Making tracks in the new snow. |
Monday 2/26. We actually had received 2" of snow overnight, although it was a little hard to tell because of the wind.
I was on my way Down There at 9:15 am after getting JB all settled with everything he might need. No problems on the road, even with all the new snow since I had last been down. My only two stops were the post office and UPS Store. Right on time until I got back up to where our road meets the paved road. Our road is also paved for the first 100' for so, but it is fairly steep and this morning it was solid ice. I had no problems going down, but after two tries, I could not make it up.
I called Larry and he came down in their side-by-side to pick me up. By the time we got up to their place, we had decided that he would drive his big truck with the plow back down. He would try to drive my Jeep up (since I had been using low gear) and if he still could not drive it up, he would pull me up with his truck. This is how I learned NOT to use low gear when climbing up an icy road. I drove the Jeep back up to my parking spot and he followed in his truck.
I was back home a little after 12:30, which was about an hour later than I should have been. But it was a beautiful, sunny day. Perfect for a drive in the snow. Our high for the day was 39.
Tuesday 2/27. It was 26, overcast and trying to snow this morning, but the forecast was for a mostly sunny day.
We were able to get on our way in Miss Kitty by 9:15. Getting JB into Miss Kitty was a bit tricky, but he used a little stool to step up on and that worked out well. However, getting him into the Jeep was another story. Not nearly as much foot room. But at least yesterday's sun had melted a lot of the snow on the road, and all the ice on the pavement. Still, it was not a pleasant ride for JB.
At the clinic, I got a wheel chair for him; pushed him into the clinic; and got him checked in. Then I left to do some grocery shopping. Just as I was checking out at my last stop, JB called to say he was ready to go home.
They had taken xrays and discovered bone spurs from his arthritis. The doctor also thought he had an issue with his ACL - pulled? torn? So he will have an appointment at the orthopedic center next week. In the meantime, they gave him a knee brace, which helped immensely. So the ride back up was not nearly as bad as the ride down.
Larry and Elsie helped us as we transferred everything and everyone from the Jeep into Miss Kitty, and we were home a little before 2:00 pm. Whew!
I had made time for to stop for a latte, so I was buzzing with energy. Got JB into the house and settled, then unloaded everything and brought in fire wood. Even took the dogs on their afternoon walk, for which they were so thankful after being in the house so long. The sky had cleared and the sun was out by the time we had arrived in town, and it warmed up so quickly that we both had to shed our coats, although we had to put them back on when we got back up to our mail box. Our high Up Here was 37. Two perfect days for all the traveling we needed to do.
Wednesday 2/28. This last day of February is starting out with a temp of 28 and overcast skies, with more snow in the forecast for the next few days.
Thought for the day: They said it couldn't be done, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Casey Stengel
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