Some of our many wild roses. |
Yellow salsify & yarrow are now blooming in many places. |
Wednesday 6/14. I was Down There, everything done, and back by 1:00 pm. It was quite warm in town, but our high Up Here was just 62.
The wren eggs have hatched and the parents are busy feeding their babies and cleaning the egg shells out of the bird house.
After lunch JB did some weed eating and I did weed pulling, as the chainsaw still won't start. JB is going to give it a good going-over while I am gone. The spark plug may need cleaning.
Randy has been so busy the past couple months splitting and stacking his fire wood. He is about 2/3 done and he uses much more wood than we do!
Thursday 6/15. It was 48 and overcast this morning. JB was on his way Down There to get my Jeep fixed by 8:45 am. I spent the day on chores and getting ready for my trip.
He was home at 1:30 pm and brought the rain with him. Rain that continued to fall into the evening. Going to be fun going down our road tomorrow morning. Can't believe my nephew is graduating from high school. I remember the night he was born. . . Now he is at least 6'2" and is going to college on a track scholarship.
Friday 6/16. It is 50, breezy and overcast this morning. I will not be posting until Tuesday. If I have to report for jury duty, I will be back too late on Sunday and will have to leave too early Monday morning. If I do not have to report, I will be coming home some time Monday.
Thought for the day: I acted my age once. It was boring.
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