Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 28, 2018 Never A Dull Moment

Making tracks in the new snow.

Monday 2/26. We actually had received 2" of snow overnight, although it was a little hard to tell because of the wind.

I was on my way Down There at 9:15 am after getting JB all settled with everything he might need.  No problems on the road, even with all the new snow since I had last been down.  My only two stops were the post office and UPS Store.  Right on time until I got back up to where our road meets the paved road.  Our road is also paved for the first 100' for so, but it is fairly steep and this morning it was solid ice.  I had no problems going down, but after two tries, I could not make it up.

I called Larry and he came down in their side-by-side to pick me up.  By the time we got up to their place, we had decided that he would drive his big truck with the plow back down.  He would try to drive my Jeep up (since I had been using low gear) and if he still could not drive it up, he would pull me up with his truck.  This is how I learned NOT to use low gear when climbing up an icy road.  I drove the Jeep back up to my parking spot and he followed in his truck.

I was back home a little after 12:30, which was about an hour later than I should have been.  But it was a beautiful, sunny day.  Perfect for a drive in the snow.  Our high for the day was 39.

Tuesday 2/27.  It was 26, overcast and trying to snow this morning, but the forecast was for a mostly sunny day.

We were able to get on our way in Miss Kitty by 9:15.  Getting JB into Miss Kitty was a bit tricky, but he used a little stool to step up on and that worked out well.  However, getting him into the Jeep was another story.  Not nearly as much foot room.  But at least yesterday's sun had melted a lot of the snow on the road, and all the ice on the pavement.  Still, it was not a pleasant ride for JB.

At the clinic, I got a wheel chair for him; pushed him into the clinic; and got him checked in.  Then I left to do some grocery shopping.  Just as I was checking out at my last stop, JB called to say he was ready to go home.

They had taken xrays and discovered bone spurs from his arthritis.  The doctor also thought he had an issue with his ACL - pulled? torn?  So he will have an appointment at the orthopedic center next week.  In the meantime, they gave him a knee brace, which helped immensely.  So the ride back up was not nearly as bad as the ride down.

Larry and Elsie helped us as we transferred everything and everyone from the Jeep into Miss Kitty, and we were home a little before 2:00 pm.  Whew!

I had made time for to stop for a latte, so I was buzzing with energy.  Got JB into the house and settled, then unloaded everything and brought in fire wood.  Even took the dogs on their afternoon walk, for which they were so thankful  after being in the house so long.  The sky had cleared and the sun was out by the time we had arrived in town, and it warmed up so quickly that we both had to shed our coats, although we had to put them back on when we got back up to our mail box.  Our high Up Here was 37.  Two perfect days for all the traveling we needed to do.

Wednesday 2/28. This last day of February is starting out with a temp of 28 and overcast skies, with more snow in the forecast for the next few days.

Thought for the day: They said it couldn't be done, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.  Casey Stengel

Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018 Snow, A Bad Knee & A Possible Warming Trend

My picture-taking shadow
on my loaded fire-wood
Looking up our road
towards the hair-pin
corner. . .
. . . at the hair-pin corner. . .

. . . looking up our road from
the hair-pin corner to
our driveway.

Friday 2/23. By 9:00 am, the clouds had moved in, and on our morning walk I watched the last of the blue sky disappearing into the east.  No deer tracks lately, but several sets of rabbit and squirrel tracks on both the north and south ridges.

Getting wood this morning, I used the last of the fifth row (of seven) of large wood and began the last row of kindling.

After lunch I started up my Jeep and Miss Kitty, and let them run for a while.  Then we put air in Miss Kitty's low rear tire.  All this during our high for the day of 25.  

JB baked two loaves of banana bread with our last two bananas.  Yum!

After going to the north and south of us, the snow finally arrived Up here at about 4:00.  A very light snow that just lasted a couple hours.

Saturday 2/24. It was 17 and clear this morning with valley fog trying to move in from the south.  Neither of us had slept well last night with my getting up to stoke the fire and JB's bad knee aching.  So we both went back to sleep after the dogs and girls had been fed.

When we got back up around 10:00 am, the fog had completely disappeared and a breeze was tossing snow from the branches every which way, creating a glitter storm out there.

Too late for a morning walk today, so in the afternoon the dogs and I headed out for a little longer one.  We hiked down the road past the hair-pin corner and to the short-cut to my brother's place.  A glorious day for that, with lots of brilliant sunshine and a high of 37!

Sunday 2/25. It was a balmy 30 this morning, but snowing and blowing.  All the paths had been obliterated, so on our morning walk to clean off the solar panels, it was difficult to see where the middle of the paths were and not post hole.

And, speaking of post-holing, we think JB jammed his knee when he post-holed a few days ago.  He still experiences excruciating pain when he tries to bend it.  I want to get him in to see a doctor, but first I want to drive down the road to be sure we can make it okay.  So I plan to go Down there tomorrow to check the mail and pick up packages at the UPS Store.  Then Tuesday, I will take him down to the clinic, and do some grocery shopping.

The wind had calmed by the time the dogs and I went on our afternoon walk, but by then the paths had been obscured again.  When we got to the panels, I discovered that they needed to be cleaned off again and had to go back to get the brush.  Then, after cleaning them, it was on the the north ridge to take my Sunday photo.

Our high for the day was 33.  So nice to have said "goodbye" to the icy cold.  For good, I hope.

Monday 2/26. It is 20 this morning with clear skies and maybe another inch of snow.

Thought for the day: All truth passes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Second, it is violently opposed.  Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  Arthur Schopenhauer

Friday, February 23, 2018

February 23, 2018 Again With The Brrrrr

My kitchen cupboards that
got their tops cleaned.

Wednesday 2/21. We had received another inch of fluffy snow during the night.  A thin overcast quickly formed as the sun began to rise and it was able to peek through a few times.  By noon the clouds thickened, hiding the sun til around 2:30 when blue sky split the clouds down the middle and the sun again shone sporadically.

I stayed in my jammies a lot longer than usual this morning.  JB took the dogs on their morning walk and cleaned the panels.  He also put oil in the generator.  The cold doesn't seem to affect him as much as it does me.  But somehow he twisted his right knee. . .

No snow fell today except for what a light breeze took off the branches.  Our high for the day was a frigid 16.

Thursday 2/22. It was an icy 9 this morning with partly cloudy skies and 1/2" of new fluffy snow.  Not a whole lot of sleep for either of us between JB's knee and getting up every three to four hours to stoke the fire.

Before taking the dogs on their morning walk, I got a good start on washing the tops of the kitchen cupboards and everything on top of them.  Can't remember when I last did that, and by the looks of the dust and dust bunnies nesting on them, there's a good reason why. . .

The snow we received in the past few days is so very light and fluffy that the slightest air movement knocks them from the branches.  Our weather usually comes in from the west/southwest, but today the few clouds we saw were coming in from the north.  Our high for the day was 24, but it sure didn't feel any warmer than yesterday.

I can't even imagine being retired and living Down There with a machine to wash our dishes; a furnace to keep us warm; utility companies to supply those needs.  I would either be going nuts, getting into a lot of trouble, or volunteering at the Human Society and have seven dogs and nine cats.

Friday 2/23. It is 10 this morning with a few thin clouds to the west and a forecast of more snow.  I want to go Down There, but will wait until our morning temperature is at least 20.

Thought for the day: I think the reason we are born with two hands is so we can pet two dogs at once.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21, 2018 Brrrrr!

On the north ridge during
our morning walk Tuesday.

Monday 2/19. When it is this cold out, the snow gets very crunchy and squeaky.  No sneaking up on anyone in this weather.

In the row of wood I am currently taking from, I am finding indications of chipmunks.  No nests, just a lot of tiny dropping.  I smack the pieces against each other to get rid of them and any stink bugs that might be hanging on.

Mr & Mrs Gridder drove up today since they both had the day off.  Mr Gridder brought his meter that measures hertz values.  He and JB measured inside the house and out at the generator.  The generator should have been putting out 60 hertz, but was down to 55.  Mr Gridder found a way to adjust that, so now we are receiving the power we should have.  Ran the well pump with no problems while they waited.  Also had a nice, long visit.  Such great neighbors!

The day was bright with sunshine, even with the few clouds that moved in mid afternoon, and our high was 22.

Tuesday 2/20. It was a frigid 8 again this morning with clear skies, but clouds moved in and it was overcast by noon.  A very light, fine snow began falling around 1:00 pm and lasted the rest of the day.  But we only received barely 1/4".

We all went on the morning walk.  I felt that I really had to put a coat on Jesse, as the day was simply not warming up.  Dinga would be fine at -20.  Jesse not so much.

It has been cold with snow falling west of the mountains for the past day or two also.  But Randy, in north Idaho, has really been getting hit hard with the snow and low temperatures.  This has been a hard month for everyone.

Wednesday 2/21. It is 8 again this morning.  We received more snow during the night, maybe another inch.

Thought for the day: Gratitude is the best attitude.

Monday, February 19, 2018

February 19, 2018 Miss Kitty & More Snow

HUGE rock on the road, but
was able to drive around it.

Friday 2/16. Was up at 7:00 am to post my blog and feed the animals, then went back to bed to sleep for another two hours.  That's what I love about being retired, I can nap just about any time I want to!

I was on my way walking down to Miss Kitty by 11:00, and by then the wind was gusting to 23 mph.  Guess I am getting used to it.  I was in no hurry, so it was about a 45-minute walk (1-3/4 miles).  I saw lots of deer tracks, and one set of small cat tracks going most of the way down.

The main road didn't look much worse than the last time I was on it, so I drove Miss Kitty down to pick up our mail.  It hadn't overflowed into the package box, but it would have on the next delivery.  On the way back up, I stopped to have a chat with Larry and Elsie.  Then was on my way to drive all the way home, and arrived there at 1:30 pm.

Took the dogs on their afternoon walk and saw a bald eagle soaring over the south ridge.  Just over the ridge, a large flock of magpies flew to the west.  I often see them when driving through the paved canyon, but don't remember ever seeing them Up Here.

A great day with lots of blue sky and sunshine, and a high of 44.  Our highest wind gust was 25 mph.

Saturday 2/17. It was 29 and snowing this morning, with 2" of new snow.  Intermittent, gusty winds picked up a little after 10:00 am and snow stopped falling.  By then we had another 2" of heavy, wet snow and the temperature had risen to 34.  Soon after 11:00, the sky was mostly blue with small clouds racing across to the south.

We just did our morning chores and enjoyed reading the mail and magazines I brought up yesterday.  I received my first issue of Britain magazine and LOVE it!

By noon the second wave of clouds blew in, bringing more snow.  But by then I had grabbed the sun's power to turn the water on so I could wash the dishes and my hair.  JB had taken the dogs on their morning walk at 10:30 and cleaned off the solar panels, while I brought in the wood.

One thing about living on a mountain, Mother Nature rarely gives us a dull moment.  And on this very windy day of gusts to 34, we had a high temperature of 38.

Sunday 2/18. It was 20 and overcast this morning with valley fog.  We noticed tiny snowflakes beginning to drift down about 9:30 am, and as they drifted down, the fog crept up.

We all went on the morning walk together.  Up on the south ridge an icy breeze with coming in from the south.

Snow fell all day, whether heavy or light there were snowflakes constantly in the air.  By 2:00 pm, we had 1/2" more.  Sometimes they gently drifted down; other times they raced to see who could reach the ground first.  However it comes down, I love the way it is so relaxing to just sit and watch the flakes fall.

I also love the way younger women are decorating their hair with rainbow colors!  I would love to put some lavender in mine.  Hmmm. . . maybe this summer.

Still enjoying the new magazines and catalogues.  In the evenings we are now watching the second season of The Flash.

Monday 2/19. The arctic blast has definitely arrived.  It is 8 this morning with clear, blue skies.  Won't be doing much outside today. . .

Thought for the day: Today I will live for the moment.  Unless it is unpleasant, in which cast I will eat a cookie.

Friday, February 16, 2018

February 16, 2018 Slow Days & Cold on the Way

Snow mold.

Wednesday 2/14. Valentine's Day was a very slow, low-energy day.  Even chocolate didn't really help.

The clouds dropped a few snow flakes but most of the dark, snow-laden clouds stayed to the north and south of us.  That has happened a lot this winter and is quite unusual.  Even if the canyon doesn't receive snow, we often do.  Not this winter.

I finished Radiance of Tomorrow, and will be looking for Ishael Beah's first book, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier.  Started another book, The Temple Dancer, by John Speed.  His first and very well written.

MAX is out of commission for the season as the front left axle grinding and leaving a pile of shavings.  Will be going down to get Miss Kitty soon.

Our high for the day was 36, and, again, I am sure it was that high for only a few minutes.

We finished watching season five of Longmire this evening and now have to wait for season six to be released.

Thursday 2/15. This morning was 26 with mostly clear skies, however clouds soon arrived, along with a breeze, and it was a grey day with a high of 34.  The forecast calls for temperatures below zero in a few days, and that cold spell will last for several days.  Oh, goody.  I really don't mind the cold weather, I just mind the ice and not being able to get down the road.  This had been such a mild winter and now February is trying to make up for the "mild".  Even some snow is in the forecast.

Another slow day of chores and reading, although JB did bake some blueberry scones.  Today's laundry was socks and underwear.  Because there are so many small items in this load, that always means I have to hang up and take down clothes twice, as there is not enough room for everything on the clothes line.  Whine, whine, whine. . .

I plan to walk down to Miss Kitty tomorrow, and if the main canyon road is not too icy, I will drive down to get the mail (which is probably overflowing into the package boxes) and then drive all the way home.  That's what I plan.  We'll see what Mother Nature allows me to do.

Friday 2/16. It is 28 this morning with mostly clear skies and a breeze.  Snowing in all the passes again.

Thought for the day: Do you know what the nice thing is about winter?  Neither do I.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018 A New Book & Icy Paths

Whoa! The fire wood sled
(that red dot) sliding almost
 into the grove!
Another interesting cloud
formation to the south.

Monday 2/12. When it is this cold outside, the slightest bit of air movement is enough to freeze your face, or any other skin open to the elements.  Brrrr!  But the day did warm from 16 to a high of 35.

JB's ankle is almost back to normal, so he took the dogs on their morning walk yesterday and today.  We need cleats on our boots to get around now.  Wish I had some for the dogs.

I thoroughly cleaned and tried to re-arrange the laundry room, which is actually the entrance to the bathroom.  The space is not really conducive to any re-arrangement, but I did my best.  Then I baked peanut butter/chocolate chip cookies.

This afternoon, JB took some measurements in the electrical boxes.  We do not have a meter that will check the hertz levels, so we just ran the well pump again with JB sitting up there.  Maybe that is the trick to it all, having him sit there, because it runs just fine while he is watching.  Got the water level back up in the cistern. . .

I also started a new book, Radiance of Tomorrow, by Ishmael Beah.  He is from Sierra Leone and this is his second book, but first novel, which is about his homeland.  Normally this is not a subject that I would be interested in, but I am absolutely enchanted by the magnificently expressive language he uses.   This quote is from his "author's note" in the front of his book: "I bring a lot of that oral tradition to my writing, and I try to let it seep into the words.  The places I come from have such rich languages, such a variety of expressions. . . . My mother tongue, Mende, is very expressive, very figurative, and when I write, I always struggle to find the English equivalent of things that I really want to say in Mende.  For example, in Mende you wouldn't say 'night came suddenly'; you would say 'the sky rolled over and changed its sides.'  Even single words are this way - the word for "ball" in Mende translates to a 'nest of air' or a 'vessel that carries air.'"  Makes for fascinating reading!

Tuesday 2/13. It was 30 and partly cloudy this morning.  The clouds remained all day, but there was plenty of blue sky and sunshine, with a high of 36.  Pretty sure it was that warm for only a few minutes.

Am trying to catch up on the laundry that we backed off on with the pump situation.  Now that JB is watching as we use the pump, we have water for laundry again.

Outside, I gathered some of the kindling that the wind gave to us.  Also opened up both sides of the root cellar and pulled out two bags each of chicken feed and dog food.  Then pulled them down to where they needed to go on the sled.  With all the paths so icy, it can be difficult to control the sled, as the photo above indicates.

JB started all the vehicles and moved them a bit, then chipped away at some of the ice by the porch stairs.

We had a delicious lasagna for dinner.  The recipe JB uses calls for it to be put together the night before.

Wednesday 2/14. This Valentine's Day is opening with a temp of 26 and mostly clear skies.  We received a dusting overnight and it is snowing at all the passes.

Thought for the day: The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018 Guests & Road Issues

Belinda & Blondie enjoying
some winter sun.
Dead tree blown down on
our road.
Rocks on our road, just down
from the tree.

Friday 2/9. The dogs and I walked up to the peak on our morning walk.  Lots of dirt to walk on.  Very few patches of snow on the south slope of the south ridge.  I almost expect to see wild flowers pushing through the ground any day now.

We are back to getting one to two eggs a day.  I think at the beginning of January, the older girls said, "Okay, lets get this over with for the year."  And they did.

Spent some time outside today since there was no wind.  Pulled the last of the ice off the tarp over the girls' run.  Some clouds moved in, but not enough to hide the sun or all the blue sky.  Our high for the day was 38.

Larry and Elsie surprised us with a visit this evening.  We started out talking about the state of the government, but I suggested that we were ruining a perfectly good evening, and that we should play some marbles.  It was probably the longest and closest game we have played, but the ladies prevailed once again.

Snow was falling at 9:00 pm, but it turned out to be just a very light dusting.

Saturday 2/10. This morning was 22 with blue skies, and no wind.  A bit nippy out there, so we tried the well pump again.  JB sat up in the loft by the electrical boxes in case he had to quickly turn it off.  He sat there for 30 minutes and nothing happened except water pumping into the cistern. . .  He will get some advice from Larry and Mr Gridder about this situation.

On our morning walk, it was still very cold in the shade, but the sun was so warm on the south ridge and peak, that I found myself shedding my scarf and gloves, and unzipping my coat a bit.

After lunch, the dogs and I hiked down to the hair-pin to check out the downed tree that Larry and Elsie told us about.  I cleaned up the branches and pulled it to the side of the road.  Then walked down to the two rocks and was able to roll the larger one off to the side, but the other one was frozen into the road.  Will have to wait till it thaws to move that one.

It is interesting how many new words are appearing in our language in the past few decades.  One of my favorites is "snarky."  So much more descriptive than snide remark.

Our high on this beautiful day was, again, 38.

Sunday 2/11. It was 22 and mostly cloudy this morning.  The clouds disappeared by noon and we enjoyed another beautiful but cold day, with a high of 33.

I also enjoyed a nice, long talk with Sandy this morning.  Am quite sure she is one of the last remaining Republicans in California, which is so frustrating for her.

Our electrical issue with the well pump seems to be with the generator not getting enough power to the transformer.  Gridder suggested that JB measure the hertz in the electrical box.  If it is not at 60, JB will have to work on the carburetor in the generator.  It is almost ten years old and I guess they tend to lose a little power after a while.  I know how that goes. . .

I finished The Watchers by Dean Koontz today.  His books are such a roller coaster of emotions that sometimes one cannot put it down, and at other times one must set it aside and take a break from the ride.  This book has to be one of my favorites.

The sun has come far enough north in the past week that I can see the sunset out of the loft windows.  If I want to work on the computer in the late afternoon, I have to draw the blinds on the door window.  Spring is on its way!

Monday 2/12. It is an icy 16 this morning with clear skies.  This cold snap is supposed to last a few more days.

Thought for the day: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.  Aesop

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 9, 2018 A Trip Down There & More Wind

Interesting cloud formation to the
south on Wednesday.

Wednesday 2/7. I was able to get on my way Down There by 8:30 am.  This time of year it takes us three vehicles to make it to town.  I drove MAX 1-3/4 miles down our road to where Miss Kitty is parked, then drove Miss Kitty 1-1/4 miles down to Larry and Elsie's where JB's Jeep is parked.  Drove the Jeep into town.  Our road was mostly hard, compacted snow with ice in some places.  The main canyon road had a lot of ice, especially the steep quarter-mile slope above Larry and Elsie's.  Had to go very, very slow, and wasn't sure I would get back up.

The last mile down in the Jeep was half dirt, so no problems there.  Got all my errands and shopping done quickly, with time for a grande vanilla latte, of course.  The temperature in town was about 60 and felt so good.  Back up at Larry and Elsie's, I had to load everything from the Jeep into Miss Kitty.  Also had a nice, long chat with Elsie.  It's great that she is home now on week days.

Driving back up the icy road was easier than I had expected.  Of course, we have ice chains on Miss Kitty's front tires, and four very aggressive new tires.  When I got up to MAX, I had to load everything from Miss Kitty into MAX.  The drive back up in MAX was very bumpy as MAX has no springs to cushion the ride.  Just glad I was wearing a bra. . .

I was home at about 2:30 pm and got to unload everything into the house, then brought in fire wood and took the dogs on their afternoon walk.  Yes, I did a lot but I wasn't really tired.  I find that the more physical work I do, the more energy I have.  Duh. . .

Our high for the day at Rose Camp was 50.  It was 57 at Larry & Elsie's.

Thursday 2/8. It was 40 and overcast this morning with 30 mph sustained winds gusting to 35 mph.  The wind had again howled all night, and JB went to "sleep" on the couch at 5:00 am so Dinga would calm down a bit.  She does not like the wind.

Obviously not a day to be outside, although I did take the dogs on their morning walk, as the wind had calmed to the low 20's.  There is a lot of snow mold this year, but it doesn't seem to be affecting us.  The cloud cover soon disappeared and we had lots of sunshine with a high of 49.  With the sun, and the wind blowing all night and day, I am sure we lost at least half of the snow we had as of yesterday.  Lots of ground showing now.

I did some cleaning and vacuuming.  We read papers and magazines I brought up yesterday.  Very frustrating not being able to get outside to do things, although I'm not sure what I would have done as my back is acting up after yesterday's very bumpy ride.

When we turned the TV off, after watching two episodes of Longmire, the silence was deafening.  The wind had finally died.

Am seriously thinking of posting on my blog just twice a week as reading it just doesn't seem to be as interesting as it once was.  We'll see.

Friday 2/9. The cold front has arrived.  It is 28 this morning with clear skies, and not one bit of air movement.

Thought for the dayThe main vice of capitalism is the uneven distribution of prosperity.  The main vice of socialism is the even distribution of misery.  Winston Churchill

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 7, 2018 A Very Busy Day

Two deer watching us from
near the peak.

Tuesday 2/6. The blue sky soon had a very light overcast that the sun managed to shine through.  So it was a bright day with a high of 43.

JB was still nursing his sore ankle and I wanted him to stay off of it as much as possible.  I, on the other hand, was quite busy.  Did laundry and dishes, then the quarterly maintenance on the refrigerator.  After lunch I started and moved the tractor and my Jeep.  I also secured a large tarp over more than half of the deck.  It is really leaking into the shop this winter, despite my being so good about shoveling the snow off of it.  Going to have to to something permanent about that this summer.

On yesterday's afternoon walk, there were two deer near the peak on the south ridge.  The dogs got a wiff of their scent, but couldn't see them because they were not moving.  I was able to get a picture of them though.  Then further on our walk, down by the hen house, Dinga started barking at at least six deer coming up the road.  They all darted up the east slope as the dogs went running after them.  I hope we got some good pictures of them on the game cam.

I plan to go Down There tomorrow.  It will probably be the last chance before a cold, snowy front moves in on Thursday for a few days.

It was quite a leap from Game of Thrones to Longmire, but Longmire is one of our favorites, too.

Wednesday 2/7. It is 40 with clear skies and a breeze this morning.  I hope to be on my way Down There by 9:00 am.

Thought for the day: There are those who will say that the liberation of humanity and the freedom of man and mind is nothing but a dream.  They are right.  It is the American dream.  Archibald MacLeish

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 6, 2018 Warm Temps, Miss Kitty & A Hike

A jumping deer on the game cam.
Me driving MAX down to Miss Kitty.
JB holding on for dear life.
Looking down the main
canyon road from where
Miss Kitty is parked.

Blood that Jesse & I encountered
on our hike to Miss Kitty
Monday morning.

Friday 2/2. Once again Mother Nature thwarted our plans for the day.  This time with rain and wind.  Pouring rain for about two hours this morning.  By noon, the rain stopped and the wind blew the clouds away, allowing the sun to prevail for the rest of the day.  

Too late to go down to Miss Kitty though, as we were on to different projects.  JB was making two large loaves of pumpkin bread.  The cleaning/sorting bug had bitten me, so I was cleaning and sorting everything in sight.  Meanwhile the wind was roaring and gusting to 24 mph.  It wasn't cold, but rather bordering on warm.  

It almost seemed like an early Spring day, with a high of 44.  Larry and Elsie had a high of 52!

Saturday 2/3. It was 40 and clear with a light breeze this morning.  Small patches of earth are showing around many of the trees now, and there is a very large patch in the grove.  

JB twisted his ankle yesterday, so it was a bit swollen and quite painful.  A bit of a sleepless night for both of us.  Since JB was in bed, I took the dogs on their morning walk.  I was going to hike up to the peak, but would have post-holed all the way since the path had not been trodden for a while.  Saw the tracks of the deer at whom that Dinga was barking at  6:00 A.M.  A month ago it would have been too dark for her to see them.  Nevertheless, I am so thankful for the returning light.

After lunch I drove MAX down to Miss Kitty, with JB riding shotgun and hanging on for dear life.  Actually I did quite well.  Better than I expected.  As we were putting the new battery in, Mr & Mrs Gridder drove up on the way to their cabin for the weekend.  Had a very nice, long visit, as they weren't in a hurry and neither were we.

Got back home just in time to take the dogs on their afternoon walk.  The temperature had to be pushing 60 up on the south ridge in the sun!  Our high for the day at the house was 50.

We watched two of the last three episodes of season seven of Game of Thrones this evening.  This season is really pulling everything together, answering a lot of questions, and throwing in several curve balls.

Sunday 2/4. It was 39 and mostly cloudy this morning, but the sun broke out by 9:00 am.  Even with this warmer weather, the paths and parking area out front are very icy.

We tilted the solar panels halfway up on our morning walk.  This particular movement of the panels is the hardest.  They seem to get heavier each year.

The #*%@# wind moved in around noon and by 1:00 pm was gusting to 26 mph.  This mild winter has been one of fog and wind.  Am so tired of the both of them.  Our high for the day was 48.

In talking with our son today, we finally figured out what was wrong with the 32-gig card.  I guess you are supposed to put the tiny card (which is the actual card) into the large card (which isn't a card at all).  Our son couldn't believe we didn't know this, but then I reminded him that we had to teach him how to eat.  'Nuff said.

He had thoroughly enjoyed Mardi Gras this weekend in Mobile, and today was his 43rd birthday.  He is a member of one of the clubs and rides a float each year, throwing out beads and other little goodies.  He said he felt like he had pitched a 10-inning game.

We finished watching Game of Thrones' season seven this evening.  Am sure I will go through withdrawals now.  We have to wait more than a year for season eight!

Monday 4/5.  It was 37 and overcast this morning.  The wind howled all night, pushing 30 mph, and I thought for sure we would find downed trees when we got up.  I had planned on going Down There today, but did not for several reasons.  JB is still having a hard time getting around on his ankle.  The road from Larry and Elsie's place down to the pavement is still quite icy.  I figured I would have to clear our road of at least one downed tree.

So Jesse and I left for a hike down to Miss Kitty at about 10:30 am.  The sky had cleared and there was only a slight breeze, so it was actually quite a delightful experience.  Took about two hours to go the 3-1/2-mile round trip.  I was surprised, but pleased, that there were no trees across the road.  However, we did discover a large patch of blood on the road more than a mile down.

Back home, I ate lunch and took a hot shower.  My, that felt good.  I really had needed the exercise of the long hike, and Jesse thoroughly enjoyed himself.  He is always up for an adventure.

Tuesday 2/6. It is 34 with clear skies and a light breeze this morning.

Thought for the day: It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error.  It is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.  Justice Robert H. Jackson

Monday, February 5, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2, 2018 An Unexpected Trip Down There

Huge snowball at hairpin

Wednesday 1/31. Another quiet winter day.  I started a book by Dean Koontz, The Watchers.  His books are really incredible.

The photos of the moon that I posted on Monday may not seem unusual, but very rarely can I capture it with my camera.  Never as bright as it was that night.

This evening we watched the special features on season six of Game of Thrones.  Fascinating!  Amazing how much work is necessary for a one or two second scene.

Thursday 2/1. It was 31 and overcast this morning.  JB keeps track of the monthly data we accumulate Up Here.  In January the girls gave us 58 eggs, which was 40 more than last January!  Our temperatures ranged from 16 to 42, and we received 21-1/4" of snow.

We left in MAX at 11:30 am to go visit Larry and Elsie, and take our birthday gift for her.  However, Miss Kitty's battery was dead.  So we drove all the way down to their place in MAX; visited for a little bit; then drove to town for a new battery.  Also picked up our mail, then packages at the UPS store where we are now renting their smallest box so we have a place to receive packages.  Also went to Albertsons for papers and a couple grocery items.

As we left for home in MAX from Larry and Elsie's around 3:00 pm, snow began falling.  Fortunately it was very light until after we arrived home.  We plan to drive down to Miss Kitty tomorrow to install her new battery.

Our high for the day was 38.

Friday 2/2. It is 34 and partly cloudy this morning with at least an inch of new snow. 

Thought for the day: Don't settle for average.  Bring your best to the moment.  Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave it all you had.  Angela Bassett