Monday, June 4, 2018

June 4, 2018 A Busy Weekend & A Good Knee

A night visitor on the game cam.

Friday 6/1. Using my electric chain saw, I cut two loads of branch wood in the cradle.  Then I tilted the splitter up and used it to split two of the larger rounds.

After checking out all the bird houses, the wrens finally decided to nest under the eaves where there is a nest from last year.  I think the male is chasing other wrens away from the bird houses.  They can be very territorial.

JB did the stats from May and it looks like the girls gave us 81 eggs!  I sent two dozen home with his brother and will give a dozen to our neighbors in the yurt who plan to come up this weekend for a few days.

It was a cool day with a high of 64.  Perfect for working outside.

Saturday 6/2.  It was 54 and partly cloudy this morning.  Since JB thinks he will be able to drive to his doctor's appointment on Tuesday, I went Down There to run some errands and pick up some groceries.  Also stopped in at Larry and Elsie's shop for a long chat, then visited the Gridders on my way up the canyon.

A small thrift shop was having a 50%-off sale, so I stopped in to check it out.  Bought several DVDs for $.25 each, a couple of cow-hide pillows and a wicker basket for laundry.  Was back home by 2:00 pm.

It was getting hot in town by the time I left.  Our high Up Here was 68.

We watched The Maltese Falcon this evening.  One of the $.25 DVD's I found.

Sunday 6/3. It was 56 and mostly cloudy this morning, and completely overcast by noon.  

I cleaned and vacuumed inside, then went out to the wood cradle and cut two more loads.  I took three bag loads of small kindling from what I had cut to the wood shed and stacked it.  JB will move the rest with the tractor probably on Wednesday.

He was up and around a lot today, taking it easy but walking well.  Put some rat poison out in the shop and took a look at the propane generator's regulator so he can look on-line for directions on how to clean it out.

We spent time enjoying the day on the porch.  Our high was 72 with a nice cool breeze.

Monday 6/4. It is 42 and partly cloudy this morning.

Thought for the day: Interesting how "silent" and "listen" are spelled with the same letters.

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