Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aug 29, 2012 Quickly Cutting Firewood

Quickly cutting firewood!

RJ's new cupboards

The firewood cutting rack that JB built works great!  It took us about 15 minutes to load it and cut enough wood to fill the wheel barrow for the wood shed and make a small stack for the splitter.  So glad there are smart people out there who come up with these ideas to help all us other folk.

I drove Down There yesterday for several errands other than grocery shopping.  One of my stops was going to be the recycle place, but I forgot to load the cardboard before I left, which about says it all for the trip.  The main reason for going was to take eleven sacks of books to the book store that sells used books.  Turns out the store was closed because they are moving.  Oh well, got back early enough to go visit RJ.  He had purchased 11 old, used windows for $200 and is busy installing them, but not just as they are intended.  He is using several for cupboard doors and they look so cool.

I have renewed my acquaintence with Schnapps, thanks to the new Washington law that closed the state liquor stores and now allows any business to sell alcohol.  My favorites are Buttershots (straight) and Peppermint (for my cocoa).  Will have to get some Peach on my next trip Down There.  That is a favorite from our Rendesvousing days.  Just taking the advise of an article in the AARP magazine which suggested that one drink a day is good for you and it doesn't have to be red wine.  I only have one two or three times a week, but my very English Grandfather always had a small glass of sherry before bed every night.  JB's Grandmother had her bottle of clear liquid that always had a piece of fruit in it.  (He still doesn't know just what it was.)  And every year his Grandfather made his own dandylion wine.  They all lived into their 80's.

We will probably be cutting more firewood today and try to get the two big branchwood/small tree piles done.  We need room for the wood that JB will be bringing back from his brother's in Seattle on September 9.  He is flying over on the 7th (which is cheaper than the gas it would take to drive) and renting a truck in which to bring back the wood.  The trip was planned so he will be there for his Mother's 91st birthday.

Thought for the day:  Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.  Edward Abbey

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