Friday, January 4, 2019

January 4, 2019 Fog & Another Warm Day

MAX's broken axle.
Jesse on the love seat.
(Note the pillow top left.)

Wednesday 1/2. As the sun rises, it often urges the valley fog to do the same.  And today was no exception.

After I fed the girls and dogs, JB announced that he was going to take a power nap on the couch.  He was soon snoring.  After a couple of failed efforts at sudoku, I went back to bed for an hour and a half.  JB has been getting up between 1:00-2:00 am to put in a fire and I have been getting up between 4:00-5:00 am to do the same. . .  Ergo, more naps.

We had finished the strawberries, so I opened a #10 can of freeze-dried diced apples for our hot cereal.  Yum!

I took down and stowed away the rest of the Christmas decorations today.  JB is working on his database of Magic cards, all 7500 of them.  Our grandson has developed an interest in Magic through a friend at his high school.  Between our son and JB, they probably have close to 15,000 cards.  Our son began collecting them when he was in high school and they first came out.  Unfortunately, when he was in college, he sold the one that is now worth $14,000!

Both walks were frigid today, especially the morning one in the pogonip (frozen fog).  We watched its ebb and flow all day until our afternoon walk when I thought for sure we were finally rid of it.  Some trees are white with rime, while ones right next to them are not.  Go figure.  Just as we returned to the house, fog began racing back in from the west slope.  When you are in the fog, the slightest air movement drops the already frigid air temperature another ten degrees at least.

We thought our high for the day was 26, but when JB checked the temperature around 9:30 pm, as he always does, it had risen to 34.

Thursday 1/3. Well, great!  Here we go again.  It is 37 with a light rain and valley fog this morning, and a winter storm warning for tomorrow.  Melt, freeze; melt, freeze.

The rain had mostly let up when we all went on the morning walk.  The paths and drive are getting soft again, just in time to freeze into ice again tomorrow.  But as they soften, the tracks spread out, so now instead of dogs, deer and humans, it looks as if we have had wolves, elk, and Big Foot Up Here.

This might be the very first year that I have not forgotten to put away one Christmas decoration!  Either that or we just haven't found it yet.

On our afternoon walk, there were ominous dark clouds in the west, but they seem to be going north instead of our way.  No, No!  We want more snow!

Our high for the day was 44.  Hardly needed a coat to go outside.  When I spoke with Elsie on the radio, she said their high was barely 32 and they had frozen rain.  I will never understand the weather in the mountains.

Friday 1/4. It is 34 with mostly cloudy skies this morning and no snow.  Looks like the storm dropped its load on the mountains.

Thought for the day: The only thing keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you can't have it.  Tony Robbins

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