Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 20, 2011

Prepping MAX to put on tracks

Snowing in the mountains

Friday was my seasonal melancholy day.  I wrapped Christmas presents and got a couple boxes ready to mail.  Melancholy because there are so many gifts I no longer need to buy.  So many family members who have passed on.  But the day and the mood passed, and I am good to go.  Good to celebrate the holidays the way they were meant to be celebrated.  Joyfully.

JB worked on MAX oiling and tightening the chains, and anything else that could be done inside the shop.  We have discovered that there is not enough room to put the tracks on in the shop as they stick out too far to drive MAX in and out the door.  So Saturday afternoon we started that job.

But Friday evening I pulled everything out from the pantry under the stairs that was sitting on the floor.  Had to get the winter supply of dog food in there  (5 - 40 lb bags), and be sure all the large cans were full with the appropriate food.  Discovered that we won't be needing white sugar any time soon, what with the 40 lbs we have.  Ooops.  One of JB's first winter projects for his shop is to make little dollys for the dog food so the bags can easily slide in and out.

It was snowing when we awoke on Saturday morning and the temperature as down to 12.  We had a leisurely morning, and by the time we headed out after lunch to work on MAX, it had warmed up to a balmy 17.  Nothing went smoothly.  Many of the lug nuts on the six wheels were extremely difficult to get off, even with JB's impact wrench.   The new grease gun was obviously designed to be put together and used by a very strong man under the age of 40.  So by the time the wheels were off and the axel bearings were greased, it was 3:30 and starting to snow again.  We should be able to get the tracks on today.  Hopefully. . .

I was right about certain people worrying about JB manually splitting the fire wood (other than Nene).  We found out that his Mom was so concerned that she had her son that she is living with chop some wood so she could see how it was done.  After that she only worried half as much.

When I first moved Up Here, I thought for sure than living at Rose Camp would help me look younger.  All the fresh air, being so active, surrounded by nature, doing things I love to do, and living where I have always wanted to live.  I certainly feel younger.  I thought it might be my own little Shangri La.  But, no.  I definitely look older than I did when I moved here.  Of course I am 3-1/2 years older, but I don't think that's the only reason.  I am sure that gravity is stronger Up Here.  So while I am getting younger on the inside, I am still getting older on the outside.  I guess that's better than the other way around.

And speaking of feeling better around nature, there is a great article in the current Outside magazine entitled, "This is your brain on nature.  How getting outside makes you smarter, happier, want to fix the planet."  That is just one of the articles on 33 people who are fighting to make our planet better.  Very inspiring.

Thought for the day:  Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.   Pietro Aretino

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