Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21, 2011

Unidentified bush
(Deer brush?)

Dinga and pine drops

JB finished our little trailer on Wednesday, except for shortening the wires to the lights which he did Thursday morning before we drove Down There. I finished splitting all the wood at the splitter which was only one load, but it included several large pieces of pitch wood that I sliced into small sticks. We had planned to pull up some more logs, but the day simply sneaked by and before we knew it the dogs needed dinner and so did we.

This incredible Fall weather is very invigorating, but it is hard not to take time off to just enjoy it. I guess maybe because of that we were just a little slower in our chores, but that's okay, too. I am learning to slow down a bit and do just that - enjoy.

Thursday we wanted to get an early start but somehow that didn't happen either. We finally got the trailer loaded with more than half of the garbage and made it Down There by 11:00 a.m.  We will have to make two trips this Fall since we don't have the big trailer.  We always have more garbage in the Fall because of our Summer projects and guests. We have six garbage cans in the shed into which I put the kitchen bags than contain food scraps.  The non-food garbage gets stacked in large, black yard bags.  And we recycle everything we possibly can.  After dumping the garbage (of course the cost has gone up about $5), I stopped at the grocery store then went to look at chain saws. I can get an electric one for under $100 that will probably only last two or three years, or I can get a good gas one for $400 that will most likely last as long as I need it. Of course one unscheduled event that costs money always seems to attract another one or two. So with these several unscheduled events, I may just buy the electric saw. By the time it gives out, I can probably afford the gas saw.

We picked up the mail - enough with the catalogues already! - and headed home, knowing that we would not have time to pull up more logs when we got there. Another day in which time has just slipped by. Not going to get upset about it. The drives up and down the mountain were just delicious with all the vivid colors. Every deciduous bush and tree is trying to outdo the other with their Autumn fire. Hues from light green and yellow to brilliant orange, red and gold light the mountainsides. The aspen are now a bright yellow and even the tamaracks are finally starting to turn.

JB bought fresh, local red and green peppers when he was Down There on Tuesday in order to dehydrate them. Last night he cut up the red ones and will dry them today. He will do the green ones on Saturday, then (hopefully) on Sunday we will make tomato soup from his newly ripened tomatoes and the ones Elsie gave us.

As soon as he gets the dehydrator going this morning, JB is going to use his big chain saw to cut the logs we dragged up. Then I will stack the smaller pieces in the wood shed split the larger ones. There's quite a big pile so I am hoping it will finish filling the wood shed and we can start stacking on the porch. Once we can start that, I will feel much better and not so pressured.

And, speaking of time sneaking by, we didn't make it to Oktoberfest again this year. The weather on the second two weekends wasn't very conducive to being outside. I suppose if you drank enough beer it wouldn't matter what the weather was like, but that was a long way to go just to be cold, wet and buzzed.

Though for the day (this is for you, Kim):  It is what it is.

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