Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept 12, 2012 Wenatchee Canyons Fire

Am blogging from Elsie's shop this morning.  There came a moment yesterday when I realized - I mean really knew - that there is absolutely nothing I can do about our situation except trust in the Universe.  This must be similar to what it is like to be blind.  In actuality, we never know from one moment to the next what our future holds, but now, in our situation, that has really been driven home.  And it is emotionally taxing. . .  Okay, so much for whining.  We are safe.  Our dogs are safe (although they are not too impressed with the motel room).  We have most of our valuables.  Elsie and I spend the day together trying to keep upbeat (she seems better at it than I am), and we are busy.  JB is helping Larry again today and then will go up to our place to use the weedeater around the solar panels.  I drove up last night to get some more dog food and a couple other things.  The dogs were with JB all day and had a great time exploring Larry and Elsie's place.  Jesse discovered their ponds and went right in.  Needless to say, both dogs hit their beds after dinner and didn't budge til about 7:00 this morning.  As a matter of fact, neither did we.

Three of the fires around us merged Monday night, and by noon yesterday, our canyon became a Level 3 Evacuation Level, which means "Leave Now," but if you can produce photo ID that proves you live up there, you can go in.  The fire is 0% contained, but there are many men and several bulldozers Up There, and a friend with a nearby ranch has used his dozer to create a fire line around ours and another house.  As I said, it is simply time to trust, and any prayers will be much appreciated.

We have all agreed that when this is over, we are going to have one big party.  And in twenty years we will still be talking about this experience and that party. . .

Thought for the day:  Once again - The Lord is my Shepherd.  I shall not want nor fear.   David (Cliff Notes version) 


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