Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018 More Snow, More Melting & A Trip Down There

Most of the snow is gone in the grove
and by the chicken coup.

Friday 3/23. JB went back to bed soon after I got up.  I hadn't slept the night before, so he got up with the dogs and lit the fire during the night without waking me up.  What a guy!

We had another 1/2" of snow by the time it stopped falling around noon.  The sun came out and the wind whipped up, blowing all the snow off the trees.  Everything was white again. . .

I took the dogs on both the morning and afternoon walk, and by our afternoon one, most of the morning snow had melted.  

Other than chores, I spent a lot of time pricing items for the garage sale.  I will be going to Moses Lake with Mrs. Gridder on April 5 to take everything over to her folks' place where the sale will be in another month or so.  We will be staying there a night or two.  So looking forward to the trip!

Saturday 3/24. It was 24 and partly cloudy this morning.  I was on my way Down There about 9:45 am to run some errands and pick up a few groceries.  Actually, this trip was mainly to help my case of winter blahs.  And it worked!  Such a beautiful day!  Our road is still covered with snow, as is the main canyon road.  There are a few areas of dirt where the sun hits it and they tend to be frozen in the morning and muddy in the afternoon.  From Larry and Elsie's on down, it is all dirt.

The Coastal store in East Wenatchee has a petting zoo with an alpaca, small and large goats, bunnies and geese.  Oh, and hot dogs.  They were raising money for larger rabbit cages at one of the fairs.  Nothing like a group of cute animals to make one feel better.  And - Girl Scout cookies!  I bought a box of the thin mints and since they don't have gluten-free, I will have to eat them all myself.

I was home before 3:00 pm and my trip included a nice visit with Mrs. Gridder.  Our high for the day Up Here was 43, but I am sure it was much warmer in town.

Our garbage/recycle shed sure is filling up more quickly than normal.  Don't know why we would be creating more garbage than usual this winter.  We usually take it to the dump as soon as the road will allow, possibly late April.

Sunday 3/25. It was 24 with clear skies this morning.  A beautiful, but chilly day with a high of 42.  Clouds moved in early afternoon and we had a short snow flurry around 3:00 pm, but the sun shone most of the day.

I did some more pricing for the garage sale, and am almost done with that.  Now I have to print up some signs.  I am going to be selling items left over from my crafting business I had for several years before we retired.  They consist of jewelry findings, beads and lots of finished goods - handmade polymer clay jewelry and other items.  Forgot how much I had, and I really want to get rid of it all.

We watched the last three episodes of the last season of Boston Legal this evening.  Wow!  Will definitely be watching this series over and over and over.

Monday 3/26. It is 30 and overcast this morning.  Looks like it is snowing in the mountains.

Thought for the day: To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight.  ee cummings

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