Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 23, 2012

Christmas in our home

We are on the downhill slide to sunshine!  The Winter Solstice was yesterday, and even though it may be awhile before we can see the effect, at least we know we there are a few more minutes of light each day.  With the waning moon, the dark nights have really accentuated how long the darkness visits each day.

And speaking of darkness, I know that many people are struggling to find joy in this holiday season, whether it be financial difficulties, illness or other dilemmas.  I was just notified that my Neighbor in Illinois has had a recurrence of her breast cancer, and it has spread.  This just after having stayed with her oldest daughter to help with her baby after her daughter had a double mastectomy.  Kim (my Neighbor) is such an incredible friend, mother and grandmother, with a wicked sense of humor.  She wouldn't tell me of her problems but fortunately one of her daughters did.  Don't mean to put on damper on the joy, but it does bring home just how fortunate we are, and how many others need our prayers. 

For us, it is just so incredible to be Up Here - even though it was just 9 degrees outside Thursday morning.  That means putting more wood in the stove more often.  Adding an extra layer when we go out.  Bringing in more firewood.  It also means appreciating the warm and cozy inside, and our indoor plumbing; our good health and ability to do these chores that need to be done.  So many, many things for which to be thankful.

The mountains and passes really got hit with a snow storm Tuesday night, but it went north and west of us.  I thought we might have to go through the entire month of December with no new snow, but now there is a storm forecast for Christmas Eve Day.  Oh, My Gawd - that's tomorrow!  Christmas always does that.  It waits and waits.  It sneaks and creeps.  Then, suddenly it's here.  And like so many special events, the anticipation is almost as delicious as the even itself.  Or not.  Just depends how patient you are.  As an adult, I am very patient, savoring each moment before and during.  As a child, not so much.  I do miss having young children around this time of year, but our son keeps us updated on our Grandchildren's excitement.  Sending us wonderful little videos from his phone.  And Elsie keeps me regaled with stories of the joy and delight of the season experienced by her three year old Grandson, Gage. 

On Monday, Elsie and Gage were Down There in one of the many decorated stores.  He spotted a Christmas tree which he excitedly pointed out to her.  Then down another aisle, he saw a wreath.  "Oh, look, Nana.  A round Christmas tree!"  From the mouths of babes.  From now on, wreaths will always be round Christmas trees.

Thought for the day:  The difference of the soul/spirit dimensions in being with children is the difference from pretty to beautiful, from cute to enchanting, from interesting to awesome, from respect to reverence.  Carol Mankiti

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