No photos today as I am still using JB's computer & trying to figure out the mechanics of getting access to them.
Wednesday, 5/15. Busy, busy day! Did dishes and laundry. When we sorted and re-arranged the shop, I took three large plastic containers out of there to put into the loft. Where, I have no idea. So this morning I pulled just about everything off three of the four shelves we have running across the south side of the loft to re-arrange it. It is amazing all the "stuff" I keep just because I think I have the room. I got rid of more things that we don't need. Again the question, "Do we own our possessions or do they own us?
Took breaks from this to plant the lilac bush and the two Pacific ninebark seedlings. One of the blooming red current seedlings is showing signs of life at the very bottom, so I clipped it back a bit and will leave it in the garden for a while longer. I also filled my Jeep with cardboard to recycle; cooked up more hummingbird syrup and cleaned the feeders; took lots more photos of wild flowers; and started a new book, Sacred by Dennis Lehane. He also wrote Shutter Island, and I may have found another favorite author. . .
We watched a couple more episodes of "The Closer" from the first season, then greatfully hit the sheets.
Thursday, 5/16. It was cloudy and 38 when I let the dogs out at 5:00 am. This time Jesse was back within a half hour, so it was back to bed til 7:30 when I had to get up and get ready to go Down There again. My doctor wanted a follow-up appointment with the results of bloodwork I had done a couple weeks ago. Going Down There three times in three days is not my idea of a good time. Thank heavens for the wild flowers.
I ran some errands and did some grocery shopping, and was home by 2:00 pm. It was a very pleasant day weatherwise with a few rain showers, but they were over by 10:00 am. All my bloodwork was normal, so I guess I am too. . . or not.
Dinga and Jesse must be getting used to the deer finally. A few nights ago while we were watching a movie, Dinga jumped down from her chair and started growling. We could see our little herd up on the east slope grazing, but neither of the dogs went ballistic. They just watched the deer and we didn't let them out. Then yesterday, Dinga was outside and actually watched a deer walk from north to south on the east slope and didn't bark til it got fairly close.
We watched "Looper" this evening and absolutely enjoyed it.
Friday, 5/17. My how time flies. Sixty-six years and still going strong. And now I get to open my presents this morning! I love getting presents!
Thought for the day: How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
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