Monday, November 21, 2011

November 23, 2011

Large rabbit tracks on North ridge

Tipi in the snow, for Katie

Found those rabbit tracks in the photo on our north ridge during our walk on Monday.  Much larger than any of the others we've seen.  The back feet are about 8" long.  We never actually see the rabbits Up Here with the dogs around.  Another reason I like the snow  - we can see the prints of all the animals trekking around Up Here, even if we can't actually see the animals.

We inflated the tires on MAX Monday.  JB drove him around Rose Camp and then tightened everything up.  Good to go for Tuesday.

We watched the Kevin Costner movie, "Wyatt Earp", Monday night, but I had forgotten how long it is.  Didn't get to bed til 11:00 pm and JB had to get up at 6:00 am so he could leave by 8:00.  Monday had warmed up to the mid 20's and by Tuesday afternoon it was up to 30.  There was rain mixed with snow falling when JB left for Down There.  And during the day there were several loud avalanches off the roof.  A good start to our house's winter side burms.  There was a light rain and wind most of the night, so maybe this won't be our stay-for-the-season snow afterall.  Never can tell with La Nina.

I worked inside cleaning and trying to catch up on the filing.  Doesn't look like I did much, but I was busy most of the time.  The dogs and I went for a hike down the road early afternoon and with every step, the snow turned to slush.  Lots of deer tracks, some obviously made after JB was on the road.   Didn't see any deer, although Jesse seemed to be hot on their trail.  The dogs used to take turns guarding me on our walks, but Dinga is the one who stays with me now, ever since her hind legs were hurt. 

It took JB much longer than usual to get down the road in MAX as there was very little snow the last mile.  And even less by the time he drove back up again.  That's the problem with early winter and late spring.  We always have snow much longer Up Here than even elevations half way down the canyon.  Just as he was coming up the driveway, JB almost lost one of the tracks.  Turns out one of MAX's wheels almost came off and is at an ugly angle.  We will have to figure out what happened today.  Possibly a broken axle (we do have an extra one).  At least we have our Thanksgiving turkey (which is sitting outside in a cooler because there is no room in the refrigerator) and all the ingredients for the burbon sweet potatoes.

Thought for the day:  In wilderness is the preservation of the world.  Thoreau

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