Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2, 2011

On a clear day you can see. . .  Mt Baker

I have seen deer bounding and I am sure I have seen deer running, but I have never seen the bouncy mule deer we have Up Here (or perhaps my memory has failed me once again).  Our deer sproing or boing.  They do not run or bound.  More on the order of a kangaroo, only higher.  Perhaps it's simply a matter of semantics, but I think not.  Whatever the case, it makes me laugh.

And, boy do I need some laughs right now.  I spent most of Wednesday redesigning our Christmas card.  Finally was pleased with the results and then Thursday the "new" cartridge I had filled at Costco was giving my photos a reddish glow.  Last year I ran out of color toner with no time to go Down There for more.  Now this.  At least I have time to deal with it and will go to Costco today.  Fortunately we are in a four-to-five-day dry spell.  Cold but dry.  And clear, as you can see in the photo above. 

I still get frustrated with us being so remote, especially when things like this happen.  I have learned to look at each and every item I pick off the shelf at the grocery store to be sure it is what I want.  Often when I reach for the intended item, something else has become mixed in which is not what I want.  Waiting until I get home to discover that can really add to the frustration level.  I have also learned to describe in detail everything that I put on a list for JB to buy.  It has become apparent that what I mean when I write and what he interprets when he reads can be completely different. . .

There has been a lot of wildlife movement up here the past few weeks.  Lots of deer tracks on the south ridge and driveway.  Despite the cold, the dogs are outside for most of the day and have several forays after dark.  Dinga has earned the new nickname of Princess Barks-a-lot.  We could hear coyotes close last night so we didn't let them out so much then.  Yesterday morning when they went for their normal 5:00 a.m. run, they were gone for 40 minutes, as opposed to their normal 10 or 15.  This morning I took them out on leashes so they could do their business and go right back inside, so I could get back to bed.

I love the late Fall and early Winter mornings.  There are no pressing projects so we can just leisurely enjoy the beginning of our day.  Another great aspect of being retired.  But, surprisingly, it didn't come easily.  After so many years of rising early and jumping into our day, it was actually difficult to give ourselves permission to relax and enjoy.  Even now I often think, "I know there's something I should be doing."  Yeah - Sudoku or crossword puzzles.  By late Winter and early Spring, I am more eager to get an early start as the weather allows, so I can get back outside to clean up fallen branches and extend the area in which I prune the trees.

We are busy in the afternoons, each with our own projects.  JB has been working to organize his shop and has started on his list of winter projects.  Like a tongue-in-grove pine protector for the side of my desk that is next to the firewood.  He is also working on back of the kitchen counter extension we added this summer.  Always lots to do Up Here, only now we are the ones deciding just what that is.
Thought for the day:  Faith is not about everything turning out ok.  Faith is about being ok no matter how things turn out.

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