Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12, 2018 Eggs, Snow & No Well Pump

JB's Irish soda bread!
Melting snow & warming

Wednesday 1/10.  Had a nice long chat with Randy this morning.  He is getting waayyyy more snow than we are this winter.  At least so far. . .

Tried to pump water into the cistern after we did laundry, but the well pump is definitely not working.  At least we have all this snow to melt, and there is still about 500-600 gallons in the cistern.

After lunch I shoveled off the deck.  Really let it go too long as there was a very thick, heavy crust of ice on the foot of snow.  Certainly got my cardio workout for the day.

While I was doing that, JB got MAX going and drove it up and around the south ridge a couple times.

We finished watching the fourth season of Game of Thrones this evening.  We are usually done watching two episodes about 8:30 pm and then JB checks the weather and temperature.  It was snowing and our high for the day was 34.

Thursday 1/11. It was 24 and snowing at 8:00 am this morning and we had received 1" of snow overnight.  By 9:30 we had another 1-3/4".

JB slogged up to clean off the solar panels on the morning walk, while I opened the shop and moved things around in order to get the wash tubs out.  Looks like I will be doing the wash by hand with melted snow until I can get down to the laundromat.

I started the snowblower for JB and then collected snow in our largest camping pot.  Ten inches of snow equals one inch of water, so I have a LOT of snow to melt.  I put the pot on the wood stove and kept adding small buckets of snow for most of the day as it melted.  JB cleared snow for about an hour, but by 12:30 pm we had another 3"!  It was coming down at 1" per hour.

In addition to all the snow, it was a 3-egg day!  We have only been getting one or two since way before Thanksgiving.

After lunch and a rest, JB baked a beautiful loaf of Irish soda bread.  So good!

Early in the afternoon, the snow began to let up a bit.  By 3:40 pm, when the dogs and I came back from our afternoon walk, we had received another 1-1/2".  Our high for the day was 28.  In talking with Elsie this evening, we learned that they received at least an inch more than we did.

Friday 1/12. It is 28 this morning with overcast skies and high valley fog.  Looks like we may have another inch of new snow.

Thought for the day: You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.  C.S. Lewis

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