One of the larger rounds on which I needed to use a crowbar. |
Friday 9/15. When JB went out to get a few last items out of his car from yesterday's trip, the dogs jumped in, ready to go again! We unpacked everything from yesterday (72-hour bags). I had oatmeal for breakfast, in response to the chilly morning, and baked some applesauce-orange brownies while the wash was going.
I split the rest of the quartered rounds and JB moved them to the shed in five loads. He went in for a nice long nap (still recovering from yesterday's drive) while I stacked all that wood, which brought the sixth row to about 2/3 full.
Just before dinner, JB and Dinga came across a rattlesnake by the garden. They heard it but we couldn't find it for a while until JB walked by a bush, and there it was - up in the bush about a foot off the ground! Just a small prairie rattler, but really spooked me that it had climbed up the bush. I got it out with my snake stick, then cut off the head and rattles.
Still a bit hazy today and our high was 63.
Saturday 9/16. It was a chilly 41 this morning and we put our first fire of the season in our wood stove. Finally have our coffee warmer back!
We rolled several more rounds down to the splitter and I quartered them. Then I split some and we moved them to the shed in four loads. In stacking them, I finished row six and started row seven. JB cut a small stack of wood that was too long on his chop saw. It is so nice to be able to work and not be dripping with sweat when I'm done.
We drove down the drive to Miss Kitty and took the broken wheel off. It looks like the wheel bearing is broken. We may be able to take it apart, but I am sure we will need help getting it all put back together.
Our neighbors were over for the day from the west side of the mountains to do a little winter preparation. They came to call when they where done and we had such a great visit.
Our high for the day was only 58, but this cool weather is so welcome. And it is getting dark so early now, which is not at all welcome.
Sunday 9/17. It was 46 and overcast this morning. We put another fire in the stove to take the chill out.
I was out early to split the rest of the quartered rounds, then loaded the bucket four times for JB to move to the shed. I stacked the wood and went in for brunch. Leftover German pancake from last night's dinner. Yum!
We rolled down six more rounds to the splitter and have gotten into the larger ones. I wrestled them into the splitter, but cutting them into quarters was quite a project. I needed a pry bar on a few of them to get the pieces apart. While I was still splitting the quarters, JB brought the tractor over and took four more loads over to the shed. We wanted to get as much done as possible before the rain arrived. He had been working on the door to the hen house, raising the threshold so we don't have to shovel the snow down to the ground to get in.
I continued splitting a while, then stacked the rest of the wood he had moved to the shed. Getting close to filling the seventh (and last) row. I put a tarp over the stack of split wood still by the splitter, and called it a day. Definitely time for a shower.
By 10:00 am the overcast has cleared a bit and we could see blue sky. But by 3:00 pm the forecast rain clouds had moved in. We could see rain to the west and north, but ours didn't arrive til 6:00 pm, and then only for about half an hour. Our high for the day was 62.
Monday 9/18. It is 40 this morning with mostly clear skies, but a huge bank of clouds on the western horizon. More rain is in the forecast for the next few days.
Thought for the day: It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. Moliere
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