Friday, August 24, 2012

Aug 24, 2012 39 Degrees This Morning!

Clouds on Thursday

Autumn has arrived - a month early.  It is 39 out there this morning, but I'll take this crisp air over 84 any day.  Yesterday's high was 63 and was so refreshing.  A perfect day to be working outside.  Having finished all but the details inside, it was definitely time to get back outside again which I did Wednesday evening.  Started bringing fallen branches up from the neglected West slope and continued for most of the day Thursday.  Most of the pieces were small enough to break by hand or cut with my clippers, so I managed to get three wheelbarrow loads stacked in the wood shed.  Feels good to be doing this work again.

Wednesday's trip Down There was long, but successful.  I had twelve stops to make.  At least it was only in the 70's.

Since all our trees at Rose Camp are evergreens, we don't have falling leaves this time of year, but we do have falling pine needles.  And they are beginning to carpet the ground.  Will start collecting them in bags soon to use as fire starter during the winter.

Larry and Elsie came up for a visit Wednesday evening with lots of goodies - two dozen eggs, broccoli, potatoes and tomatoes.  Wow!  Free food, free delivery and great company.  Doesn't get any better than that.

Our small generator died while we were using it for saws during our construction.  The one I had been using for my electric chain saw.  Larry told me about a Stihl battery chain saw he had just read about.  Will be looking into that soon.  Probably cheaper than a new generator, and won't need any gas.

The wind really picked up late yesterday afternoon with the cold front arriving.  By the time I was done working outside, my face was covered in dust.  Felt like I almost clogged the drain washing up.

Thought for the day:  A study of economics reveals that the best time to buy anything is last year.  Marty Allen

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