One of the young grouse on the dogs' bed. |
A chipmunk checking out the birdhouse. |
Monday 7/16. Just another quiet summer day at Rose Camp trying to stay cool. Did chores and took naps.
I heard two wrens really making a racket and found two adults on the ground by a rubber boa snake. It was the largest boa I've seen, about 16'-18" long. I guess it was just getting too close to their birdhouse. It zipped under a nearby log as soon as I approached. Wrens will attack anything, regardless of size, to protect their nest.
A mama grouse and her three young ones were in the yard late this afternoon. One of the young ones was checking out the dogs' bed, but fortunately the dogs were both inside and didn't notice.
During dinner I noticed a chipmunk checking out the bird house on top of the tall stump that is one of our clothes line poles. So cute!
Our high for the day was 89 with very little breeze.
Tuesday 7/17. It was 68 and clear this morning. I was on my way Down There about 8:15 for a doctor's appointment and some grocery shopping. My appointment was for a Medicare annual check-up and turned out to be the biggest waste of time. Fortunately there was no co-pay or I really would have been pissed. It is a hands-off check-up, other than taking my blood pressure and listening to my heart, and you cannot bring up any new problems. I can just picture some young liberal in our previous President's administration making up the questionnaire. Someone who thinks everyone old enough for medicare must be senile. Won't be doing that again.
At least I got some grocery shopping done, but I am quite sure the temperature had hit 100 before I left town. It was 90 Up Here when I arrived back home about 1:30 pm.
Mama grouse and her little ones were in the yard again this evening, but Dinga saw them and rousted them out. A cool wind picked up while we were watching Grumpier Old Men. Love that movie with Jack Lemon, Walter Matthau, Ann Margret and Sophia Loren! And the first one, Grumpy Old Men.
Wednesday 7/18. It is a lovely 61 this morning and the wind is still blowing. The temperature will get down to normal through the weekend. Woo Hoo!
Thought for the day: Summer is the time when one sheds ones's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world. Ada Louise Huxtable
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