And the story continues. . . Fire crews are concentrating on keeping the fires out of the three canyons around us. The Governor has declared a state of emergency, so we will be getting help from the National Guard beginning today. The problem is being able to see the fire through all the smoke. A lot of people who have to be outside are wearing different types of respirators, and the rest of the residents are just staying inside. The air quality has hit bottom.
Meanwhile I am still working at Elsie's shop and JB is spending the days with Larry and RJ who got up to his place on Monday. He is working on clearing brush and grass even further away than he already had. The dogs are thrilled to be able to spend the days on the mountain. Sounds like today will be the turning point for the fire. Either they get is somewhat controlled or it's going to be a while.
I know that everyone's Guardian Angels are working hard. Still no houses lost and no one injured. Friends of Elsie's and Larry's are constantly calling or coming in to offer help. Our friends and family are calling and e-mailing to offer support and prayers. And thank you so much to my Readers for your thoughts and prayers. It's going to be okay.
Thought for the day: Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug.
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