My new shelf in the kitchen. |
Friday 7/28. I raked the road for a couple hours first thing in the morning, while JB was fixing the lights on the trailer and his Jeep. Then he loaded up the box scraper and returned it.
Larry and Elsie had a family emergency as his Mother broke her leg. They spent the day at the hospital, so I drove down about 4:30 pm to feed the animals and water everything.
JB and I had salad for dinner with the first two tomatoes off the bushes. So good! Especially since we can actually have lettuce now that we have a refrigerator to keep it in.
It was another hot day with a high of 82, but with a bit of a breeze.
Saturday 7/29. It was 59 and clear this morning with a slight breeze. Sandy called and we had a nice chat. Am thankful for anything that keeps me from working on the road. Could only do it for an hour, as it was just too hot.
JB worked in the shop for several hours, cleaning up and looking for the dead pack rat. We have another, smaller one in there now, along with a black snake that has two yellow stripes. Never did find the dead rat and there is no smell, so he may have gone elsewhere to die. Hopefully the new one will follow him soon. My brother has a couple pack rats down at his cabin, too. We think there must be a four to five year cycle with them. We have more mice this year also, but less grasshoppers.
I put up the other shelf I bought last weekend in the kitchen, trying to get items off of the counter.
There wasn't much of a breeze at all today. With a high of 85, it was just not a very pleasant day.
Sunday 7/30. This morning's temp was 62 with clear skies and a breeze. JB and I got out after doing laundry and dishes, to work on the frames to hold in the dirt on one side and one end of the old refrigerators we are burying. We put small rocks under them for drainage and moved wood over to build the frame. Got the front almost screwed together, and then it was just too hot to work outside any more.
After lunch and a nap, JB baked banana muffins AND two loaves of banana bread. The breeze died mid-afternoon, so it got pretty hot in the house with all that baking. But it was definitely worth it.
I quit taking my statin for my cholesterol more than a year ago because of all the bad things I was reading about them, even though I am now eating more eggs, butter and cheese than I ever have. When I went for my yearly check-up this Spring, my cholesterol was just fine. . .
By dinnertime the breeze had re-appeared and felt so good. Our high for the day was 82.
Tomorrow morning JB, Jesse and I are going Down There for Jesse's yearly exam and shots. We are also each going to get a National Parks Senior Pass that is good for as long as we live. They are $10, but go up to $80 on August 28. Thank you so much to JB's sister-in-law for telling us that.
Monday 7/31. It is 60 this morning with clear skies and a light wind. We plan to be on our way by 8:00 and back home before we are sitting in a puddle of sweat.
Thought for the day: Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
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