Huge old lilace bush down in the canyon |
Flowers in the canyon - balsam root lupine and flox |
Monday, 5/13. We actually did end up putting a fire in the wood stove after we did the dishes and I hung the laundry up inside. By then the temperature was still in the 40's with a little sprinkle of rain.
I cut/broke and stacked a wheelbarrow load of small branch wood, but my main job for the day was to read the book that JB gave to me for Mother's Day - The Twelfth of Never by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. It's the newest of the "Women's Murder Club" novels.
A short rain storm blew through at 4:00 pm, just after we got in from our afternoon walk. The rain disappeared but the wind increased. Our high for the day was only 54, but very refreshing.
Larry and Elsie drove up around 6:00 with my birthday present! They wouldn't be able to make it up on my birthday, so I got it early - a lilac bush! I had told Elsie how much I love them and wanted to get one. So cool! She also brought eggs and a fresh halibut steak from Larry's annual fishing trip to the coast this past weekend. We had a good visit, as usual. Seems both our lives are getting harried what with their son's wedding coming up and our forthcoming visit to our son.
By the time we went to bed, the temperature had dropped to 36 and as darkness fell, the wind abated.
Tuesday, 5/14. I let the dogs out at 5:30 am but Jesse still wasn't back by 6:30. JB got up so I could go back to bed, but as he went out on the porch to call Jesse, a coyote came trotting down from the south ridge. Dinga took out after it for a ways and came right back. So we both got dressed and went out to get Jesse back. JB finally found him up on the peak. No use going back to bed by then. . .
The day was a complete waste as far as getting anything done Up Here, however I had ample time to drool over the canyon's flowers on my two trips to Down There and back. I had called the opthamologist's office on Monday to make an appointment about symptoms I was having. I had just read in the AARP magazine that if you have flashing lights and a sudden increase in floaters that you should see an eye doctor immediately. Well, this had been going on for about four weeks. Didn't think much about the lights as I get ocular migraines a few times a year (no pain, just a light show). The doctor wanted me in Tuesday morning at 10:20. So I went down for my appointment, after which I splurged on a huge hamburger, fries and a milk shake. Turns out it was not a detached retina, but rather just another symptom of "as you get older". . .
So then I drove home, read the papers, took a nap and then headed back Down There for JB's MRI. He had one many years ago and almost freaked out, so the doctor had given him a "happy pill" to take an hour before his appointment. We left a little early so I could take pictures as I had forgotten to take my camera on my first trip. I ran some errands while he was at the hospital, and we got home a little before 7:00 pm. A long day.
Wednesday, 5/15. Had problems with my computer this morning, so I am late writing my blog and am using JB's computer. It is clear and still in the 30's as I write, but looks to be a beautiful day.
Thought for the day: The hills are alive with the sight of blossoms. Wild Rose
By the time
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