Monday, July 31, 2017

July 31, 2017 Just Too Hot To Work Much

My new shelf in
the kitchen.

Friday 7/28. I raked the road for a couple hours first thing in the morning, while JB was fixing the lights on the trailer and his Jeep.  Then he loaded up the box scraper and returned it.

Larry and Elsie had a family emergency as his Mother broke her leg.  They spent the day at the hospital, so I drove down about 4:30 pm to feed the animals and water everything.

JB and I had salad for dinner with the first two tomatoes off the bushes.  So good!  Especially since we can actually have lettuce now that we have a refrigerator to keep it in.

It was another hot day with a high of 82, but with a bit of a breeze.

Saturday 7/29. It was 59 and clear this morning with a slight breeze.  Sandy called and we had a nice chat.  Am thankful for anything that keeps me from working on the road.  Could only do it for an hour, as it was just too hot.

JB worked in the shop for several hours, cleaning up and looking for the dead pack rat.  We have another, smaller one in there now, along with a black snake that has two yellow stripes.  Never did find the dead rat and there is no smell, so he may have gone elsewhere to die.  Hopefully the new one will follow him soon.  My brother has a couple pack rats down at his cabin, too.  We think there must be a four to five year cycle with them.  We have more mice this year also, but less grasshoppers.

I put up the other shelf I bought last weekend in the kitchen, trying to get items off of the counter.

There wasn't much of a breeze at all today.  With a high of 85, it was just not a very pleasant day.

Sunday 7/30. This morning's temp was 62 with clear skies and a breeze.  JB and I got out after doing laundry and dishes, to work on the frames to hold in the dirt on one side and one end of the old refrigerators we are burying.  We put small rocks under them for drainage and moved wood over to build the frame.  Got the front almost screwed together, and then it was just too hot to work outside any more.

After lunch and a nap, JB baked banana muffins AND two loaves of banana bread.  The breeze died mid-afternoon, so it got pretty hot in the house with all that baking.  But it was definitely worth it.

I quit taking my statin for my cholesterol more than a year ago because of all the bad things I was reading about them, even though I am now eating more eggs, butter and cheese than I ever have.  When I went for my yearly check-up this Spring, my cholesterol was just fine. . .

By dinnertime the breeze had re-appeared and felt so good.  Our high for the day was 82.

Tomorrow morning JB, Jesse and I are going Down There for Jesse's yearly exam and shots.  We are also each going to get a National Parks Senior Pass that is good for as long as we live.  They are $10, but go up to $80 on August 28.  Thank you so much to JB's sister-in-law for telling us that.

Monday 7/31. It is 60 this morning with clear skies and a light wind.  We plan to be on our way by 8:00 and back home before we are sitting in a puddle of sweat.

Thought for the day: Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction.  Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another.  Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Friday, July 28, 2017

July 28, 2017 A Trip Down There & Working On the Road

Me, after working just an
hour on the road.
Wrens' nest.

Wednesday 7/26. I drove Down There and did what I had to do.  Didn't look for anything that wasn't on my list.  (Well, except for a bottle of Margaritas at Costco, but that was on the shelf just as I walked in the door.)  Was home by 11:30 but the temperature was pushing 90 Down There by then.  According to Elsie, it got up to 101.  Our high for the day was 88.  A very uncomfortable 88 with little or no breeze.

I had a quick lunch then went back down the driveway to help JB who had been working on the road all morning.  I removed the larger rocks that had been dug up from the drainage ditch.  The road is really looking good, but after an hour I had sweat running down my face and was getting filthy.

When it just got to be too hot, we quit for the day, resting and reading our books until it was time to feed the dogs and get dinner.

The first nesting pair of wrens we had left in late June with their young ones, but now we have another pair nesting just under the roof of the generator shed.  They must have several babies as it is quite noisy!

Thursday 7/27. It was 62 and clear with a light wind this morning.  A wonderful, cool, light wind.  We were out by 9:30 to work on the road.  JB finished up the drainage ditch and made a couple "whoop-tee-doos" (Larry language for the bumps to direct the water off the road.)  I moved rocks and raked out the ditch.  Not so sweaty today with that lovely wind.

After lunch, JB drove down to the corner he worked on a couple days ago to finish up.  I did inside chores and made chicken/salmon broth for the dogs.  First time I have been able to do it since our other fridge died, as I now have a freezer for it.

Driving back up, Dinga saw a rattle snake on the road and pointed it out to JB, but he could not get to it in time to kill it.  My brother is at his cabin this week and called today.  He actually stepped on a 3' timber rattler yesterday.  He is now quite sure that he holds the world record for the longest standing long jump!  Reminiscent of Larry almost stepping on one several years ago and proving that white men can jump. . .

Friday 7/28. It is 56 with clear skies and a very light breeze this morning.  I plan to get down to rake the road early, while JB fixes the lights on the trailer.

Thought for the day: It does not require many words to speak the truth.  Chief Joseph

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26, 2017 Visiting & Fixing The Road

The box scraper.

Monday 7/24. JB was on his way to pick up the box scraper a little after 8:00 am.  I did daily chores and other projects around the house.  Except for breakfast, I didn't stop til a few minutes before JB returned a little after 1:00 pm.  We unloaded the box scraper with the tractor bucket and a chain, then attached the scraper to the back of the tractor.  Took a while to figure it out, but then it only took a few minutes.

After dinner we re-attached Miss Kitty's muffler with the bolts JB had purchased.  At that point I just wanted to go for a drive.  So I combed my hair, put on some lipstick and a clean shirt, and we hopped in and drove down to visit Larry and Elsie.  Had a nice, relaxing visit and were home by 9:30 pm.

Tuesday 7/25. It was 60 and clear this morning with a light breeze.  After breakfast JB got on the tractor and began fixing the ruts in our driveway.  I took care of the chores, then finished snipping the rest of the branches from the trees we had cut.  Got all the pieces stacked in the shed.

After a late lunch JB was back scraping the road. I walked down to move some of the rocks he had popped out and rake some of the dirt he missed into the ruts.  After less than an hour I had sweat running into my eyes, and JB was getting pretty hot also.  So we quit and just relaxed and read our books til dinner time.

After dinner JB drove the tractor a little more than a quarter mile down the road to work on a corner that always gets muddy and had several ruts.  With just a few passes, it was looking much better.  I drove down in Miss Kitty, moving more loose rocks.

Not much of a breeze today, so the high of 82 was pretty hot and uncomfortable.

Wednesday 7/26. It is 64 this morning with a few light clouds.  I am going Down There to pick up a few groceries and other things.  No dawdling today as it is supposed to be a nasty 96.

Thought for the day: You and you alone are the only person who can live the life that writes the story you were meant to tell.  Kerry Washington

Monday, July 24, 2017

July 24, 2017 Two Trips Down There & Another Rattler

My extended chicken wall
with the shelf on the left.
The 3' timber rattler who
lost his head.

Friday 7/21. I was able to get everything done Down There and be home before noon.  And, thank goodness, because it was getting HOT.  I ate lunch and then took a two-hour nap.

JB had been busy while I was gone.  He hung up the wash.  Checked out Miss Kitty and found that the two bolts which hold the muffler in were missing.  When I got up from my nap, I helped him to try and re-install the muffler with two bolts we had.  They were the right size, but the threading was wrong.

While describing the flowers in the canyon in my last posting, I forgot to mention the purple asters, which have really multiplied, and the purple thistle that is beginning to bloom.  They are all putting on quite the show.

Our high for the day was a pleasant 74.

Saturday 7/22. It was 60 and clear this morning.  I was up before 7:00 am and on my way to Mrs. Gridders by 7:45 for some garage saling.  Woo Hoo!  We hit several garage sales and three estate sales, both of us finding some great treasures.  It was really HOT Down There, but when in her car, she cranked up the air conditioning and we cooled down while heading for the next stop.  It was so much fun, and we are going to do it again.

I was home before 1:00 pm with my sacks of goodies.  Hanging on the corner of the fence was a huge timber rattler, sans head, that JB and the dogs encountered on their morning walk!  He said that once they saw it on the driveway and it rattled, Jesse disappeared for a good forty-five minutes.

The day was warm Up Here, also, with a high of 82.  But at least we had a nice breeze.

Sunday 7/23. It was 60 and clear again this morning, but became HOT very quickly.  There was only a slight breeze until evening, and our high for the day was 86.  Because of that, we didn't do much outside except take the big "box" off of the rear of the tractor so we can put on the box scraper that JB is going to pick up tomorrow.

I had found a pair of beautiful shelves yesterday and put one up at the end of my "chicken wall" for items that cannot be hung.  I placed the large (empty) Rex Goliath wine bottle on it that the Gridders had given me for part of my birthday present.  (See photo above.)

We puttered around the house and read our books.  I finished one and was able to start one of the four by Steve Barry that I bought yesterday.

Monday 7/24. It is a nice, cool 54 this morning with clear skies, and the house has finally cooled down from yesterday.  JB plans to be on his way by 8:00 to borrow Larry's trailer and pick up the box scraper.  He is also going to pick up two bolts for Miss Kitty from the place that fixed her last year.

Thought for the day: There is no wi-fi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection.  Message on Pinterest

Friday, July 21, 2017

July 21, 2017 Root Cellars & MAX

Butterfly on a zinnia.

Wednesday 7/19. I scrubbed out the inside of each of the old refrigerators and pulled out all the shelves.  JB dug out another couple feet with the tractor and we put in the fridges end to end.  Sounds easy.  Took quite a while.  And then I took a nap.

I misquoted Sandy regarding the record high in Santa Rosa.  It was 108, not 105.  Either way, it was waaaayyyy too hot.

Up Here today was fairly pleasant with a high of 80 and a light breeze.

Thursday 7/20.  It was 58, clear and breezy this morning, but clouds soon moved in, blocking most of the sun.  The breeze was cool, and our high was a lovely 72.

Our project for the day was taking the tracks, wheels and wheel extenders off of MAX, and putting on the larger tires.  Again, sounds easy but took a while.  We left at about 2:00 pm with JB driving MAX and me following in Miss Kitty to drop MAX off at Gridders so he can figure out a way to keep the one chain from coming off.  JB drove slowly, about 4 mph, so it took us an hour in a lot of dust to get there.  We were one mile into our drive back home when the muffler popped out of Miss Kitty's engine.  That was one LOUD 3-mile drive.  Plus I had to be careful not to drive over any grass in the middle of the road without the muffler.  Turns out we lost the bolts that keep it in place, so JB will try to fix in on Saturday.

Driving down so slowly allows one to really see the surrounding forest.  The fire weed is in full bloom in many places along the road.  Yarrow is still blooming, as well as a few paint brush.  About half-way down there are tall, yellow flowers that remind me of mustard.  Most of the grasses are still green, but the road is VERY dusty.

Fortunately, with the breeze and the clouds, it was a very comfortable day with a high of 72 Up Here.  A bit warmer down the canyon at Gridders.

Friday 7/21. It is a chilly 50 this morning with mostly clear skies and a breeze.    One month into summer and, so far, it has been very pleasant.  I am going Down There to do some grocery shopping and other errands today.  Tomorrow Mrs. Gridder and I are going garage saling!

Thought for the day: Courage is no more than taking one more step than you think you can.  Holly Lisle

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 19, 2017 Re-stacking Wood & A Doctor's Appointment


All re-stacked.

Screen "door" held together
with magnets.

Monday 7/17. I arrived home from Down There a little after 1:00 pm with meat and ice cream for the freezer!  Had also bought a few other groceries and ran a few errands.

Sunday afternoon we heard quite a crash from the direction of the wood shed.  The front half of the third row had fallen over.  After lunch today I re-stacked it and in trying to do so, the front half of the second road fell over.  I obviously misjudged how far that row was leaning. . .  It took a while, but it is all neatly and more firmly stacked now.

It was a very pleasant day with a high of 74.

Tuesday 7/18. It was 60 this morning with blue skies.  There was a haze on the north and west horizons from a fire way north of here.

JB was on his way Down There at noon to a doctor's appointment to discuss the results of his MRI.  I worked mainly inside cleaning up the loft, baking cookies and putting in a screen "door."  The screen is held together with magnets, so it closes by itself after a person or dog goes through.  The dogs are already fairly good at using it.

JB was home by 4:30 pm with good news that the MRI showed nothing else going on in his back except what he already knew.  He will probably wait until next May or so to have the operation.

Am having more issues with JB's life insurance.  Just can't get a straight answer out of them, so our son is going to help out.

Was a bit warmer today with a high of 78, but not nearly as bad as in Santa Rosa yesterday, where Sandy said they broke records with 105!  There are possible thunder storms due in tonight and by 6:30 pm big, fluffy clouds covered much of the sky.  We heard some thunder to the north, but by 8:30 the clouds has completely disappeared.

Wednesday 7/19. It is 58 with blue skies this morning.  The haze is all gone, as the fire is pretty much out now.

Thought for the day: Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.  Albert Einstein

Monday, July 17, 2017

July 17, 2017 A Fridge & Miss Kitty!

The dug-out top of the septic tank.
JB digging out a place for the
old refrigerators.

Friday 7/14. We spent the morning digging out the top of the septic tank of very hard clay.  Not fun.  However, this year we have the tractor to push the dirt back in.

Then we worked on getting the fridge started.  The booklet stated that the first time may take a while as there would be a lot of air in the hose.  Twelve tries later JB had it going.  We have a working refrigerator!  

JB drove down to meet the septic-tank pumper truck a little after 4:00 pm.  He pumped the tank, saying that it looked just fine.  It has been three years, so maybe next time we'll go for four or five.  I drove down to lead him out and open the gate.  Was home a little after 6:30.  It was a hot drive and our high for the day was 80.

Just before we went to bed, we put about half the food in the fridge.  Oh, that felt good!

Saturday 7/15. It was 62 and clear with a strong breeze this morning.  We started the day by taking the mower off the tractor.  Always a dirty job.  Then I split some wood and JB took it to the shed in two loads. He also took a load of fruit wood to the shop where he will have to cut each piece shorter.

After lunch I split some more wood.  JB moved it to the shed and I stacked it.  Finished the third row.

The day was hot, with a high of 85, but there was a continuous, cool breeze.  It became a quite a wind that blew all night.

Sunday 7/16. This morning was a cool 52.  The sky was clear and the wind had died to a light breeze.  Sandy called at 8:00 am and we spent an hour chatting and catching up.  Then JB and I put the rest of the food from the coolers into the fridge.  I cannot express the joy that brought me. . .

I split the last four rounds.  JB moved them to the shed where I stacked them.  Then after lunch we spent a couple hours digging a place to put the old refrigerators (ours and Larry and Elsie's) to use as small root cellars.  JB dug mostly with the tractor, but I used the MacIntaw to round out the space and dig a little deeper.  I definitely needed a shower after all that!

Gridder and his boys arrived shortly afterwards, as he heard we were still having problems with Miss Kitty.  He said these things usually have the simplest of solutions.  A while later he discovered he was right, as it was a bad ground wire to the fan, which took him about two minutes to fix.  Yes!!  We have such Great neighbors!

It was a very pleasant day with a strong, cool breeze.  Our high for the day was just 73, and by the time Gridder was done, I had to put on a hoodie.

Monday 7/17.  This morning is a cool 50 with clear skies and a light breeze.  I plan to be on my way Down There by 9:00 am to buy meat and ice cream for the freezer, along with a few other items.  Will also run a few other errands.

Thought for the day: Freedom is not something that can be given.  Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be.  James Baldwin

Friday, July 14, 2017

July 14, 2017 A Trip Down There & A Pack Rat

Fireweed has begun to bloom
 in the past couple weeks.

Wednesday 7/12. We worked on the new fridge most of the day.  Read the booklet.  Watched the video. Changed the doors so it opens from the right.  Then discovered that the hose we have had the wrong size attachments (it didn't come with the fridge.)

It looks like the pack rat has abandoned my Jeep, thank goodness.  It probably found a new home in the shop.

JB reserved a box scraper for the tractor for the last week of July.  The place we purchased the tractor lets us borrow several different pieces of equipment each year as long as we own the tractor.  We will work on our ruts in our driveway and a few places along our road.

Thursday 7/13. It was 64 and clear this morning with a light breeze.  JB was on his way Down There by 8:45 am to get the right size hose, ice (hopefully for the last time), and several other errands.

I spent the day doing little projects around the house.  While looking for a piece of wood for a small shelf, I discovered that the pack rat had indeed moved into the shop.  He loves JB's bottle caps.  He ripped into a bag of them and scattered them about.  I gathered them up and put them all in a plastic jar, along with the wine corks.  Hopefully, he will find the poison, too.

JB was home by 3:00 pm.  He had to have an RV place make the hose.  A very long day for him.

Friday 7/14. It is 60 and clear this morning with no air movement at all.  We have an appointment to get our septic tank pumped out this afternoon, so we will have to dig to clear the cap.

Thought for the day: Don't withhold kindness until you are confident it will be reciprocated.  You might wait forever.  Edward Viljoen

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July 12, 2017 A Critter & A New Refrigerator!

The trailer load of wood JB's
nephew brought up.

Monday 7/10. After laundry and dishes, I split wood while JB mowed the south meadow.  After lunch he moved the wood to the shed in a little over three loads and I stacked it.  Then I split three more loads and stacked them.  We have about 2-1/2 rows now in the wood shed.

Dinga was very interested in my Jeep today, so JB opened the hood and, sure enough, some critter was making a nest on the battery.  He left the hood open for the afternoon, hoping that would urge it to leave.

The temperature didn't even reach 80 today and it was so comfortable.  Our high was just 78.

Tuesday 7/11. It was 52 and clear this morning.  We were out before 9:00 am to get working.  I split wood and JB mowed the last little bit on the south ridge.

When I ordered our refrigerator, I gave specific instructions that the shop was closed on Monday.  So when I called yesterday to trace the shipment, imagine my surprise when they said it was out for delivery!  So they made a note to call me before delivering to set up an appointment.  While I was splitting today, Elsie called at 11:00 to say that the truck was there to deliver!  I said we could be there between 12:00 and 12:30.  The driver agreed to be back by then.

Well, we got there at noon.  The driver arrived at 1:30.  We finally got it all checked out and in our trailer by 2:00 and were home by 3:30 pm.  It was hot Down There, but we had a nice cool breeze at back home and our high for the day was 74.

Getting the refrigerator unloaded was another story.  Fortunately, Larry came up to help and the three of us got it safely into the house.

Turns out the critter in my Jeep is a pack rat.  We couldn't chase it out, so JB put a piece of poison in there for it.  Hopefully it will go somewhere else and die.

Wednesday 7/12. It is 58 and clear this morning.  My brother is coming to breakfast.

Thought for the day: The more real you get, the more unreal the world gets.  John Lennon

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 10, 2017 More Guests Then Back to Work

Enjoying one of the many views.

Friday 7/7. This morning I walked around the corner to the east side of the girls' pen and there was a turkey hen with six or seven baby turkeys visiting them!  They ran off into the woods and I didn't have my camera with me.  So cute!

Spent most of the day getting ready for our guests who are coming Up Here tomorrow.  I did laundry and baked peanut butter/chocolate chip cookies.  JB made banana/chocolate chip muffins and banana bread.

I made chicken salad for dinner from a Costco BBQ chicken I bought yesterday.  It's fine when made from canned chicken, but I much prefer it from fresh cooked.  I really had my fill of canned meat over the winter. . .

A refreshing wind sprang up around 5:30 pm and blew all night.  Our high for the day was 88.

Saturday 7/8. It was 62 and clear this morning.  We were up early to shower, vacuum and get everything ready.  JB's nephew, wife and three children called a little after 9:00 am.  We drove down to meet them at the gate, then JB drove up with his nephew, pulling a trailer full of wood for us.  I took his wife and children up in my Jeep so we could get there more quickly.  As we were driving, a large turkey hen ran out in front of us, which was so cool.

We had so much fun!  The kids were interested in everything except eating, which didn't keep us adults from stuffing ourselves with hamburgers and Italian sausages with sauerkraut.  We talked, laughed and hiked, then they had to leave at about 5:30 pm.

There was a nice breeze most of the day and our high was 86.

Sunday 7/9. It was 60 and mostly clear with a breeze this morning.  No more guests expected, so it was back to work.  After hanging up the laundry, I split some wood and JB moved it over to the wood shed in four tractor buckets.  He used the weed eater on the north side of the house while I was splitting.  After a rest, I stacked the wood.  Finished the second row and started on the third.

After lunch we both did the same things again, only this time I just split and stacked three bucket loads of wood.

It was a pleasant day with a nice breeze and a high of 84.

Monday 7/10. It is a cool 52 this morning with quite a breeze.  Going to do more splitting today and for many days after. . .

Thought for the day: The most wasted of days is the one without laughter.  E. E. Cummings

Friday, July 7, 2017

July 7, 2017 A Fridge, A Trip Down There & A Metal Detector

My chicken wall is growing.

The trout Larry & Elsie
gave us.

Items found with the metal
detector so far.

Wednesday 7/5. Lots of dishes to do this morning.  Then spent the rest of the day sorting through items from JB's Mom.  I hung some pictures and other things on the wall, including a large one of a rooster that was made with feathers.  We looked through the sacks and sacks of photos.  The day was too hot to split wood anyway.  The high for the day was 86.

When all was said and done with JB's Mom's bills, there was some money left over.  JB's brother gave him a check on Monday for his share - just about enough for a new propane refrigerator.  The Universe always provides.  So we ordered a 10 cubic foot fridge that actually has a freezer the same size as our 18 cubic foot one did.  It should be delivered to Larry and Elsie's shop by next Wednesday.

JB grilled the two trout for dinner that they gave us.  Soooo good!

Thursday 7/6. It was 68 with clear skies this morning.  We were on our way Down There by 7:50 am for JB's MRI.  I went grocery shopping for our BBQ on Saturday with JB's nephew and his family.  Fortunately we were home a little after noon, as it was so HOT down there.

We both took a nap, then just tried to stay cool.  There was just a slight breeze as we sat on the porch.  Our high for the day was 89.

JB's sister-in-law had brought her metal detector up when they visited and left it with us, as her oldest son could take it back when he visits on Saturday.  The evening cooled off a bit, so I used it in the grove.  She had found a large piece of metal that had obviously been used as target practice, along with some nails and an old, rusty can.  I found another old metal can, a piece of wire and some cartridges.  No gold yet. . .

Friday 7/7. It is 72 this morning with a few clouds on the western horizon this morning.  It is going go be another HOT one today, and may get up to 100 Down There.  Just going to get ready for our guests.

Thought for the day: Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.  David Bowie

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 5, 2017 Wow! What A Great Long Weekend!

Photographing the moon
and sunset Monday.

How many men does it take
to set up a small tent. . .

Monday 7/3. JB's brothers, sister-in-law and nephew arrived about 11:30 am, bringing with them the items for us from JB's Mother.  An emotional experience, but also a good one.  As usual, we talked a lot, laughed a lot, hiked a bit, ate too much and stayed up too late.  JB's next oldest brother is quite the photographer and wanted to get some shots of the stars, but the moon was too bright.  He did manage to get some other pictures, which we are anxious to see.

JB's sister-in-law rode down with me to do the evening watering and feeding.  It is actually easier to drive the ATV with a little more weight on it.

Our highest temp for the holiday weekend was 83, but with a pleasant breeze, so it wasn't uncomfortable.  However, it was much hotter down at Larry and Elsie's in the evening when I went to water.  In the morning I had to wear a hoodie and vest for the cool air along our road.  Took them off when I got down, though.

Tuesday 7/4. It was 58 and mostly clear this morning.  Everyone was up having coffee when I left just before 8:00 am to go water and feed the cats for the last time.  When I got back, breakfast was over but I had coffee and banana bread.

More talking and walking, laughing and eating until they finally had to leave around 2:30 pm.  There was a big empty spot when they left, but good memories, just like when his other nephew and girlfriend left Sunday afternoon.  They fell in love with Rose Camp and will definitely be up again and again.

Larry and Elsie drove up this evening to bring us two large trout they caught and take back their ATV.  They caught lots of fish and just had an all-around good time with their grandson.

Our high for the day was 78.

Wednesday 7/5. It is 64 with clear skies this morning.  Going to be splitting wood today and going Down There tomorrow for JB's MRI.

Thought for the day: Minds are like parachutes.  They function only when open.

Monday, July 3, 2017

July 3, 2017 Fun In The Hot Weather

Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Busy, busy, busy and fun, fun, fun.  Too busy and having too much fun to write.  Temps in the low 80's.  Will post again on Wednesday.

Monday 7/3. It is 58 and clear this morning with more hot weather in the forecast.  JB's brothers, sister-in-law and nephew are due up by 11:00 am.

Thought for the day: If you can read, thank a teacher.  If you can read in English, thank a soldier.