A glimpse through the fog on Monday |
In writing my blog, I find it very interesting that I keep track of exactly how many wheel barrow loads of wood I cut, split and stack, as if my success is defined by that number. I suppose it is in a way. The more loads, the more quickly the wood shed is filled, and thus the more wood we will have to keep us warm through the winter. But even more than that, is how good I feel about being able to do all this at my age. Not that I am that old! But I am trying to keep up with my 85-year-old Aunt Nene. Granted, she may not do the heavy lifting that I do, but she is certainly very active. And I know I have to be more so if I want to be as spry as she is when I am that age. Plus, it simply makes me happy to be so involved with my own survival, and not just writing a check to pay for the utilities. I feel like I have really accomplished something.
Having written that about contributing to my survival, I went Down There on Tuesday to pick up the mail; order meat from the butcher; pick up a sharpened chain for my saw; buy a oval to round adapter for JB’s shop stove; buy groceries. All things for which we rely on others. At least it was much warmer than at Rose Camp as we woke up to 36 degrees with about a 25 mph wind. I kept peeling off the layers as the day wore on.
(It looks as though Blogspot may be having more problems. When I opened the draft this morning to do my tweaking before posting, everything from here down was gone! Lovely. Guess I'll just have to see how how well my memory cells are working this morning.)
I arrived home with time to unload the Jeep and still be able to cut three loads of wood - 1-1/2 for the shed and 1-1/2 for the splitter. I helped JB move the frame of the shop door around so he could get it almost finished. It is very big and unwieldly. Basically all he needs to do now is put the metal on it. Should be able to finish it today if the wind is calm and it doesn't rain. It is too big to work on inside the shop.
RJ came up for dinner. He has been able to finish the basics on his outhouse, and has been working on sealing around his tower. We hope to get down to his place on Saturday to see everything he has done and take pictures. They guys played Magic cards after dinner while the dogs and I went for our evening walk. Just as we were getting back to the house, our son called and we had a nice long chat.
The Hunter's Full Moon lit up the night and even as I write, bright clouds fill the sky, backlit by the moon. Looks almost like sunrise, but it's way too early for that. The dogs are out barking, probably at all the deer moving about.
Thought for the day: When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.
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