to the splitter in the tractor so I could dice them, which I did.  While I did that, JB worked on Miss Kitty, as the parts had arrived in the mail.  Two of the parts did not fit even though he ordered them right off the drawings.  After dinner I did some weeding around the plants in tubs trying to get rid of hiding places for snakes. . .

The sunflowers are blooming now, and in places I have never seen them before.  The yellow salsify, yarrow, and red clover are also popping up.  So many shapes, sizes and shades of yellow, purple, lavender, pink, red, orange and white!

The wind blew all day, gusting to 18 mph.  Our high for the day was 70.

Tuesday 6/13. It was 44, partly cloudy and still windy this morning.  A very cold wind.

We wanted to slice the rest of the logs and split them today, but the chainsaw decided it was just too tired and wouldn't start.  So JB moved the wood I split yesterday to the wood shed, where I stacked it.

Then we hooked the trailer to his Jeep and drove down to load up all the branch wood from the tree JB cut down.  We unloaded it by the wood cradle and I broke all the ones I could into kindling and stacked them in the shed.  

I did some more weeding and found a sick or wounded bird sitting by the bird bath.  Got a small box in which I put some grass and then the bird.  Unfortunately it didn't survive the afternoon.  At least it was out of the wind and warm.

The wind continued to blow all day, although not quite as strong as yesterday, and our high for the day was 64.

My nephew graduates from high school on Saturday, so I am leaving Friday morning to go visit my Aunt Nene and spend the night with her.  Then Saturday morning I will leave for the graduation and spend the night with my brother.  They are having a party on Sunday at the beach, after which I will either drive home or spend another night there.  It all depends on my jury duty summons. . 

Wednesday 6/14. It is 42 with a thin overcast and a light wind.  I am going Down There this morning for some groceries and ice.  It's payday.

Thought for the day: People need to quite expecting normal from me.  It's just not going to happen.

Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12, 2017 Cutting, Slicing & Dicing

A good start.
Starting on the tree
All done on Sunday & ready
 for slicing & dicing.

Friday 6/9. I finished splitting (dicing) all the rounds that JB had cut (sliced).  He drove the wood to the wood shed and I stacked it all.

Forgot to mention that I saw a very long bull snake almost up at the peak on our walk a few days ago.  We have seen a few other kinds too, and of course our first rattle snake.  Now I take my snake stick with me everywhere I go and keep an eye out.

A pair of wrens is nesting in the condo bird house.  They are not at all hesitant to chase the robins and other large birds away.

There was a chilly breeze all day and our high was only 58, but it was perfect for working outside.

Saturday 6/10. It was 40 and mostly cloudy this morning.  Right after breakfast we drove down to the standing-dead tree that JB wanted to cut.  It is a little more than half way down our driveway, about 15 ft in on the east side.  Dark clouds quickly gathered and just after JB started cutting the rain arrived.

So we changed our project for the day and fixed the wood shed roof instead.  The snow in the past two winters had weighed it down enough that the short side of the roof needed to be braced up.  We used JB's hi-lift jack to raise it up and slid a 4"x4" under it.  Hopefully that will do the trick.

The only thing we don't have a bumper crop of this year is humming birds.  There seems to be less of them than normal.  Not sure why.

Several rain showers passed overhead during the day and our high was only 54.  We had a fire in the wood stove in the morning and evening

Sunday 6/11. It was 54 and clear this morning.  JB sharpened the two chainsaw chains; put one of them on the chainsaw, and we were back down the drive to finish cutting the tree.  It fell right where we wanted it to, then JB cut it into 8' pieces and pulled each one up to the splitter.  I limbed it and tied each piece with the towing strap.  We ended up with seven logs at eight feet and two at about five feet.  That gave us about 65' of really hard fir.

Taking a break for lunch, we were done at about 2:30 pm and both pretty tired.  But it was a good day's work and felt good to get it done.  Puffy clouds scuttled across the sky all day and our high was a very pleasant 65.

JB is going Down There tomorrow to get my Jeep fixed, probably just needs an alignment or something related.

Monday 6/12. It is 48 with clear skies and wind this morning.  Very strong winds are due in this afternoon.

Thought for the day: I already want to take a nap tomorrow.

Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017 Our First Rattlesnake Of The Year

The rounds waiting to
be split.
The lilac blooms.
The rattle snake next to
JB's size 10.

Wednesday 6/7. We were up and at'em early this morning.  JB had banana bread in the oven before he even ate breakfast.  I called Sandy to wish her Happy Birthday (she is older than I am).

JB cut the two logs we pulled up yesterday into 21 16" rounds.  I loaded them into the tractor bucket and he drove them over to the splitter.  Then, after lunch, I split three bucket loads that JB took to the wood shed where I stacked them.

It was a busy, warm day with a high of 77.  The first roses have bloomed Up Here.  This is the first year where I have experienced all the different wild flowers blooming at the same time.  The early blooms are waning as the new ones appear.  So many colors!

Thursday 6/8. It was 54 this morning and cloudy with rain in the forecast.  I was on my way Down There by 9:00 to buy a few more plants, ice, etc.  Rain began to fall at my last stop and it was really coming down by the time I arrived home at noon. 

There is no garden that man could plant that would be as amazing as the one Mother Nature has planted along our road.  Absolutely incredible!

After lunch the rain had stopped, so I went out to plant the flowers I bought.  Bright petunias and pansies now also decorate the yard.  As I was checking out the lilac bush, and trying to lift up a low branch heavily laden with blooms with a piece of wood, I noticed a snake coiled up right under the bush.  I yelled and jumped back, not sure if it was a bull snake or rattler.  JB heard me from inside the house and brought my snake stick.  Since it was so cool, the snake was smart enough not to move since he could not move very fast.  I pulled at it with my stick, and sure enough, it was a rather large timber rattler!  I cut off its head with the sharp end of my stick and then cut off its rattles with a knife.  Ten rattles on this one, and it was more than two feel long.  When it was all over, I started to shake and didn't really calm down for a few hours.  Orange flavored vodka in a cup of hot cocoa helped. . .

Another rain shower moved in around 4:30 pm and lasted about an hour.  Our high for the day was 64.  The temperature dove to 45 by the time the sun went down, and the wind blew the clouds away.

We started watched the first season of Longmire a few nights ago.  One of our favorites.

Friday 6/9. It is a chilly 42 this morning with clear skies.  We have a fire in the wood stove. . .

Thought for the day: One evening, when I was yet in my nurse's arms, I wanted to touch a tea kettle, which was boiling.  My nurse would have taken me away from the kettle, but my mother said, "Let him touch it."  So I touched it - and that was my first lesson of liberty.  John Ruskin

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June 7, 2017 A Trip Down There & Work, Work, Work

Red paint brush with a purple
& yellow backdrop of lupine
and balsam root.

Monday 6/5. JB got on his way as planned.  Turns out we both told our doctors that we just didn't seem to have as much energy as usual, but I got to thinking about it and how many people our age to all the physical work that we do?!  Actually I find that the more work I do, the more stamina and energy I have, so in the winter when we are not usually physically working so much, we feel more tired.

I spent the day on chores and small projects that never seem to get done, so I actually accomplished a lot.  JB was home by 5:00 pm.  It was pretty warm Down There, but our high Up Here was 64.

Last night Larry told us that they saw their first bears on Sunday.  It was a cinnamon mama with two little cubs.

Tuesday 6/6. It was 58 and clear this morning.  No early morning fire needed in the wood stove.

Right after breakfast we went out to do our project for the day which was to pull up the rest of the large tree our son cut down last October and was now laying in a sea of yellow and purple down the west slope.  We ended up having to cut it in half.  Somehow the chain saw got wedged and stuck in the log, so we had to cut it out with the hand saw.  We used JB's Jeep to pull one piece up before lunch and the other after lunch.  JB was going to cut them into rounds, but the chain saw needed a sharp chain.  We were both pretty tired by then, so we decided to finish tomorrow.

I brought up a large pile of branches, breaking and stacking the smaller ones in the wood shed.  The larger ones will go over to the wood cradle for cutting.

The day was nice but rather muggy, with a high of 72.

Wednesday 6/7. It is 60 this morning with mostly cloudy skies and the smell of rain.

Thought for the day: It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom.  It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.  Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017 A Very Friendly Weekend

My new flower bed.

Jesse's nest.

Friday 6/2. Had a very good trip Down There.  Bought groceries, plants for my new flowerbed, a shelf for the right side of the outhouse that we are making into a storage area, and stopped in to see Larry & Elsie.  So many blooming flowers and bushes along our road.  After a late lunch, I planted all the flowers, but still need some more.  Now I just have to remember to water them every day.

The day was warm but breezy, with a high of 68.

Saturday 6/3. This morning was 58 and mostly cloudy.  JB went outside right after breakfast to use the weed eater on the south side of the house while I did laundry and other inside chores.

When he was done, we put the shelves together.  JB took the toilet out of the outhouse.  We covered the hole and organized our "new" storage area.

After lunch we put Miss Kitty back together (without the front storage box).  Then I raked where JB had done the weed-eating and put everything I raked up into the compost pile.

On our walk I saw that the door to our neighbors' yurt was open, so after feeding the dogs, we walked down to be sure they were there.  And they were.  They came up to visit after dinner and great conversation ensued.

The sky cleared, but the clouds were back by 3:00 pm.  It was a very nice day though, with a high of 70.

Sunday 6/4. It was 48 with a thin overcast that cleared during the day.  I had forgotten to give our neighbors eggs last night, so right after feeding the dogs breakfast, I took some down to the yurt.  I always enjoy a good walk first thing in the morning, but rarely take one unless I have to.

I did more laundry and worked on Sandy's present for her birthday which is on Wednesday.  JB did some week eating in front of the house.

Larry and Elsie drove up with their grandsons to visit and deliver three tomato plants.  We walked around and chatted.  Always fun to have the kids visit.

When they left, I planted the tomatoes, after weeding the garden, and then finished Sandy's present.  JB mowed the large triangle to the south of the house.  I addressed all the invitations that I had printed yesterday for JB's family for our Fourth of July barbecue.

JB has his annual physical tomorrow, so he can mail everything and run a few errands.

It was another beautiful day, but still a bit breezy.  Our high for the day was 62.

Monday 6/5. It is a chilly 43 this morning and the sky is clear.  JB plans to be on his way by 9:00 am.

Thought for the day: When you are at one with the world, you often find that the thing you seek is seeking you.  Charles F. Haanel

Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2, 2017 A Garbage Run & Diagnosing Miss Kitty

My larger flowerbed.

Some of the many
mushrooms we have.

Wednesday 5/31. We left on our garbage run at 9:00 am and by the time we returned to Rose Camp a little after 1:00, the sky was overcast.  The reason it took so long is, of course, we never go Down There without running several errands.

The trillium blooms along our road are all gone, having been replaced by arnica, sweet peas, flox and lupine.  So many colors!

After a late lunch, I broke the small branches we brought up yesterday into kindling and stacked them in the wood shed.  The day remained overcast and our high was 64.

Four of my irises are going to bloom this year.  I transplanted them near the hen house three years ago and this will be the first time they have bloomed.  My lilac bush is also going to bloom.  It didn't last year.  Can hardly wait!

Thursday 6/1. It was 52, overcast and sprinkling lightly this morning.  I put in a fire just to take the chill out.

We worked in the dirt after breakfast.  JB used the tractor bucket to bring dirt to fill in the hole I had dug around the cistern riser and laid in plastic to keep the snow melt from leaking into the cistern.  I tore down half of the small wall and rebuilt it to make a larger place for a flower bed.  JB brought in two bucket loads of dirt to fill it, then I finished the wall.  He also put three bucket loads of dirt at the end of the swale by the hen house.

We left late for our morning walk and got caught in a light shower on the south ridge at about 11:00 am, but we were able to get back to the porch before the rain really started coming down.  It kept raining until about 2:00 pm and then we went out to work on Miss Kitty.  JB discovered that the thermostat was missing!  So we spent almost two hours trying to put her back together.  We were unable to get the storage box back in, but got the dashboard all done.  Tomorrow we will put the doors back on.

The sun shone most of the rest of the afternoon and our high for the day was 62.

The longer we use the coolers, as opposed to a refrigerator, the more I wonder why how quickly the pioneering ways were discarded and then forgotten in the face of technology.  And how soon common sense disappeared.  It seems the best rule of thumb is K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Friday 6/2. It is 50 and partly cloudy this morning.  I am going Down There for a grocery run and to get shelving that is on sale for the one side of the outhouse that we are using as storage.

Thought for the day: It is not the business of the government to make men virtuous or religious, or to preserve the fool from the consequences of his own folly.  Government should be repressive no further than is necessary to secure liberty by protecting the equal rights of each from aggression on the part of others.  The moment governmental prohibitions extend beyond this line, they are in danger of defeating the very ends they are intended to serve.  Henry George